Zhang Yixing has many trainees under his banner, do you think Zhang Yixing's trainees are excellent?

There are many trainees under Zhang Yixing, do you think Zhang Yixing's trainees are excellent? Let's discuss it today.

First, we think Zhang Yixing's trainees are excellent. Zhang Yixing is a very professional love bean, so Zhang Yixing pays great attention to the ability and face value of these people when he chooses trainees, we can see that Zhang Yixing's trainees are handsome and they are also very capable. After Zhang Yixing became the owner of the company, he would not let others suffer. We can see that the trainee company founded by Zhang Yixing is very professional, Zhang Yixing lets these young people learn to sing, dance, rap, and Zhang Yixing lets these young people learn about culture, Zhang Yixing lets them practice writing with brushstrokes, and Zhang even lets these young people eat very good food to keep their bodies nourished. We feel that Zhang Yixing is very professional as a boss of the trainees, and he is also able to pass on his experience to these trainees, and he even invites people like Li Ronghao to come and give lessons to these trainees. Zhang Yixing's trainees have also become better and better under his boss's education. Therefore, we feel that Zhang Yixing's trainees are excellent.

Secondly, we think Zhang Yixing's trainees are great. Zhang Yixing's trainee got a lot of attention after showing his face, we can see that Zhang Yixing brought his trainee in this global concert, and Zhang Yixing also brought his trainee on the New Year's Eve Gala performance before, we can see that Zhang Yixing's trainee is quite popular, and Zhang Yixing's trainee's direct video has already reached a million level of playback, which shows that Zhang Yixing's trainee ability is very strong. The ability of the trainees is very strong, so they can get more attention. Zhang Yixing as a boss is very responsible, so he is able to lead his trainees to get a lot of attention. Zhang Yixing's trainees are a very capable group of people and they are also very popular trainees. Therefore, we think Zhang Yixing's trainees are awesome.