Many news reports on the conflict between the "square dance army" and the surrounding residents, too loud music disturbed residents, occupy the children's basketball court, take over the road at will, disrupt the order of the public **** and so on. Many young people hate square dancing. Rod Lear, a foreigner who has been living in China for six years, said, "I like square dancing very much. I think the whole world should learn it. It solves many of the problems that people face when they get old, such as lack of social interaction, lack of sports and recreational activities. It's fantastic. During my time in China, I really enjoyed watching the square dances and sometimes even joined in, even though my antics would cause everyone to burst out laughing.
I often went running in the nearby mountains. It's hard to believe I see a group of old people dancing in the square every morning, like grandma having a party. Nearly 100 people gather, ranging in age from 50 to 80. They learn the dancers' moves and move their bodies to the rhythm of the music, like a DJ in a bar. Later, I realized that many of the older people were very serious about square dancing. They would wear uniforms and sometimes even participate in square dance competitions. The competition is still fierce. Now the government will even set uniform standards for square dancing.
In western cultures and societies, the elderly lack such activities. How to let the elderly spend their old age happily and healthily is something we should learn from our Chinese friends. At the same time, we Westerners also people should learn how to be filial to our parents. Because of their busy schedules, many Western families are accustomed to sending their elderly to nursing homes. The children are so busy that they don't even have time to visit their parents and take them out for a walk. What makes people a little sad is that this beautiful, elegant element of Chinese culture is taking a lot of hits in the modern world. Many young people in China complain that square dancing creates noise and disturbs the peace. But to be fair, sometimes grandmothers turn down the volume a bit. Perhaps young people should join in too.
The last days of this world should be memorable, enjoyable and beautiful. This square dance movement should be encouraged and help them spread around the world. How we treat the elderly and what kind of living environment we have created for them requires the same action from all of humanity***." It is very interesting to see people dancing together, watching and learning in the neighborhood. I hope this aspect of Chinese culture doesn't disappear. I have seen this delightful sight in many cities and it lights up the city at night.