Space, dark magic skill names and functions, and spells.

! ! ! ! ! The great triangle of power, six stars and five rays, light and darkness, the heroic spirit that bows to the Dragon King, the prin

Space, dark magic skill names and functions, and spells.

! ! ! ! ! The great triangle of power, six stars and five rays, light and darkness, the heroic spirit that bows to the Dragon King, the principles of heaven, geography, human principles, the cone of power, the coat of arms of DiMaggio, grant me the power of the three-headed golden dragon of the Holy Flame. Bar! ! ! ! ! O the source of all hearts swinging between eternity and infinity, O all the pale flames that exist here, please summon this power sleeping deep in my soul from infinity to help me! ! ! ! Blacker than darkness, deeper than night, your great presence in the sea of ??chaos, golden king of darkness, I am here to petition you, I am here to swear to you, for those who stand in front of me All stupid things, let us unite our efforts and grant them equal destruction! ! !