Song: Toast
Sung by: The Stars
Lyrics: Piave?
Composition: Verdi
Let's raise the cup of joy, the wine in the cup intoxicates the heart
Alziamo gli occhiali di gioia, il vino con gli occhiali è inebriante.
This joyful moment is wonderful, but sincere
Questi momenti felici sono belli, ma l'amore sincero è più prezioso.
Current happiness is not to be missed, let's drink to love
Non perdere la felicità presente, brindiamo all'amore.
Youth is like a bird that flies away and never comes back
La gioventù è come un uccello, vola via e non vola mai indietro
Look at the champagne churning in the glass, like the love in people's hearts
Guarda lo champagne che rotola nel bicchiere, come l'amore nei cuori delle persone.
Ah, let's drink a toast and another toast to love
Ah, brindiamo all'amore e poi all'amore.
In his song is full of truth, it moves me y
Le sue canzoni sono piene di veri sentimenti, che mi hanno toccato profondamente.
The most important of all in this world joy, I live for joy
La gioia più importante del mondo, io vivo per la gioia
If a good flower fades and never blooms again, youth passes away and never comes back
Se un buon fiore appassisce e non si apre mai, la giovinezza non passerà mai.
Love in the hearts of men does not last forever
L'amore nei cuori della gente non esisterà per sempre
Please don't miss the good times this evening, and raise your glasses in celebration of the joys of the night
<Buona serata, non perdetevi, alzate i bicchieri per festeggiare la gioia.
How joyful this night together has made us, and how unforgettable everything has made me linger
Quanto siamo felici di stare insieme stasera, e quanto sia indimenticabile tutto per me
Let the beautiful sunset of the East shine through the flowery windows on the revelry of the feast
Che la bella alba dell'Oriente brilli attraverso la finestra del banchetto carnevale
Happiness makes life beautiful, beautiful life wants love
La felicità rende la vita perfetta, e una vita felice richiede amore.
The world is informed by Who, the only one who knows is me.
Chi lo sa, io sono l'unico che lo sa.
How joyful this night has brought us together, and how unforgettable everything has been.
Come siamo felici insieme stasera. Tutto ci rende indimenticabili.
Let the beautiful morning sun of the East shine through the flowery windows on that ecstatic banquet
Che la bella alba dell'Oriente brilli attraverso la finestra del banchetto carnevale
< p>Ah, ahAh, ah
Expanded Information:
"Toast Is an Italian composer Verdi composed, Piave lyrics, composed in 1853, for the made opera "The Lady of the Camellias" in the first act of the cantata, the Italian opera king Pavarotti and his female companion sang the version is very infectious.
Composition background:
At that time, the actor Alfredo expressed his love for Violetta by making a toast at a banquet hosted by the heroine Violetta, who also gave a clever reply in the toast. At the end of the second verse, the two singers express their love for each other. A chorus from the last guest also added to the cozy atmosphere of the song.
The two-part sectional song runs through the entire track, with a brisk dance rhythm, bright colors and six-degree melody. It expresses the hero's desire and praise for true love and full of youthful vigor. At the same time, it depicts vivid and joyful scenes from the salon.