Two parties at the scene were holding steel pipes and fighting each other, one person was injured in the head, luckily the police arrived in time.
Remember the memories of going to school because of the conflict between classmates and having a date after school? Mobbing is no longer the way of cousin brotherhood, problems can try to solve with other.
In Guangxi Liuzhou Zhai County City Cultural Square, a group of people occurred armed brawl things, the cause of the incident is still under investigation. In the course of the beating one of them was knocked to the ground, head injury, the next person with a tissue to help him cover his head.
Police were called and immediately rushed to the scene to deal with the situation, while 120 ambulance personnel also rushed to the scene.
For emotional outbursts how to maintain their sanity, you can choose the following ways to try.
First of all, you can choose to sit down and take a few deep breaths or drink a few sips of water. This will allow you to calm down first, after which your tone of voice and temper will ease a bit, and your sanity will be a bit more.
Suddenly the temper, or by the other party stepped on the bottom line, first do not make excessive behavior. Because the quarrel will only get more and more escalated, and after that it will become uncontrollable.
Then, stay away from the environment that makes you angry. Away from the environment does not mean to escape, we can first let ourselves to the outdoors to walk, will be in a smooth mood. After that, find a place to sit down and think about whether there is something wrong with you.
This method is like a conflict between a parent and a child, or a conflict between lovers. You need to calm yourself down first, and then go and say what you're thinking, and it's better to say what you're thinking clearly than to say something that makes you feel bad about yourself.
Finally, let your anger out. You can go for a run and make yourself sweat. Or find a place to yell or a sandbag to let it out.
You can also find someone to talk to, the mental thoughts out, the heart will feel better, some words may be hidden in the heart to say, only to let the emotions out of control, find someone to talk to will be better.
In short, do not let your emotions get out of control when you encounter things, it is not a good thing to do.