After 70 years of sister is also not too favorite tight category, on the one hand, will be exposed to the body defects, on the other hand, there is a sense of constraint.
Broad-legged pants + bottoms + tweedDouble-faced cashmere suit version of the coat version of simple and traditional, wear three or five years will never go out of fashion, get rid of the traditional modeling design of western-style clothing, cold and warm fashion trend is also good to ride with long-sleeved dresses, jeans are very beautiful, this group of demonstration of picking a sweater to do the inner lap, the lower assembly equipped with a loose version of the jeans, casual entertainment in the Bring layers, very layered.
Cotton coat + wide-legged pantsLong version of the version coupled with the design of the hooded program, with a refreshing age-reducing arts and crafts model retro style, inside wear a striped sweater inside take is very good, underwear pick a more loose version of the denim wide-legged pants, cold warmth high together with the ability to block everyone's body defects, a demonstrative group of entry and exit which places can be impressive.
Wool sweater + half skirtPure color wool sweater is a kind of not pick body type and age category, as long as the hair does not rise, wear 3-5 years will never be out of fashion, and its breathability is recognized by many sisters, which is also one of the factors that wool sweater is loved by everyone.
Short top coat + long bottomThat is, the horizontal wireframe shows the "top wide and bottom wide", then we will work on the vertical wireframe that is the length of the clothes pants. "Up and down long" matching suitable for large, fearless visual effect above the small is how much tall beauty MM, but for the general body or small girl beauty girl, Pick short top jacket + long underwear is considered the best plan program, that style composition can efficiently improve the body curve, the body proportion is changed to a shorter under the long, visual effect above the short under! The visual effect of the above show high and clear, completely not easy to show small.
Big Shoulder WideBefore this, the beautiful slinky shoulder and narrow shoulder has been much loved by the Chinese people. However, due to the diversification of aesthetic concepts, the broad shoulders that have been neglected before have gradually and slowly come on the fashion stage.
In recent years, the very popular right-angled shoulder, a word shoulder are all belong to the big shoulder width. The big shoulder broad temperament is full, and not lack of woman temperament, completely is walking clothes rack. 2022 big shoulder broad wear in the end how beautiful, and then look down to know ~