The original text is as follows:
With a note from Wang Junbi, the food was serenaded, and the Han army and the vassal soldiers were surrounded. That night, when he heard that the Han army was besieged on all sides, Wang Xiang was shocked and said, "Has the Han army gained Chu?" He Chu has so many people! "Wang Xiang up at night, drink on the account.
If you have a beauty, you will always be lucky; Good horses are famous and often ride. Therefore, Wang Xiang is lamenting and lamenting. He wrote a poem: "When you pull out the mountain, you will be angry with the world, and when it is unfavorable, you will not die." What can I do without dying? "Songs count, beauty and it. Xiang Wang cried several times, but both sides cried, afraid to look up.
The translation is as follows:
Wang Xiang's army camped in Gaixia (now Lingbi County, Anhui Province), and the serenade was endless. Han army and vassal soldiers surrounded him for several layers. Late at night, when he heard the Han army singing songs about Chu, Wang Xiang was very surprised and said, "Has Han completely acquired Chu?" ? Why are there so many people in Chu? King Xiang stayed up all night, drinking in his tent.
There is a beauty and fame, he has always been favored by Wang Xiang; There is a famous horse that Wang Xiang has been riding. At this time, Wang Xiang couldn't help sighing generously, and said to himself, "Great strength can pull out mountains, and heroic spirit can overwhelm the world. Unlucky, I won't rush forward! " What can I do if I don't rush forward How to arrange you properly? "
Wang Xiang sang several times, and the beautiful princess answered. Wang Xiang was in tears, and so were the waiters around him. No one can look up and see him.
Extended data:
Farewell my concubine related figures
Xiang Yu (232 BC-202 BC), a famous strategist, was a representative of the "Brave School" at the end of Qin Dynasty, and was a hero with boundless strength and great pressure. Shortly after the uprising in Daze Township, Xiang Yu and his uncle Xiang Liang killed the chief in Huiji County and rebelled against Qin. After the Battle of Julu, the army entered the customs, and the five kings destroyed Qin, which caused great vibration at sea. When Qin died, he dominated the world and sealed the eighteen-way princes.
Xiang Yu is not only outstanding in martial arts and verve, but also left a famous poem "Gaixia Song". Sima Qian commented: "All major policies are formulated by feathers, and they are known as the overlord of the western Chu, which is equivalent to the power of the emperor. Although the position is not over, it has never been seen in recent times. " His appearance set off an earth-shattering storm for the history of China and wrote an immortal myth.
In 202 BC, Xiang Yu was defeated by the allied forces of Liu Bang and various governors at Gaixia, and committed suicide at the age of 365,438+0 by the Wujiang River.
Yuji was one of the famous female figures in the late Qin Dynasty, and was called "Yu Meiren". Today's Shuyang County (Shuyang, belonging to Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, named after being located in the sun of the Shuhe River) is a native of Yanji Township, and it is said that it is a native of Tashi Village, Julie Town, Shaoxing County. According to the genealogy of Xiang family in Luling, Ji 'an, Jiangxi, Yu was born in Ding Chou (224 BC), died in Jihai (202 BC) and was buried in Pengcheng.
Yu Ji is the favorite of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. According to legend, she has a beautiful face, equal talent and beautiful dance. He was always with Xiang Yu in the embattled predicament. Although Yu Ji's ending was not introduced in the history books, later generations inferred that she committed suicide in the Chu camp according to Gaixia Song written by Xiang Yu. From this, a beautiful myth of "Farewell My Concubine" was staged. Her story left an indelible mark in the long river of history and touched several generations.
Yuji, this beautiful name, will be an immortal legend in our hearts.
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