Find the lyrics of Drunken Tango Drunken Tango Lyrics Introduction

1. The lyrics of Drunken Tango are as follows: I'm drunk because I'm lonely

Who's going to comfort me when I'm lonely

Since you left me that loneliness is with me

How can I go on living without you

Old dreams of the past are just like your dimples

You're in the dimples as well as I'm in the dimples

Drunken TangoDrunken Tango Tango drunk

Tell him not to forget me

Ah? Drunken Tango

I'm crying because I'm lonely

Who will comfort me when I'm lonely

The tears have been with me ever since you abandoned me

How can I live without you

Old dreams are like your dimples

You're in those dimples, and I'm in those dimples too

Drunken Tango Drunken Tango

Tell him not to forget me

To tell him to forget me. Tell him not to forget me

Ah? Drunken Tango

Drunken Tango Drunken Tango

Tell him not to forget me

Ah? Drunken Tango

2. "Drunken Tango", a Chinese song recorded by the famous Chinese female singer Teresa Teng in 1987, is one of the more recognizable songs of Teresa Teng. It is worth mentioning that the original singer of this classic old song with deep Teresa Teng brand is not Teresa Teng herself, as early as the 1970s, Taiwan singer Yang Xiaoping first recorded and this song, followed by several singers cover, but did not cause a wide range of impact. March 21, 1987, three consecutive years to win the Japanese cable awards and the whole of Japan Cable Awards double champion, and the Japanese singing world to reach the peak of her career! On March 21, 1987, Teresa Teng released this song as one of her main promotional singles in Japan, the first time she released a Chinese song as a promotional song in Japan; on October 1 of the same year, Teresa Teng once again included this song in her last Mandarin album, "I Only Care About You", which made it a big hit.