The Adventures of Tom Sawyer chapter summaries for each chapter 300 words a chapter please!

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Chapter Summary

I. Playful and aggressive Tom

Tom is very naughty, like a wild donkey, often skipping school, always get his aunt's beatings, this day on the road, he met a boy who just moved to the ground, Tom saw him as a child, but dressed so neat and extremely angry, the two nonsense a gas, and then rolled in the dust and fought, and Tom won the fight.

II. The marvelous whitewasher

The victor's clothes were torn and filthy from the fight, and his aunt sentenced him to whitewash the walls, and Tom spoke of whitewashing as an art that could be indulged in wantonly, and the children who passed by were red-eyed, and would gladly have handed over their beloved things to him for a chance to whitewash the walls, and Tom sat down, and ate apples while he let the sunshine shine on him.

III. The Winning Hero is Captured by Love

Tom meets the lovely Peggy in a garden, and begins

to fall in love; he makes all sorts of thrilling maneuvers outside the fence to get the little girl's attention, and he gets a violet from her. When he comes home, his aunt beats him up for being wrong, and he doesn't want to live any longer, and goes to lie down under Peggy's window, ready to die. A maid, not knowing that there is a martyr out there, throws a pot of cold water on him, and Tom becomes a dog, and runs home in the night

Four. The Sunday school big outing

began, Tom was playing with one of his black beetles down there, and a big

dog came into the pulpit, and he fought with the beetle, and then sat down on his butt on the floor

and the beetle stung him, and the big dog yelped, and scampered down the aisle, and

jumped into his master's arms for help, and the master seized him and threw him

outside the window, and the church, and the church was in the middle of the night, and Tom was in the middle of it.

outside the window, there was a roar of laughter in the church, and the poor priest wondered what

had happened.

V. The Iron Pincer Beetle Teases the Puppy

On Monday, Tom's tooth hurt again, and his aunt pulled this one out with coals of fire and a piece of string, so that Tom could no longer use it as an excuse for skipping school. On the way, Tom met another wild child, Huckleberry Finn, with that lost tooth in exchange for a louse Huck raised to play, Tom was late because of this delay, just wanted to deceive the teacher to pass, suddenly saw Peggy was next to him, he yelled that because I was on the way to talk to Huckleberry and delayed, the teacher removed Tom's blouse with a ruler and beat him violently. Tom and Peggy were at table together, and first gave her a peach, and then the master artist painted on the slate, and Peggy liked the peach as well as the painting, and Tom wrote a line on the slate, and Peggy wanted to see it, and Tom kept forbidding it, and didn't lift his hand until she said she wouldn't speak of it to any one, and it said I love you, and, ah, you villain, said Peggy, and was happy in her heart.

6. Tom met Peggy

Tom traded his teeth for one of Huck's ticks. Tom fell in love with Peggy, and Peggy fell in love with Tom.

VII. Love frustration

In class, Tom and his best friend Harper in a piece of juggling that louse, they put into a big play, soon quarrel and wrestling, the teacher came to clean up their. At noon, Tom asked Becky to get engaged to him, and kissed her on the lips, but Tom let his mouth slip and let Becky know that he had been engaged to another girl, which was unforgivable, and Becky burst into tears.

When Becky found out that Tom had been married to Amy Lawrence, she was very upset. When Peggy realized that Tom had been married to Amy Lawrence, she was very sad and ignored Tom, who was very depressed.

VIII. Robin Hood in the deep forest

Tom decided to go to be a pirate, Tom went to a far piece of forest, always thinking about being a robber, and then he played with Harper, who was Robin Hood. Joe. Harpo joined in too.

9. Midnight Graveyard

After 10:00 p.m., Tom, Huckleberry go to a graveyard to hear the dead, but witness a murder, Indian Joe kills a doctor and puts the knife in the hands of his accomplice Porter, who wakes up drunk and thinks he killed the doctor.

X. Blood Vows and Late Night Barking

Tom and Huck swear to keep a secret and write blood letters, and Tom is in pain.

XI. Torture of Conscience

The murder spreads throughout the village and the framed Murph. Potter is arrested and Tom is over the moon.

XII. The Elixir and the Cat

Peggie was so upset that she did not come to class for several days. Tom wanted to make up with her, but he could not speak out of respect, so he was sad and miserable. His aunt thought he was sick, and used him as a test subject for all kinds of remedies, and gave him medicines to drink, and Tom pried open the mouth of one of the cats, and made it drink all of it. Tom goes to school again, but Becky ignores him. Aunt Polly tries all sorts of things to cure Tom's heart condition, and finally decides to use painkiller water, but Tom gives it to the cat.

XIII. To say or not to say

Tom sad and desperate, feel the world abandoned him, Harper took a beating from his mother also think so, the two so left home to become a pirate, Huckleberry also went with it.

XIV. Happy Pirate Camp

The pirates were on a small island, in the middle of nature, have to eat and play, life is happy. One day they saw a large group of people shouting from a boat, and it turned out that the townspeople thought the boys had drowned and were salvaging the bodies. Harper and Huck wanted to go home, and Tom forbade it, but he wanted to go back more than anyone else, so he snuck home at night

15. Tom sneaks home

Tom comes home and hides under his bed and overhears his aunt and Harper's mother talking, and listens to their sobbing and confessing that they have treated their children so badly, and Tom kind of regrets what he has done, but he goes back to the island camp anyway.

XVI. A Stormy Night

On a stormy night, Tom, Huck and Joe. All three Harpo's belongings are washed away, and the next morning they defuse their depression with a game. They still play on the island, and Tom and Harpo learn how to smoke under Huckleberry's tutelage, and the two of them choke enough that Tom sets a plan to go home.

XVII. Three pirates attend their own funeral

People in the church for the drowning of the three children buried, but Tom, Harper, Huck walked into the church, the people were stunned and then ecstatic, Tom returned home, received numerous slaps and kisses.

XVIII. "Girlfriend" to talk, Peggy angry lips trembling, tears on the upwelling, think the picnic will not have much meaning, Tom wanted to Peggy angry, he always talk to other girls to let her see, but later, Tom found that Peggy disappeared, looking for a while, found that she was in a piece of reading picture books with another boy, Tom and annoyed and helpless, he scampered over to them for a moment, and was furious and open-mouthed, and Peggy was very glad, but Tom went home annoyed, and Peggy, thinking that now they could never be reconciled, tried to go home sadly, and the boy tried to look at the picture-books with her, but all she said was, Get out of the way, and leave me alone, and I hate you. The boy was the same little fellow who used to get a beating from Tom for wearing a new coat, and he wanted to get back at Tom by pouring ink on his books to get Tom whipped, and Peggy saw all this, but she would not give Tom the word.

XIX. Aunt forgives Tom

Aunt is angry about Tom running away, but when she realizes that Tom does love her, she is moved and forgives Tom.

X. Peggy was in danger, Tom stood up for her

In the afternoon, Tom went to school again, and ran into Peggy on the way, and immediately ran over to apologize, and Peggy said contemptuously, Mr. Tom Sawyer, I will never speak to you again, and Tom really wanted to beat her up. Their teacher Dobbins class as long as there is free to always look at a mysterious book on the podium, the students know the book, all want to see, this time the teacher has something to go out, forget to take away the keys to the podium desk, Peggy open the drawer, only to see that the book is written on the John Doe Professor of Anatomy, which is full of exquisite colorful human anatomy charts, just as Tom walked in the door to see Peggy do, Peggy panicked and wanted to put the book back, but has torn the cover, but the book is not in good condition. But has torn the cover, Pei Ji and shame and annoyed, crying, Tom Sawyer, you really mean peeping at people to see the book, now I have to be flogged. Tom thought, girls are really stupid surprising, bah, what is intended to be flogged. Class is in session, Dobbins first found the torn anatomy book, yelled, this book is who tore? Then one by one cross-examination, Tom was very apprehensive, but there is no law, when asked Peggy, Peggy blanched, just about to admit, Tom had an idea, he said aloud, I did it, he thus received a hundred lashes. Becky, however, was dead in admiration of him, and she said, "Tom, how can you be so noble .

Xxi. The children were out of breath

At the final exams, Tom recited "Live Free or Die" as the harvest of the semester, and everyone presented their skills. At the end of the day, as is customary, the teacher went to draw a map of the United States, patriotic education, he was a little drunk, the old drawing is not good, the children kept laughing, at this time, the ceiling of the classroom opened up, from which hangs down a cat, the cat kept struggling, and slowly approaching the head of the teacher, and finally its paw reached his head, and all of a sudden, the teacher's wig was torn down to reveal his bald head, the children witnessed this scene, laughing to death! , and so the examination ended. This was Tom's revenge on this violent teacher.

XXII. Signs of Punishment

It's summer vacation and Tom has nothing to do. The secret of that murder became a piece of Tom's mind, and he was so miserable that he finally got sick.

Xxiii. MUFF. Porter appears in court

The trial for the murder in the cemetery begins, and Porter is about to be hanged.

Tom goes to testify, Indian Joe escapes, and Porter is released.

XXIV. Tom Becomes the Hero of the Town

M becomes the hero of the town, but he is not happy and is even afraid. Both Tom and Huck are terrified that Indian Joe will come back to murder them, but the court lets go without catching the escaped criminal.

XXV. The Search for Treasure

Tom and Huck go to a big tree behind a widow's house to dig for treasure, but when they can't dig for the pirate's buried treasure, they go to a haunted house to dig again.

XXVI. Bandits find a box of gold coins in a haunted house

Haunted house soon, fleeing Indian Joe also arrived here, the two men were so scared that they hid in the attic, Indian Joe wanted to bury the robbed money in the ground, he was digging a pit, really digging out the gold and silver buried by the former pirates, Indian Joe took all these and was going to hide them in another place.

XXVII. Breaking Suspicion

Tom investigates where Indian Joe has landed, and Tom suspects that room two of an inn is Indian Joe's residence, and the duo of Tom and Huck prepare to track him down.

XXVIII. Harker Sentry Detective No. 2

Tom and Harker determined that Indian Joe's residence, they are ready to take advantage of Indian Joe's absence, to steal the chest full of gold coins. One night Tom went in boldly, and just as he entered he stepped on Indian Joe's arm; the fellow was drunk and lying on the floor, and Tom and Huck fled wildly.

XXIX. Huck stalks Indian Joe

Tom goes to Peggy's picnic and the group ventures into a cave. Huck was still keeping watch by the inn, when this night Indian Joe came again, ready to wander into a foreign country, and, before he went, tried to kill the Widow Douglas, for Douglas had treated him badly in his lifetime, and when Huck heard of the plot, he at once told a family of kindly Welshmen at the bottom of the hill, and the family went out.

XX. The latest news that rocked the town

Huck became a hero for saving the Widow Douglas, but Tom and Peggy disappeared. Indian Joe, unsuccessful in his attempt to kill the widow, escapes, and the police cordon off the hills in pursuit of him, while everyone realizes that Tom and Peggy are missing, and Peggy's mother thinks they spent the night at the Widow Douglas's house.

XXI. Tom and Peggy lost in the cave

Tom and Peggy explored the cave, lost their way, the two exhausted, Tom saved the food for Peggy to eat, and found a spring, but Peggy is still desperate, she said she would rather wait for death, Tom is still struggling to support, he was exploring the way to see the Indian Joe who hid in this Indian Joe, Indian Joe did not see Tom, thought he came to chase, scared and ran away. He was frightened and ran away.

XXII. Tom tells of his escape

Tom found the way out, and the children were saved, and a few days later, in a casual conversation, Becky's father, a judge, chanced to say, that he was afraid that others would venture in, and had locked the cave with an iron gate, and that Tom was astonished because Indian Joe was still in it.

XXIII. What Happened to Indian Joe

Indian Joe then starved to death in the cave, and Tom and Huck re-entered

the cave and dug up the gold and silver that the pirates had left behind.

XXIV. Public a secret

Tom and Huck equally divided the large box of gold coins, there are twelve thousand dollars there, Tom and Huck have become rich. Those who were there to hear about it were amazed.

XXV. Making New Plans for Adventures

The Widow Douglas, in gratitude to Huck, treated him as a righteous son, gave him manners, and wore clean clothes, but Huck couldn't stand it, and one day he disappeared, and the people couldn't find him, and Tom found him huffing and puffing in an empty barrel, and he felt free only when he was dressed in rags. Tom decides to become a bandit and Huck wants to join the gang, they decide to organize an initiation ceremony.