Square dance 8 basic steps

Easily learn 8 steps square dance most beautiful most beautiful Most suitable for beginners dance Dance beautiful, lively and simple to learn, easy to start, more suitable for the public to learn. To help you stay healthy and beautiful, is a healthy weight loss, fashionable life of one of the necessary dance.

Square dance is a form of dance performance and division, that is, there is a folk dance based on modern dance, but also modern dance, ballet-based square dance. Today I share with you the basic steps to learn to dance square dance, welcome to read!

1. Point your right toe on the ground, then point your heel on the ground, then drop your whole foot, then turn left 90°, point your left toe on the ground, do a heel point, then drop your whole foot.

2. Then take two small steps forward and continue with a right toe point, then a heel point, then a full foot drop, then turn left 90°, left toe point, do a heel point, then a full foot drop.

3. Add down on the continuation of the above steps, right toe, right heel, full foot, left turn 90 °, two small steps, left toe, left foot palm, full foot order to continue on it.

4. Finally, we have unfamiliar places, at home or with the lead dancer, more practice, it can be, this is the square dance eight steps basic introductory dance.


1. Left and right toes, heels are pointing to the ground.

2, the foot is directly down.

3. Left turns are all 90°.


1. Left turns are all 90°.

2. Practice diligently can deepen the proficiency.