Men and women on the age of 50, if you can still do which several actions, that the body is healthy?

With age and lifestyle changes, the body's functions begin to decline. At this point, many chronic diseases will ensue. Many older people are prone to various minor physical problems such as back pain and arthritis. Therefore, men and women over 50 must take good care of their bodies. How do you think about whether their body is healthy or not? As a matter of fact, some small movements of our body can be shown. Let's take a look.

The first one is the back kick to the buttocks. While standing, one foot can be lifted and kicked to the hip position. This movement may seem a little hard to do, but if you can still do it, it shows that you're flexible and your bones are relatively healthy. So try it. If you can lift your hips later, it shows that you are relatively healthy.

The second is body flexion. If you find it hard to stretch, you should pay attention to your joints and bones and be careful to spot conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis, which can also be a sign of heart problems. If you can do it successfully, your bones and heart are relatively healthy. Experts believe this can be improved with five minutes of daily stretching exercises, starting with the neck and gradually extending to the arms, shoulders, back and calves, which are great for improving circulation and joint health.

The third is the ability to hear low-frequency sounds. As the saying goes, the ears are also kidney meridians. A person's health can also be seen from the ears. If the ears hear well, the kidneys are relatively good. If the ears do not hear well, anger is not enough and the halls depend mainly on the nerves for nourishment. Therefore, if men and women are over 50 years old, they can still hear low-frequency sounds, indicating that the ears are relatively good, the ears are good, indicating that the kidneys are good. The body is healthier.