How to learn the four basic steps in social dance?

Basic steps are as follows:

Slow four-step characteristics: men always start dancing with the left foot, and it usually dances four steps in a bar. The basic rhythm is slow, slow, fast, fast, in 4/4 time. In the slow four step we have to practice a few basic steps.

1, long stride forward (slowly fast ****4 beat)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot forward, from the heel to the palm of the foot is a stroll; right foot forward, the same is the heel to the palm of the foot stroll; fast step is the palm of the left foot is fast, the palm of the right foot is fast, the feet are placed flat. The lady's first step is right foot back, left foot back, right foot continues back, parallel step.

2, long step back (slowly and quickly ****4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step from the left foot to start dancing, the left foot backward slow; the right foot backward slow; the left foot continues to backward; the right foot and to the left foot fast fast. In this section, there is no body rotation. Ladies first step right foot forward, right heel to paw; left heel to paw; right paw; left paw.

3, forward step (slowly fast ****4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot forward slow; right foot forward slow; left foot through the right foot to the side of the fast; right foot and to the left foot fast. Ladies' first step is slow with the right foot backward; slow with the left foot backward; fast with the right foot past the left to the side; fast with the left foot and to the right foot.

4, backward step (slowly and quickly ****4 beats)

The main points of the dance: men's first step left foot backward slow; right foot backward slow; left foot next to the fast; right foot and to the left foot fast. Ladies' first step is slow with the right foot forward; slow with the left foot forward; fast with the right foot to the side; fast with the left foot and to the right foot.

5, forward left turn step (slowly and quickly ****4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot forward slow, the body began to turn to the left slow; the body continues to rotate, the right foot forward slow; the left foot forward fast; the right foot and to the left foot fast. Women's first step right foot arc backward slow; left foot continues to arc backward slow; right foot backward fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

6, backward left turn step (slowly and quickly ****4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot straight line backward slow; right foot arc next to the foot, the body to the left turn slow; left foot next to the foot; right foot and to the left foot fast. Women's first step right foot forward slow; body to the left, left foot arc forward slow; right foot to the side fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

7, forward right turn (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot forward slow; body to the right, right foot arc forward slow; left foot next to the fast, right foot and to the left foot fast. Women's first step right foot straight line backward slow; body to the right, left foot arc backward slow; right foot to the side of the fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

8, backward right turn step (slowly and quickly***4 beats)

Dance essentials: men's first step left foot arc backward slow; right foot next to the slow; left foot through the right foot forward fast; right foot and to the left foot fast. Women's first step right foot arc forward slow; the center of gravity to the right foot, the left foot to the side of the slow; right foot backward fast; left foot and to the right foot fast.

The Ten Essentials of Good Corporate Dancing:

1, elegant demeanor comes from the upright posture

2, the style of the show shows the pursuit of beauty

3, tacit cooperation is the prerequisite for the self-balance

4, leading the dance the supreme The highest skill of lead dance is to use the whole body

5. Improving music training is the way to make the dance charming

6. "Leap sense" is the fundamental way to get rid of the form of "walking dance"

7. The bridge to the perfect flow

8, the ideal lift must eliminate the ladder transition

9, tilt is a multi-functional technique means

10, the center of gravity transfer technology is "unobtrusive"