Square Dance for Breast Hyperplasia

Square Dance for Breast Hyperplasia: Breast Exercise

1, Triangle Stretching Pose

Stand in mountain pose. Inhale y, spread your legs, and raise your arms sideways at shoulder level, palms facing down. Keep your arms parallel to the ground. Rotate your right foot 90 degrees to the right, turn your left foot slightly to the right, and keep your left leg extended from the inside, keeping your knee straight. Exhale, bend your torso to the right side, with the palm of your right hand close to your right ankle, extend your left arm upward in a straight line with your right shoulder, and extend your torso. The back of the legs, back, buttocks in a straight line, exhale to return to the original position

2, towel stretch

Arms straight, holding the ends of the towel, the left arm does not move, the right elbow is bent, at the same time the body to the right to stretch, repeat five times and then change the other side.

4, chair + reverse incline board style

Hands on the chair, shoulder width, feet forward, large and small legs 90 degrees feet open and hip width, hips slowly down near the ground to keep 3-5 breaths, and then restore

5, hand rope side down

Slowly exhale, stretching the leg on the same side of the hand under the rope and touching the leg, the other hand is pulled along, the other hand is pulled, the outer armpit is also pulled. Make the outer armpit is also stretched, maintain 10 seconds. Inhale, return to square, repeat 10 times. If you feel that your armpit, side, and scapular muscle groups are stretched, you are in the correct position. Try to touch your wrists to your ankles as you stretch your hands to the sides.