A song similar to Hatsune Miku's ray.

ray is by kazuP, so you like electro-pop or rock, right? kazu's work also includes Innocence, Awakening!

Hachioji P is also electro, search Baidu wiki and there's a ton of them.

Giga also has a lot of electro-vibes, and he's good at remixes, with hits like Mirror Sound Len's version of ponponpon, テトロドトキサイザ2号, Masked bitcH, Giga Tee O.T.N., Skekirai, Mirror Sound Len's format.

samfree is a strong rhythmic square dance song style, also a bunch of searches.

KZ has some that are also considered electro such as yellow, package.

Easypop is also an electro-wave style, ハッピーシンセサイザ, Girls


Satsuki ga てんこもり's cyber game wasteland is very famous.
