How can I exercise at home to lose weight?

1, rhythmic dumbbell

Advantages: slimming demonstration of many simple and easy to learn; if there is no dumbbell, you can use a water bottle filled with water instead of, convenient and save money.

Disadvantages: If you do not pay attention to the dumbbell gesture, it is easy to hurt the wrist, be careful to use Oh.

Beauty time: 1 action to do 20 after resting for 1 minute, repeated for 3 rounds.

Slimming tips: with different slimming movements, you can sculpt the muscle lines of the whole body.

2, elastic rope

Pros: for more difficult to train the small muscle groups are very effective.

Disadvantages: less information on the demonstration of the action, it is not easy to learn just by looking at the picture.

Body time: 1 action to do 12 to 15 times, repeated for 2 rounds.

Slimming tips: do remember to slow down the action, elastic rope slowly stretch, so that the effect will be good, in addition to safer.

3, grip

Pros: does not occupy space, easy to use.

Drawbacks: no obvious slimming effect.

Beauty time: depending on the strength of the hand, from about 5 slowly and gradually increase, do not grip too much at a time.

Slimming tips: something out of the grip a couple of times.

4, twisted disk

Pros: simple than hula hoops, want to thin waist but will not shake the hula hoop more applicable.

Disadvantages: people with a poor sense of balance to think before using.

Body time: 15 to 30 minutes.

Slimming tip: Shake with as much movement as possible for better results.

5, hula hoops

Pros: for the waistline sculpture effect and fast and obvious.

Drawbacks: just started shaking the one or two days will feel the waist is very painful, do not want to insist.

Body time: more than 20 minutes or more than 500 times.

Slimming tips: with hula hoops slim waist best with sit-ups together.



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