Confucius was named Zhongni. From the word "Zhong", we can see that he ranked second among the brothers. However, if the sisters are also combined, the order will be Meng, Zhong, Shu, and Ji. Among brothers, Among the sisters, the eldest (eldest brother or sister) is called "Meng". Therefore, Confucius was the second eldest son in the family, and his given name was Zhongni, but his elder brother's given name was "Mengpi" instead of "Bopi"). When Confucius was three years old, his uncle Liang He died of illness. After that, Confucius' family was very poor. Because we were in troubled times, there was no room for the benevolent government advocated by Confucius to be implemented. However, during the three months of governing the state of Lu, the powerful state of Qi also feared Confucius' talents, which shows that Confucius is worthy of the title of an outstanding statesman. Political dissatisfaction caused Confucius to devote a large part of his energy to education. Confucius once served as a military commander in the State of Lu, and later traveled around the country with his disciples. Finally, he returned to the State of Lu and concentrated on teaching. Confucius broke the educational monopoly and pioneered private education. He had as many as 3,000 disciples, including 72 sages, known as the famous Seventy-two Sages. Many of the seventy-two people are high-ranking officials from various countries. It also continued the glory of Confucianism.
Confucius had a profound influence on later generations. Although he "stated but did not compose", he was already known as "the sage of heaven", "the wooden duo of heaven" and "the eternal saint" during his lifetime. One of the most learned men in society. Later generations also respected him as the "Holy Saint" (the saint among saints) and "the teacher of all generations". They believed that he had revised "Poems" and "Books", set "Rites" and "Music", and prefaced the "Book of Changes" (called the "Book of Changes"). "Ten Wings, or Yi Zhuan"), wrote "Spring and Autumn". The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of the Confucian school, compiled by Confucius's disciples and his disciples. It is mainly composed of quotations and dialogues, recording the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and embodies Confucius' political opinions, ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles. Together with "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean" and "Mencius", it is also known as the "Four Books". The current edition of "The Analects" contains twenty chapters. The language of "The Analects" is concise and concise, and its meaning is profound. Many of its remarks are still regarded as the truth by the world today. American poet and philosopher Emerson believed that "Confucius is the glory of all nations in the world." In 1988, 75 Nobel Prize winners gathered in Paris. After the meeting, they issued a joint declaration, calling on the world that "if humans want to survive in the 21st century, they must look back 2,500 years ago and learn wisdom from Confucius."
Edit this section of political career
Confucius was extremely smart and eager to learn when he was young. When he was twenty years old, he was already very knowledgeable and was praised by people at the time as "erudite and good at etiquette". At the same time, little-known is that Confucius inherited the bravery of his father, uncle Liang He, and was nine feet six inches tall, which is 221.76 centimeters based on the Western Han Dynasty ruler of 23.1 centimeters. With extraordinary arm strength, he was far from the image of a weak scholar as some people in later generations thought. Moreover, Confucius had an extraordinary capacity for drinking and was said to have never been drunk. But Confucius never took pride in his martial prowess or his ability to drink. Confucius wanted to pursue an official career since he was in his 20s, so he paid great attention to world affairs. He often thought about many issues in governing the country and often expressed some opinions. By the time he was 30, he was already somewhat famous. In the 20th year of Duke Zhao of Lu, Duke Jin of Qi summoned Confucius when he visited Lu and discussed with him the issue of Duke Mu of Qin's dominance. Confucius got to know Duke Jin of Qi. In the 25th year of Duke Zhao of Lu, civil strife broke out in the State of Lu. Duke Zhao of Lu was forced to flee to the State of Qi. Confucius also left the State of Lu. When he arrived in the State of Qi, he was appreciated and treated favorably by Duke Jin of Qi. He even prepared to grant Confucius the fields in the Nixi area, but He was stopped by doctor Yan Ying. In the 27th year of Lu Zhaogong's reign, the officials of Qi wanted to harm Confucius. Confucius heard about it and asked Qi Jinggong for help. Qi Jinggong said, "I am old and can't be used." Confucius had to flee back to Lu in panic. In the State of Lu at that time, the political power was actually in the hands of the officials' retainers, who were called "accompanying ministers in charge of state affairs." Therefore, although Confucius had two opportunities to enter politics, he gave up until the 9th year of Lu Dinggong was appointed as the Prime Minister of the Central Capital. , Confucius was 51 years old at this time. Confucius governed Zhongdu for one year and made outstanding achievements. He was promoted to the rank of Little Sikong, and soon he was promoted to the rank of Great Sikou, taking charge of the affairs of the Prime Minister.
In the 12th year of Duke Dinggong of Lu, Confucius tried to weaken the Three Huan (the Jisun family, the Shusun family, and the Mengsun family). Because they were descendants of Lu Huangong's three sons, they were called Sanhuan. At that time, the power of the Lu state was actually controlled. In their hands (and some of Sanhuan's retainers controlled Sanhuan to varying degrees), they took measures to destroy the three capitals (that is, demolishing the castles built by Sanhuan). Later, the action of falling into Sandu was abandoned halfway, and the conflict between Confucius and Sanhuan was also exposed. In the 13th year of Duke Dinggong of Lu, the State of Qi sent 80 beauties to the State of Lu. The Ji Sun family accepted the female musicians. The monarchs and ministers were obsessed with singing and dancing and ignored government affairs for many days. Confucius was very disappointed. Soon, the State of Lu held a suburban sacrifice. After the sacrifice, they were sent as usual. The meat sacrifices were not given to Confucius when they were given to the officials, which showed that the Ji family did not want to use him anymore. Confucius left the state of Lu as a last resort, went to foreign countries to find a way out, and began a journey around the countries. In this year, Confucius 56 years old. Confucius took his disciples to Wei State first. Wei Linggong began to respect Confucius very much. He gave Confucius a salary of 60,000 yuan according to the salary standard of Lu State, but did not give him any official position or let him participate in political affairs. Confucius lived in Weiguo for about 10 months. Because someone slandered him in front of Wei Linggong, Weilinggong became suspicious of Confucius and sent people to openly monitor Confucius' actions. So Confucius took his disciples to leave Weiguo and planned to go to Chenguo. . When passing through Kuangcheng, he was besieged for 5 days due to a misunderstanding. He fled Kuangcheng and arrived at Pudi, where he encountered a rebellion by the aristocrat Gongshu of the Wei Kingdom and was besieged again. After escaping, Confucius returned to Wei State. Wei Linggong was very happy to hear that Confucius' master and apprentice had returned from Pudi, and went out of the city to greet him personally. After that, Confucius left Weiguo several times and returned to Weiguo several times. On the one hand, this was because Wei Linggong was good and bad to Confucius. On the other hand, Confucius had no place to go after leaving Weiguo, so he had to return. In the 2nd year of Duke Ai of Lu (Confucius was 59 years old), Confucius left Wei and went to Chen through Cao, Song and Zheng. He lived in Chen for three years. Wu attacked Chen and the war was in chaos. Confucius took his disciples away. People in Chu heard about Confucius. When they arrived at the junction of Chen and Cai, they sent someone to meet Confucius. The officials of Chen and Cai knew that Confucius had objections to what they were doing, and were afraid that Confucius would be re-employed in Chu, which would be detrimental to them, so they sent laborers to surround Confucius's master and disciples in the middle of the road, without any access to the village. After leaving the store, he ate all the food he had brought and was without food for 7 days. Finally, Zigong found the Chu people. Chu sent troops to meet Confucius, and Confucius' master and disciples were saved from death. When Confucius was 64 years old, he returned to the Kingdom of Wei. When he was 68 years old, with the efforts of his disciple Ran Qiu, he was welcomed back to the Kingdom of Lu, but he was still respected and not used. In the 16th year of Duke Ai of Lu, Confucius was 73 years old. He fell ill and died without recovery.
He who is so angry that he forgets to eat, and who is so happy that he forgets his worries
When he was 62 years old, Confucius once described himself like this: "He is a man who is so angry that he forgets to eat, and he is so happy that he forgets his worries. He does not know how old a general is. "At that time, Confucius had led his disciples to travel around the country for nine years. They had gone through many hardships and not only failed to get the appointment of the princes, but also almost died. However, Confucius was not discouraged, remained optimistic, and persisted in his ideals, even when he knew it was impossible. Do it for the sake of it.
Being poor and happy
Confucius was upright by nature, and he advocated a straight path. This is related to Confucius' theory of benevolence and etiquette. In terms of the strategy of governing the country, he advocated "governing with virtue" , Governing the country with morality and etiquette is the noblest way to govern the country. This kind of governance strategy is also called "Government by virtue" or "Government by etiquette". This strategy of extending virtues and etiquette to the people has actually broken the traditional belief that etiquette should not be extended to the common people, and has broken an important original boundary between the nobility and the common people. Confucius' theory of benevolence embodies the spirit of humanity, while Confucius' theory of etiquette embodies the spirit of etiquette, that is, order and system in the modern sense. Humanism is an eternal theme of mankind and is applicable to any society, any era, and any government. An orderly and institutional society is the basic requirement for the establishment of a human civilized society. Confucius’s spirit of humanism and order is the essence of ancient Chinese social and political thought.
As if to provide an example of "Confucianism is a good medicine for today's society", in the mid-to-late 20th century, countries such as Singapore, South Korea, and Japan, which were influenced by the Confucian cultural circle, developed rapidly and became emerging industrialized countries. nation. The success of these countries has aroused widespread concern among scholars. One important aspect is the relationship between Confucian culture and economic development.
To this end, during the group discussion, the Confucian practice carried out in Singapore in the 1980s and 1990s became an important topic, especially in terms of resisting Western individualism and emphasizing social awareness, hard work, tolerance, frugality, etc. as a guide for modern society. A new approach is affirmed.
Du Weiming, one of the most famous contemporary Confucian scholars, once pointed out that compared with South Korea, Singapore and even Taiwan, China, there is still a gap in maintaining the Confucian tradition in mainland China. Many scholars believe that with the Chinese public's desire for traditional culture, the popularity of Confucianism in China and its spread around the world should become an important topic in current Confucian research. Wang Junlin of Shandong University believes that if Confucianism only stays in the small circle of Confucian scholars, it is usually regarded as an idea and a theory, and it is difficult to say that it is a culture. Only when Confucianism goes out of the small circle of Confucians, enters society, penetrates deeply into the public, becomes something that people like to hear and see, promotes etiquette and standardizes people's behavior, and advocates benevolence and righteousness to change social atmosphere, will Confucian culture be born from Confucianism. Macau scholars also proposed that reading "Confucius for one minute" every day should be promoted in primary and secondary schools. On September 28, the delegates went to Qufu Confucius Temple to participate in the Confucius Memorial Ceremony. Therefore, some representatives discussed the Confucius Memorial Ceremony around the world. Kong Xianglin of the Confucius Institute pointed out that Confucius temples are located all over China, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, etc. In ancient China, there were also Confucian temples from the national to local governments at all levels. Confucian temples had three important social functions: advocating virtue, newspaper, and enlightenment. Through the Confucius Temple, the government educates its subjects to learn Confucianism, promote virtue and justice, sharpen ethics, and strengthen moral cultivation. This type of cultural facilities plays a very important role in the spread of a cultural spirit and should be given sufficient attention and protection in today's society. Professor Zhao Rongguang of Zhejiang Gongshang University inspected and compared the memorial ceremonies at Confucius Temples in Qufu, Taipei, China, and Sungkyunkwan, South Korea. He believed that the memorial ceremonies at Confucius Temples should reproduce the original appearance of history in accordance with museum principles, and strengthen relevant systems, etiquette, music and dance, costumes, utensils, and sacrifices. products and a series of specific matters. According to 551 BC (the 22nd year of Lu Xianggong), Confucius was born in Changping Township, Zouyi, Lu State (now southeast of Qufu City, Shandong Province). Because his parents once prayed to Niqiu Mountain for the birth of a son, he was named Qiu and given the courtesy name Zhongni. When Confucius was three years old, his uncle Liang He died, and Confucius, mother and son were not tolerated by the Shi family (his wife). Confucius' mother Yan Zhengzai had to move to Qufu with Confucius and Meng Pi, and life was difficult. When Confucius was 17 years old, his mother Yan Zheng died, and he spent three years in mourning. When Confucius was nineteen years old, he married Ji Guan, a native of the Song Dynasty. A year later, Ji Guan gave birth to a son. Duke Zhao of Lu sent someone to send a carp to express his congratulations. Confucius felt very honored, so he named his son Li, with the courtesy name Boyu. In the tenth year of Duke Ai of Lu (485 BC), Confucius's wife Ji Guanshi passed away. According to records in "Confucius' Family Sayings" and "Historical Records", Confucius worked as a "commissioner" (a minor official in charge of warehouses) and a "chengtian" (a minor official in charge of pastures) in his youth. He was able to accomplish all tasks, no matter how big or small. Almost perfect. Due to his extraordinary ability and knowledge, Confucius was quickly promoted. When Confucius was fifty-one years old, he was appointed Zhongdu Zai (equivalent to the current mayor, in Wenshang County, Jining City today), and his political achievements were very significant. A year later, he was promoted to Sikong (equivalent to the current Minister of Construction). Later, he was promoted to the rank of Chief Secretary (equivalent to today's Minister of Public Security and Minister of Inspection, who concurrently serves as President of the Supreme People's Court); at the age of fifty-six, he was promoted to Acting Prime Minister, also in charge of foreign affairs (because Confucius was promoted too quickly, which was not in line with the times). Official promotion standards, so he is acting prime minister). When Confucius was in power, he immediately killed the treacherous minister Shaozhengmao who was disrupting political affairs, and enforced strict laws and discipline, which made him famous for a while. From this, we can see that Confucius was not a pedantic scholar as some people thought in later generations, but a daredevil. But Feng He is not a great husband. Confucius took office for only three months. Lu's domestic and foreign affairs and other aspects have improved greatly. The country's strength has greatly increased. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone abides by etiquette and law. The social order is very good (it is said in history books that "the road is not picked up, and the house is not closed at night"). People and unruly people fled one after another; at the same time, Confucius also used diplomatic means to force Qi to return to Lu a large territory that it invaded during the war.
In the 12th year of Duke Dinggong of Lu, Confucius tried to weaken the three Huan families (the Jisun family, the Shusun family, and the Mengsun family), so they were called Sanhuan because they were the three grandsons of Duke Huan of Lu. The political power of the Lu state at that time was actually in their hands. , and some retainers of Sanhuan controlled Sanhuan to varying degrees) and took measures to destroy the three capitals (that is, demolishing the castles built by Sanhuan). Confucius's political ideals could not be implemented at that time, but Confucius' greatness lay in "knowing that it was not feasible and doing it". He placed his political ideals on future generations. Confucius therefore stopped direct political activities after returning to the state of Lu. On the one hand, he continued to organize cultural classics and revise the Six Classics; on the other hand, he recruited many disciples and carried out cultural and educational undertakings on a large scale. It is said that he taught more than 3,000 disciples, among whom were those who were proficient in the six arts. 72 people. In his later years, Confucius's most proud disciple Yan Hui unfortunately passed away early. His favorite disciple Zi Lu died in the civil war in Wei, and his son Kong Li also died young. Confucius was "incompetent" and under this series of blows. The author speculates that Confucius's health Suffering great damage, Confucius passed away at the age of 73 (72 years old) on the 11th day of the second lunar month in 479 BC.
Genealogy of Confucius
Zhong Yuan, 542 BC to 480 BC, courtesy name Zilu, was born in Bian, Lu State (now Bianqiao Village, Quanlin Town, Sishui County, Shandong Province). He was a favorite disciple of Confucius. Known for political affairs. He is upright and reckless, brave and filial to family members. In addition to studying poetry and etiquette, he also drove Confucius' carriage and served as a bodyguard. He traveled around the world with Confucius and was highly regarded. Confucius praised him and said: "Zilu is very brave. I am happy to hear about it." When Confucius was appointed as the Sikou of the State of Lu, he served as the Prime Minister of the Jisun family, and later as the Prime Minister of the great minister Kong Li. In the first year of Wei Zhuang (480 BC), Kong Li's mother Bo Ji and others conspired to make Kuai Chi (Bo Ji's younger brother) king, and forced Kong Li to kill the guards and go to public service. He fled after hearing the news. After Zilu heard the news outside, he went to the city to see Kuai Chi. Kuai Chi ordered Shi Qi to shoot down Zilu's crown tassel with a sword. Zilu's eyes were split open, and he sternly shouted: "When a gentleman dies, his crown is inevitable." He resolutely tied up his hat tassel and died calmly. Duanmu Ci, 520 BC - 456 BC, given by Zigong, surnamed Duanmu, given name Ci, was a native of Wei (now Junxian County, Henan Province). He served as the prime minister of Lu and Wei, and was the most promising among the seventy-two sages of Confucius. Those who are outstanding in linguistics should also be listed. Zigong was a great diplomat and businessman in the Spring and Autumn Period, and was regarded as the "originator of Confucian businessmen" by later generations. Confucius once called it "the weapon of Hulian". He is eloquent, good at eloquence, capable and knowledgeable. He was also good at doing business. He once did business between Cao and Lu and became rich. He is the richest among Confucius' disciples. Sima Qian's "Historical Records: Biographies of Zhongni's Disciples" devoted the most ink to the character Zigong, and his biography was the longest among the disciples of Confucius in terms of length. This phenomenon shows that in Sima Qian's eyes, Zigong is a very unusual figure. If we follow Sima Qian's idea and carefully read "The Analects" and other books, we can see that Zigong is an extraordinary character. His great influence and role are unmatched by any disciple of Confucius: he has excellent academic performance, rich cultural accomplishment, outstanding political and diplomatic talents, and superb financial and business management abilities. "Historical Records: The Family of Confucius": Confucius was nine feet long and six inches long (more than 1.9 meters today, specifically 196.8cm). Everyone called him a "long man".
Edit this paragraph of famous sayings from ancient times
Being rich and noble through unrighteousness is like a floating cloud to me. It is not enough for a scholar to aspire to the Tao, but to be ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat bad food. If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up. When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and choose the bad ones and change them. To know is to know, and to not know is to know. This is knowledge. He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. The descendants will not seek Xia, the barbarians will not invade China, the captives will not join the alliance, and the troops will not be forced. Be cautious in the end, chase far away, and the people's morality will be strong.
Edit this paragraph Confucius’ diet
Confucius attached great importance to dietary issues. His view on food is complete and self-contained, involving food principles, food etiquette, cooking techniques, etc., and has expanded the thinking space for my country's ancient food theory. The following is Confucius's classic discussion on diet: You will never tire of fine food, and you will never tire of fine food. The fish will be exhausted and the meat will be rotten, so they will not eat. Don’t eat if the color is bad, and don’t eat if the smell is bad. Not eating without cooking, not eating from time to time. If the cut is not correct, it will not be eaten. If you don't get the sauce, you won't eat it. Although there is a lot of meat, it does not make Shengshi Qi. Only unlimited wine is not as good as chaos.
Edit this paragraph Confucius Institute
Confucius Institute at the University of Edinburgh, UK
The Confucius Institute is based on the experience of relevant foreign institutions in promoting the national language. A non-profit public welfare organization established with the purpose of teaching Chinese and spreading Chinese culture. It adheres to Confucius' concepts of "harmony is precious" and "harmony without uniformity", promotes the exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures, and aims to build a harmonious world of lasting peace, common prosperity and prosperity. Since the world's first Confucius Institute was established in South Korea in November 2004, as of December 2009, 583 Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms have been established in 87 countries around the world, becoming a global brand and platform for spreading Chinese culture and promoting Chinese teaching. . The target is to reach 1,000 in 2012.
Edit this paragraph's personal influence
In the Spring and Autumn Period when Confucius lived, the political system based on blood clans in Western Zhou society collapsed, and the "Zhuxia" ethnic group based on cultural identity* **The same body is forming. This was the era when the cultural consciousness of the Chinese people first emerged. Classics became fashionable, and some people began to think about issues such as the way of heaven, life, and world order. The cultural education originally monopolized by the aristocracy was gradually flowing into the people. Confucius was the representative figure and master of the spirit of this era, and he was the first of all the schools of thought in the Warring States Period. The Analects of Confucius is the main work to understand his thoughts.
Edit the book of the same name in this section
Book title: Confucius Author: Ji Zhongming Publisher: Minzu University of China Press Publication date: 1998 ISBN: 9787810561167 Volume: 16 Full book price: 498.00 yuan Content introduction "Confucius" is a set of large-scale books that comprehensively, three-dimensionally and systematically reflects Confucius's life, thoughts and doctrines, the continuation of his doctrines, the collection of essays and the influence and specific application of his doctrines. "Confucius" is divided into six parts: Part One: "The Sun in the East - The Complete Biography of Confucius", which systematically introduces the life of Confucius. It divides the life of Confucius into several short stories in chronological order from his birth to his death. Part Two: "The Great Wall of Thought—Confucius' Theory" systematically summarizes Confucius's philosophy, politics, education and economic thoughts. The third part: "Walking with Great Men - Confucian Revelations", obtains enlightenment on social life from the essence of ancient sayings: providing winning strategies for political struggles, winning secrets for production and management, and the best methods for social interactions... Part Four: "The Legacy of Wisdom - Confucian Inheritance" describes in detail the inheritance, development and evolution of Confucianism over the past 2,500 years from the late Spring and Autumn Period to the present. Part Five: "The Classics of the East - The Complete Works of Confucius", which collects the "Five Classics" and the "Four Books". Part Six: "Ideal Management—Modern Confucian Management Thought and Application" specifically applies Confucian thought to modern management. Integrate Confucianism with modern management. Confucianism respects "propriety" and advocates "loyalty" and "faithfulness".
Edit this cartoon of the same name
Producer Liang Guodian Liu Changyun Chief Director Zhao Xiande Chief Screenwriter Cao Xiaohui Screenwriter Li Feng Ye Zhaoji Executive Screenwriter Li Feng Executive Director Li Hang Dubbing Director Liu Chunyan Editing Fu Guohang Music Director Wang Lianyun Li Yawei Academic Advisor Fu Peirong Wang Junlin Liu Hui Literary Advisor Zhang Wei Artistic Director Dai Dunbang Editor-in-Chief Review Liang Guodian Supervisor System Liu Changyun Chief Planner Li Qun General Advisor Ji Xianlin Han Xikai Fan Zeng Producer Organization China Confucius Foundation Shandong Radio and Television Station Chongde Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. Phoenix Star Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. co-produced Orion Food Co., Ltd. First aired in September 2009, a CCTV set of "Animation City" Basic Information The cartoon "Confucius" tells the inspirational story of Confucius who grew from a poor boy to a teacher for all generations. It depicts Confucius' three life stages: boyhood, youth, middle-aged and old age.
The 100-episode animated film "Confucius" invested nearly 50 million yuan and employed a strong behind-the-scenes creative team. Ji Xianlin, a master of traditional Chinese culture, served as the general consultant of the cartoon and wrote the title himself. The first half of the script was mainly written by Zhang Yimou's "gold medal screenwriter" Li Feng, and the second half was written by the famous writer Ye Zhaoyan. Finally, Zhang Wei, chairman of the Shandong Provincial Writers Association, coordinated the entire draft and filled in the theme song of the cartoon "I Am Yours". Fragrance" and "Forever Memory". CCTV host Liu Chunyan served as the dubbing director of the cartoon, and also dubbed Confucius's "confidante" Orchid in the film. Kong Xiangdong, a descendant of Confucius and a famous musician, composed the music for the cartoon, and Chinese painter Fan Zeng also gave a lot of guidance on the character design of the cartoon. The art production team of the cartoon "Confucius" is also quite strong. Zhao Xiande said that the crew specially invited Mr. Dai Dunbang, a master of character painting, to serve as a design consultant, and also assembled a group of senior animation designers. In the final analysis, this powerful appeal comes from the unfading charm of Chinese culture that has been passed down for thousands of years. The combination of popular cartoons and popular love activities allows young audiences to experience firsthand that the spirit of "benevolence" is not just something that is enshrined. Classic ancient teachings are also principles that can be practiced in life. Chinese traditional culture education for young children can also draw nourishment from the huge effect of the cartoon "Confucius", so that Chinese traditional culture knowledge can be conveyed to teenagers more effectively. Chow Yun-fat - Confucius
Edit this section of the movie of the same name
·Title: Confucius·Type: Drama·Region: Mainland China·Language: Mandarin·Director: Hu Mei·Starring: Chow Yun-fat— - Confucius Chen Jianbin - Ji Hengzi Zhou Xun - Nanzi Yao Lu - Lu Dinggong Ma Jingwu - Qi Jinggong Bi Yanjun - Wei Linggong Wang Huichun - Qi doctor Li Ji Xu Huanshan - Laozi Lu Yi - Ji Sunfei Renquan - Yan Back to the poster of "Confucius"
Wang Ban - Meng Sunhe Ji Zhang Kaili - Qi Guanshi Qiao Zhenyu - Kong Li Li Huan - Crown Prince Wei Guo Li Xinru - Colorful Tan Haolin - Children · Release time: January 22, 2010 · Duration: 2 hours · Producer: Han Sanping, Liu Rongcen Jianxun · Producer: Cui Baozhu · Screenwriter: Chen Hanjiang Qitao He Yanjiang · Director of photography: Bao Dexi · Styling designer: Xi Zhongwen · Composer: Su Cong Theme song: You Lan Cao (sung by Faye Wong) Ending song: You Lan Cao Singer: Faye Wong · Producer: China Film Group Corporation Dadi Times Culture Communication (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Dadi Entertainment Co., Ltd. Plot introduction: In the sixth century BC, it has stood for hundreds of years. The Zhou dynasty was already in jeopardy, and each vassal state was divided into one party and fought against each other in order to achieve hegemony. This is a majestic era in Chinese history, a glorious and splendid era. In this era, there were wars, heroes, ideas, and writings. Chinese history is called the "Spring and Autumn" era. Confucius's name was Qiu and his courtesy name was Zhongni. He was born in a declining aristocratic family of the Lu State, a small vassal state at that time. He was worried about the chaotic situation of society and hoped to influence the historical process of the Spring and Autumn Kingdoms with his thoughts and wisdom that transcended the times. However, just like the early experiences of other sages in history, Confucius' era had not yet arrived. Although he once served as an official in the State of Lu and brought dignity and strong hope to the State of Lu with his bravery and wisdom, in the end his political ideas were shattered before reality. Later, Confucius led his disciples to travel among various countries for fourteen years for his ideal, spreading his ideas and wanting to fight against the entire era, but it was a pity that the world was so tyrannical that his ideas were not tolerated. He was besieged by rebels several times and found himself in desperate situations. He was also involved in the whirlpool of political conspiracies, and was even misunderstood by the world... In his later years, he returned to his homeland, the State of Lu. He returned home without hiding, and worked tirelessly to educate his disciples. Everyone and carried out documentation work. Confucius died in frustration, and his passion for serving the country was in vain. However, the collapse of etiquette and the collapse of music eventually led to the creation of a teacher for all generations! After his death, his words, deeds and thoughts were finally recognized and respected by later generations, becoming an important source of the Chinese national spirit, and he was honored as the "Dacheng Holy Master".
Movie Highlights: In the trailer, Kong Sage can easily deflect the barbarian swords with his cane. It is said that Kong Sage knows Kung Fu. But in the official film, this section of Confucius' "martial arts" was cut out. ·The 30-second trailer of the international final version of "Confucius" was personally edited by the film's director of photography, Bao Dexi. ·The styling design team led by Lin Chaoxiang and Mao Huaiqing created 3,500 simple and gorgeous props successively, setting a record for prop production in Chinese film history. From the decorations on weapons and the characters on armor to the full set of chimes collected in the Palace Museum, a complete copy of the "Confucius" poster
will be reproduced. ·Director Hu Mei revealed that Chow Yun-fat once cried when he talked to her about Confucius, "He said he was also very lonely. He was playing himself."
Edit this paragraph to introduce the cultural heritage Confucius Temple