1967? 6? 2 1?
179 cm
49 kg
- ? 1967? 6? 20? -? 3? 10 14 1983 16-? (? Bush Christmas? )? - 1985(? Vietnam? )? 1989-? -(? Dead calm? )(? The day of thunder? )? - 1990? 12? 24? - ? -? 199 1? (? Billy Basgate? )? -? -? -(? Far, far? ) 1993(? My life? )? (? Malicious? )?
1995? (? Die for it? )(? Batman forever? )? - ? MTV? 1996? - ? (? Portrait of a lady? )? -? Isabel Archer? 50 1997? - ? (? Messenger of peace? )-? - ? -? - ? (? An eye-opener? )? 1999 1998? -(? Super power pleasure? )? 2000? -(? Birthday girl? )? (? Moulin Rouge )? 6? 2000-? 34-? -? 8? -? 6-? 2? 6 - ? 20
1995? MTV
1995? MTV
1992? 1992?
1985? (? Vietnam? )?
2000(? Moulin Rouge )
(? Birthday girl? )
1999 1940? - 1945(? Berlin diary, 1940-45? )
(? An eye-opener? )
1998? (? Super power pleasure? )
1997? (? Messenger of peace? )
1996(? Portrait of a lady? )
The hero?
1995? (? Batman forever? )
(? Die for it? )
1993? (? Malicious? )? (? My life? )
1992? (? Far, far? )
199 1? (? Flirting? )
(? Billy Basgate? )
1990? (? The day of thunder? )
1989(? Dead calm? )
Hilton Bangkok? ()
1988(? Emerald city? )
1987? (? Bit portion)
Is there room for activities?
1986Windrider? ()
Watching shadows dance? 1985?
(? Vietnam? )
Wills & Burke.
Cher's adventure?
19845 Mile Creek? ()
Matthew and his son? ()
1983? (? BMX bandits? )
(? Bush Christmas? )