Shilipu Village belongs to where

Shilipu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Meichuan Town, Wuxia City, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, with an urban and rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 421182100211, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 421182. The postal code is 438000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0713, and the license plate number is E. J. Shilipu Village is adjacent to Li Xingsi Village, Tonggu Village, Luolin Village, Xiucheng Village, Baofa Village, Zhanghuan Village, Baishi Village, Qiaotou Village, Wangsheng Village, Sleepy Dragon Village, Jiumao Village, Wulipo Village, Yang_Village, Fan_Village, and Cypress Shushita Village. Cypress Shushita Village are adjacent to each other.

Shiripo Village is near Songhe Ecological Mountain Resort, Wuxue Xiangu Mountain, Henggang Mountain, Hilzhai Ecological Farm, Wushan Lake National Wetland Park, and other tourist attractions, and specialties such as Guangji Buddha's hand yam, Wuxue ganache, Wuxue canola oil, Wuxue double-low oilseed rape, and Wuxue Buddha's hand yam.