What's it like to enjoy ballroom dancing? Tell us about it?
I love ballroom dancing, I'm 5'2" and weigh one hundred and twenty-six pounds. Dancing is part of my life. There are a lot of people who dance in Huai'an. Every morning, the parks, red men and women, beautiful men and women in the beautiful dance music in the paragraph up without. Sometimes also will be any ballroom dancing. The feeling of dancing is intoxicating. Nine kinds of dance I can dance, small pull, tango, jitterbug, fast three, rumba is my favorite dance. It was the first time for the Chinese to take social dancing from the ballroom to the square! There are so many beautiful stories derived from dancing! There are so many beautiful stories derived from dancing! Cotillion is a treasure of fitness for elegant spirit and action! It is also a practical manifestation of the improvement of people's quality of life! May all levels of society to promote support!