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1, Thick Eyebrows 2, Priggish 3, Long Story Short

4, Colorful 5, Losing a lot for a little 6, Two Minds in One

7, Calculated 8, Sheep in the Tiger's Mouth


1, Deceitful 2, Day by Day 3, Chicken Flying in the Eggs

4, Liver and Gallantry 5, Tiger's Head and Serpent's Tail 6, Icing on the cake

7, bold 8, dumbfounded 9, nonsense

10, a glance 11, only a hand in the sky 12, to a cow

13, not humble 14, dead 15, the sky is falling

16, pointing at a deer as a horse

Xiu Cai

1, furious 2, life hangs in the balance 3, Half the work, half the effort

4, Maoshenglun 5, the cart before the horse 6, the lights

7, grass and trees 8, dripping water through stone 9, the four great emptiness

10, create something out of nothing 11, the people fall over 12, the great talent

13, in response to the outside world 14, the bitter sweetness 15, a different way

16, boldness and carefulness 17, Poor 18, Against All Odds

19, Half a Catty 20, Ten Thousand Purples 21, Ten Thousand Minds

22, A Moment in Time 23, As Good as Dead 24, Thunderous


1, Great Difficulty 2, Hundreds of Obedience 3, Three, Six, Nine, etc.

4, Equally Divided 5, Differently Different 6, Clearly Different

7, Three Nights in the Morning

And the world's most famous and most popular city is the city of the North, which is the capital of the South.

7, the middle of the night 8, deception 9, point of view

10, a concerted effort 11, three or five groups 12, the words have something to say

13, two minds 14, draw a snake 15, repeat

16, the origin of the unknown 17, the grace of a mountain 18, as a force

19, narrowly met 20, look at the fear of the 21, Smoothly

22, Seamless 23, Turning back to the shore 24, Late at night

25, Joyful 26, Sanyangkaitai 27, East meets West

28, A shot in the arm 29, Bullying 30, At first sight

31, Nine oxen and two tigers 32, Born to die


1, Universal Celebration 2、Bi-winged 3、Cliff-to-cliff

4、Tiger-backed 5、Two-hands-empty 6、Joyfulness

7、Famous 8、Flocking 9、Long-tempered

10、Multi-farious 11、Push three times 12、Salivating

13、Frogs in the bottom of the well 14、Dizzying 15、Guns blazing

16, Nonsense 17, a trick not to understand 18, dragnet

19, over the mountains 20, sweet talk 21, dripping water into ice

22, east to west 23, virtue and talent 24, answering the question

25, kill the chicken to get the eggs 26, stealing chickens and dogs 27, inseparable

28, a drop in the bucket 29, dragonfly point 30, Redheads are not as good as they used to be

31, unbearable 32, sublime mountains 33, unique

34, righteous 35, stretched to the limit 36, new feuds

37, a dime a dozen 38, lucrative 39, walking on thin ice

40, qin, chess, calligraphy and painting


1, soaring to great heights 2, early in the morning and late in the evening 3、Weakness

4、Upside down 5、Bitter words 6、Head high

7、Bull head and horse face 8、Pouring out the country 9、Repeated

10、Thick and thin 11、Fearful 12、Opening a book

13、Ring fat and thin 14、Rampant 15、Golden chicken standing on its own

16、Failure of a single step 17, One step to the top 18, hold the fire

19, teeth and claws 20, birds of a feather 21, snakes and scorpions

22, fish in a barrel 23, the old man in the moonlight 24, a flood of water

25, kill two birds with one stone 26, a smooth ride 27, smooth sailing

28, a cut 29, four passes 30, the water falls out

31、捕风捕影 32、恨之骨 33、拍手恭快

34、逼上梁山 35、阳奉阴违 36、两面三刀

37、俯首称臣 38、无尽尽 39、三头六臂

40、待字闺中 41、日行千里 42、纸上谈兵

43、天各一方 44、無時无刻 45,

46, no one in sight 47, the four seas for the family 48, high above


1, not distinguishable 2, the seven orifices of the smoke 3, invite the king into the jar

4, the net to open up a side of the 5, the arrows 6, the great show of strength

7, scoffed at the nose 8, the face of the yellow muscle 9, the top of the Tarzan

10, the nine oxen a hair 11, the laborer 12, superfluous

13, phoenix hairs and horns 14, a big drop 15, the top of the sky

16, seven up and eight down 17, pregnant with 18, sweet and sour

19, the oath of the sea and the mountains 20, the people went away 21, thieves shouting to catch thieves

22, the sky is beyond the sky 23, full of wisdom 24, lotus root

25, adding insult to injury 26, moth to flame 27, horse's hooves

28, flesh and blood 29, imminent 30, ambiguous

31, tit for tat 32, housewife 33, eight-double talent

34, falling down a well 35, bird's-eye view 36, windy and sunny

37, knife mountain and fire 38, stupidity 39、三令五申

40、七步成诗 41、古往今 42、宽宏大量

43、力争上游 44、积少成多 45、风月无边

46、满载回 47、打草惊蛇 48、旗开得胜

49、火上浇油 50、双管齐下 51、捧腹笑

52, Flowering 53、Departure from home 54、Muddy waters

55、Unparalleled 56、Disease enters by the mouth


1、Merit and Virtue 2、Pile up 3、Half of the country

4、Ignorant of the time 5、Hand to the disease 6、Wakefulness

7、Juxtaposed with each other 8、Soldiers in front of the city 9、Long and talented

10、官官相卫 11、三言两语 12、姹紫紫嫣红

13、天方夜谭 14、正中下怀 15、粗茶淡饭

16、改朝代代 17、一五一十 18、妙笔生花

19、绝处逢生 20、青黄不接 21、人面兽心

22、博大精精精 23、口蜜腹剑 24,

25、Bullet out of food

26、Blast off 27、Forward and backward

28、Bull-ghosts and snakes 29、Many thoughts 30、Left and right

31、Painting the dragon 32、Upside down 33、Mouthing the words

34、Returning to the arrow 35、Stone-breaking 36、Deference of virtue

37、With one stroke of the sword

37、With one stroke of the sword

38、With one stroke of the sword

39、With one stroke of the sword

41 38, closed-door thinking 39, no leader

40, sighing 41, right and wrong 42, watching the fire from the other side of the river

43, dog's tail 44, scratching the itch 45, the same bed in the same dream

46, lose three 47, lying in wait for the courage of the 48, the mouth of the blood

49, a big shock 50, fall apart 51, both lose

52, open fire 53, stride 54, icy

55, five thunderbolts 56, stuffed 57, east mountain again

58, three aunts and six grandmothers 59, unfathomable 60, a mess

61, uneven 62, bundled up 63, days are like years

64, coquettishly


1、千軍万马 2、轰烈烈 3、学富五车

4、吃里扒外 5、强词夺理 6、支碎

7、貌合神离 8、衣食父母 9、狼號鬼哭

10、买椟还珠 11、掩耳盗铃 12、胆小如鼠

13、残羹冷炙 14、推心置腹 15, Sell the country for glory

16, painted as a prison 17, a golden house to hide a daughter 18, get the job done

19, walk the horse to see the flowers 20, the chicken and the dogs are restless 21, the fire

22, the heart of the big trouble 23, to throw the pen to the military 24, the fish eyes to mix the pearls

25, the monk is too much porridge less 26, the outer circle inside the square 27, the wind to make the rudder

28, open the door to see the mountains 29, beat the gong and beat the drum 30, pointing the finger

31, skin and flesh 32, half into the ground 33, eight sides of the wind

34, one after another 35, mutually 36, chicken hair

37, no pain, no gain 38, mountain high and water long 39, the water and sky

40, to set the record straight 41, the pearl of truth 42, the chicken fly

43, raised eyebrows 44, purple breath 45, colorful

46, zero for whole 47, blind men feeling the elephant 48, red in the face

49, three muttered 50, five tone 51, look around

52, wings can not fly 53, bone thin 54, joyful

55, into the wood 56, the conical place 57, strive for the top

58, gold basin washing hands 59, a drop in the ocean 60, recluse

61, the world for the public 62, the pearl 63, birdie

64, the good men and women 65, immediate results 66, the walking dead

67, life and death 68, ghostly tales 69, to drown their sorrows in wine

70, Quafu chasing the sun 71、Fallen leaves know the autumn 72、Exterior strength

University scholar

1、Turning over the mountains and seas 2、Leaking fish 3、Filling ears

4、Water and milk 5、Uploading and downloading 6、Overcrowding

7、Swallowing in one gulp 8、Thinking in one's head 9、Three subordinates and four virtues

10、Love and hate 11、No unique couple 12, Right and Wrong

13, late at night 14, wife and child 15, black and white

16, fascinating 17, throw a brick to attract jade 18, the same as the table

19, cover up the ears 20, door to door 21, a leaf blind

22, retreat 23, the man is small and big 24, beyond the words

25, four feet to the sky 26, unbeatable 27, a long sigh

28, gradually better 29, the door is like a city 30, a thief

31, inseparable 32, casting stones 33, self-explanatory

34, incredulous 35, the heart of 36, single-minded

37, dumbfounded 38, sideways 39, out of the mouth

40, condescending 41, straightforward 42, far away

43, green-faced fangs 44, hairy hands and feet 45, scattered

46, generations 47, stormy 48, will be the heart of the heart

49, a big lie 50, liver and guts 51, black and white

52, thought like a spring 53, first courtesy and then troops 54, lips dead, teeth cold

55, sitting on the mountain 56, double happiness 57, every deterioration

58, can be 59, the dog jumped over the wall 60, a wide range of people

61, breaking and entering 62, have eyes but no pearls 63, head and feet

64, willingly 65, androgynous 66, swallowed the mountains

67, Fishing for the moon in the water 68、Wishful thinking 69、Flat and stable

70、Backwater 71、Working in the wood 72、Feeding people

73、Talking 74、Finger-licking 75、Nine deaths

76、Dragon in the human 77、Five bodies 78、Melancholy

79、Dismounting and killing the donkey 80、Full of spring color

The imperial historian

1, left and right 2, point to point 3, half-push

4, unbearable 5, sounding out the west 6, life as long as South Mountain

7, traffic 8, asking for trouble 9, a big tree attracts the wind

10, killing a chicken to make an example of a monkey 11, a sad face 12, backwardness

13, love for a house and the crows 14, a hundred years of trees 15, Triple threat

16, three days around the beam 17, dark flowers 18, blind man blind horse

19, three lifetimes lucky 20, thirty, 21, Kong Rong let the pear

22, to see the wisdom 23, Chang'e run to the moon 24, a horse in the lead

25, today is not the same as in the past 26, the bulls 27, the bucket folded snake line

28, the salary of the same fire 29、願者上钩 30、天涯海角 学童

1、浓眉大眼 2、一本正经 3、长话短说

4、五色六色 5、因小失大 6、一心两用

7、历历目 8、羊入虎口


1、欺上瞒下 2、一日三秋 3、鸡飞蛋打

4, Liver and guts 5, Tiger's head, snake's tail 6, Icing on the cake

7, Bold 8, Frozen 9, Nonsense

10, A glance at 11, Only a hand in the sky 12, To the lute

13, Unsubtly 14, Deadly 15, The sky is crumbling

16, Pointing to a deer as a horse


1, The life of a man is at stake 3, twice the effort with half the effort

4, the mawkishness 5, put the cart before the horse 6, the lights are red

7, the grass is full of soldiers 8, dripping water through the stone 9, the four major

10, create something out of nothing 11, the people fall over 12, a big talent

13, the inside and outside of the joint 14, the bitter sweetness 15, a different way of thinking

16, bold and careful 17, poor and downtrodden 18, against all odds

19, half a catty 20, ten thousand purples and thousands of reds 21, ten thousand people united

22, a moment of gold 23, as if dead 24, thunder and wind


1, a great difficulty 2, a hundred obedience 3, three, six, nine, etc.

4, equal 5, different from the same work 6、Open and secret struggle

7、Midnight 8、Deception 9、Dotting the rock into gold

10、Together 11、Three to five 12、Talking

13、Three hearted 14、Painted snake 15、Repeat the same mistake

16、Come from unknown 17、Enhancement as heavy as a mountain 18、Thick as a rock

19、Narrow paths to meet 20, daunted 21, hand in hand

22, seamless 23, turn back to the shore 24, late at night

25, enjoy 26, three suns 27, east to put together

28, a shot in the arm 29, bully 30, at first sight

31, the nine oxen and two tigers 32, born to die


1、普天同庆 2、比翼双飞 3、悬崖勒马

4、虎背熊腰 5、两手空空 6、喜怒憂乐

7、名落孙山 8、蜂拥而上 9、龙腾虎跃

10、五花花 11、推三阻四 12、垂涎涎涎

13、井底之蛙 14、晕头頓转 15、枪林彈雨 < /p>

16、Nonsense 17、Not a clue 18、The net

19、Over the mountain 20、Sweet words 21、Dripping water into ice

22、East to west 23、Moral and talented 24、Answer to the question

25、Kill the chicken and take the eggs 26、Stealing the chicken and the dog 27、Shape and shadow

28、Fall apart 29, Dragonfly 30, red face

31, unbearable 32, sublime mountains 33, unique

34, righteous 35, stretched to the limit 36, new hatred

37, a dime a dozen 38, lucrative 39, walking on thin ice

40, qin, chess, calligraphy and painting


1, Flying high 2, early and late 3, weak

4, inverted black and white 5, bitter 6, head high

7, bull-headed and horse-faced 8, dumping the country in the city 9, the water is over

10, thick and thin 11, fearful of the end 12, open the volume of the benefit

13, fat and thin 14, rampant 15, the Golden Cockerel

16, a defeat 17, a step to the sky 18, holding a salary to put out a fire

19, teeth and claws 20, a bird of prey 21, a serpent's heart

22, a fish out of water 23, the moonlight old man 24, a flood of water

25, killing two birds with one stone 26, all the way to a smooth ride 27, a smooth sailing

28, a cut in two 29, a four-way street 30, Water falls on the stone

31, catch the wind 32, hate to the bone 33, clap your hands

34, forced to the Liangshan Mountain 35, Yang Fengyin 36, two sides of the knife

37, bowed down 38, endless 39, three heads and six arms

40, to be worded in the boudoir 41, a thousand miles of daily travel 42, the paper talk

43, the sky is far away 44, all the time 45, frowning

46, no one in sight 47, the four seas for the family 48, high above


1, undistinguished 2, the seven orifices of the smoke 3, invite the king to enter the jar

4, the net to open up a side of the 5, the arrows are drawn 6, the big show

7, scoffed at 8, the face of the yellow 9, the top of the Tarzan

10, a hair of the nine oxen 11, the labor of the swallow 12, superfluous

13, phoenix hair lingjiao 14, a big drop 15, the top of the sky

16, seven on the eight down 17, the body of six 18, sweet and sour

19, the oath of the sea and the mountain 20, the people go to the building 21, thieves shouting to catch the thief

22, the sky is beyond the sky 23, full of wisdom 24、藕断丝连

25、雪上加霜 26、飞蛾扑火 27、马失前蹄

28、血肉连连 29、迫即眉 30、模棱 ambiguous

31、针锋相相 32、家四壁 33、八斗之才

34、落井下石 35、鸟语香 36、风和日麗

37, Knife mountain and fire 38, stupid 39, three orders

40, seven steps into a poem 41, ancient and modern 42, magnanimity

43, strive for the upper reaches of the 44, the accumulation of fewer than 45, the wind and the moon

46, full of 47, hit the grass to scare the snake 48, the flag to win

49, fuel on the fire 50, two-pronged 51, hilarious

52, Flowering 53, Leaving Home 54, Muddy Waters

55, Unparalleled 56, Disease Comes in by the Mouth


1, Merit and Virtue 2, Pile Up 3, Half a Wall

4, Uneducated 5, Hands to the Disease 6, Wakefulness

7, Together and Together 8, Soldiers at the City's Battle 9,

10, the official official 11, two words 12, beautiful flowers

13, the sky is the limit 14, right in the heart 15, tea and rice

16, the change of dynasty 17, a fifty-fifty 18, wonderful writing

19, desperate to survive 20, the green and yellow 21, the face of the beast

22, the depth and depth 23, honey-mouthed sword 24, out of ammunition

25, cursing 26, a shocking 27, forward and backward

28, bulls and snakes 29, all the thoughts 30, left and right

31, drawing a dragon's point of view 32, upside down 33, the mouth is not true

34, return to the heart of the arrow 35, the stone breaks the sky 36, the moral

37, two for the price of one 38, behind closed doors 39, no leader

40, sighing 41, right and wrong 42, watching the fire from the other side

43, the dog's tail 44, scratching the itch 45, the same bed

46, lose three or four 47, lying down to taste the guts 48, the blood of the mouth

49, shocked 50, falling apart 51, both lose

52, open fire 53, stride 54, ice

55, five thunderbolts 56, stuffed 57, rise again

58, three aunts and six grandmothers 59, unfathomable 60, a mess

61, uneven 62, bundled up 63, a day like a year

64, The art of talking


1, thousands of troops 2, bombardment 3, learning to be rich

4, eating out 5, strong words 6, broken

7, appearance of separation 8, food and clothing 9, wolves and ghosts

10, buy a casket and return it to the pearl 11, cover up the ears and steal the bells 12, cowardice

13, scraps of food and cold food 14, put the heart 15, sell the country for glory

16, draw the ground for the prison 17, the golden house 18, get the job done

19, walk the horse 20, the chicken and dog 21, the fire

22, the heart of the big trouble 23, throw the pen to the military 24, the fish eyes mixed up the pearls

25, the monk is too much porridge is scarce 26, outside the circle inside the square 27, the wind to make the helm

28, open the door 29, beat the drum 30, finger pointing

31, skin and flesh 32, half into the ground 33, eight-sided wind

34, one after the other 35, together 36, chicken hair

37, no pain, no gain 38, the mountain is high and the water is long 39, the water and the sky are the same color

40, to set the record straight 41, the pearl is not a dark horse

40, to make things right 41, the pearl is not a good one 42、鸡飞狗跳

43、扬眉吐气 44、紫气东来 45、五光十色

46、化零为整 47、盲人摸象 48、面红耳红

49、三缄其口 50、五音不全 51、东张西看

52、插翅难飞 53、骨瘦如柴 54、喜上眉上

55, 56, a place to stand 57, striving for excellence

58, wash your hands in a pot of gold 59, a drop in the ocean 60, a recluse

61, the world for the common good 62, the beads of the world together 63, a little birdie

64, a good man and a woman 65, an immediate effect 66, a dead body

67, life and death 68, a ghostly story 69, pouring out sorrows with a glass of wine

70, Quaife chasing the sun 71, falling leaves know the autumn 72, external strength

University scholar

1, overturning the mountains and seas 2, leaky fish 3, turned a deaf ear

4, water and milk 5, uploaded 6, overcrowded

7, swallowed in one lump 8, thinking of the wrong 9, the three subordinate to the four virtues

10, love and hate 11, No unique coincidence 12, right and wrong

13, late at night 14, wife and child 15, black and white

16, fascinating 17, throw a brick to attract jade 18, the same as the table

19, cover up the ears and eyes 20, the door is the right way 21, a leaf to block the eyes

22, retreating 23, the man is small and big 24, the meaning of the words

25、四脚朝天 26、不可一世 27、长吁短叹

28、渐入佳境 29、门庭如市 30、做贼心虚

31、形影不离 32、投石问路 33、自圆其说

34、难以置信 35、心花花花 36、一心心心

37、目目瞪瞪瞪口呆 38、旁门左道 39, Out of the blue

40, condescending 41, straightforward 42, far away

43, green-faced fangs 44, hairy hands and feet 45, scattered

46, generations 47, stormy 48, will be the heart of the heart

49, a big lie 50, liver and guts 51, black and white

52, thought like a spring 53, Rituals before troops 54, Lips are dead, teeth are cold

55, Sitting on the mountain 56, Double happiness 57, Every situation

58, can be 59, dog jumping over the wall 60, sparsely populated

61, breaking and entering 62, have eyes but no pearls 63, head and feet

64, willing to bow to the wind 65, androgynous 66, swallowed the mountain

67, the moon in the water 68, the two sides of the 69, the four flat

70, backwater 71, the line of work 72, the fence

73, the mouth is no proof 74, the fingers of the 75, a life of nine deaths

76, a dragon in the human 77, the five bodies of the 78, the sadness of the joy of life

79, unloading the mill to kill the donkey 80, the garden full of spring color < /p>

The imperial historian

1, left and right 2, point to point 3, half-pushed

4, unbearable 5, sound east and west 6, longevity

7, the car 8, self-inflicted suffering 9, the tree invites the wind

10, kill the chicken to warn the monkey 11, sorrowful 12, the back of the road

13, the love of the house and the crows 14, The hundred years of trees 15, three-legged tripod

16, around the beam for three days 17, dark flowers 18, blind men and blind horses

19, three lifetimes of good fortune 20, thirty, 21, Kong Rong let the pear

22, to see the wisdom of the 23, Chang'e ran to the moon 24, a horse in the lead

25, today is not what it was in the past 26, the bulls 27, the bucket folded snake line

28、Salary 29、Wishful thinking 30、The sky is the limit