I give you a table, you compare yourself.
The signs of the zodiac are divided according to the date of the solar calendar (Gregorian calendar, Gregorian calendar) year, month and day at the time of birth, and then every year is the same.
Zodiac Sign Birth Date Type
Aries 03/21-04/19 Passionate and Cheerful Lover
Taurus 04/20-05/20 Spirited Lover
Gemini 05/21-06/20 Fickle Lover
Cancer 06/21-07/22 Homebody Lover
Leo 07/23-08/22 Confident Lover
Virgo 08/23-09/22 Demanding Perfection Lover
Libra 09/23-10/22 If you're not sure what to expect
Scorpio 10/23-11/21 Love and Hate Lover
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 Cool Freedom-loving Lover
Capricorn 12/22-01/19 Workaholic Lover
Aquarius 01/20-02/18 Platonic Lover
Pisces 02/19-03/20 Tender Romantic Lover