The moon does not sleep I do not sleep brother want sister also shed tears what is the song

The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep, brother wants sister also shed tears, the song is called as "the moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep".

"The moon doesn't sleep I don't sleep" is a song sung by Yumbo and Feng Xinyang, the lyrics are the moon doesn't sleep I don't sleep, brother wants sister also shed tears, you are in the south and I'm in the north, drink acacia's wine to drink not to get drunk ......

Lyrics to "The Moon Doesn't Sleep"


The moon doesn't sleep,

The moon doesn't sleep,

The sister wants to see her sister in tears,

We used to say that we'd be together for eternity,

but those vows have been nullified.


The moon doesn't sleep,

The moon doesn't sleep,

The moon doesn't sleep,

The moon doesn't sleep,

The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

You come back and forth in my heart,

The things are different, the dreams are broken,

You have become a who's who,


The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

Those who are in love don't follow each other,

One's passion is for the other,

I'm tired of thinking about you,

My heart is tired of thinking about you,


The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

The lonely heart has no one to comfort it,

Thoughts of you make you pine,

In the day after day,


The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

Sister wants to see her brother in tears,

Once we said that we would always be with each other,

But those vows have been nullified,


The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

Brothers cry when they think of their sisters,

You're in the south and I'm in the north,

Drinking the wine of lovesickness won't get you drunk,


The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

Late at night, I'm sad,

Reminiscing always breaks my heart,

We hope you'll come back on nights that we think of you,

The night when we think of you


The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

You come and go in my heart,

The things are different, the dreams are broken,

You have become a who's who,


The moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,

The people who are in love don't go together,

There is nothing left to be said about the blood of the people who love each other,

There is nothing left to be said about the people who love each other,

At least one thing is that I don't know what to say about the people who are in love with each other.

I'm so tired of thinking about you,

I don't sleep if the moon doesn't sleep,

Lonely heart has no one to comfort me,

Thoughts make people so haggard,

In the day to day cycle.