Pronunciation bīng tiān xuě dì
Interpretation describes ice and snow covering the sky and the earth.
Origin Chiang Shih-chuan's "The Rooster's Feather Room" (鸡毛房):"Ice sky and snow, winds like tigers, the naked and weeping have no place to stay."
Example You are here, ~ where to go? (老舍《骆驼祥子》十二)
近義 词 天寒地冻、千里冰封
反義 词 冰冰融、大地回春
语法 联合式;作定语、状语;形容严冬季节到处是冰雪的景象
1. a world of ice and snow; a frozen and snow-covered land
2. to be all covered with ice and snow
I'm the first one, please pick me