Tao Shui river beads of good luck

Minxian (ancient name of Lintao) people to the Taohe river beads as a good luck, circulating "agate big, can not be loaded, agate small, harvest small" saying. Where the year Taohe River beads come early, the number of more, go late, the next year must be a good harvest year. Every year, the eighth day of the lunar month at ugly time (1 to 3 am), people take on clean bowls, pots, cans to the Taohe River to "please" the flow of beads, will be this heavenly gift "please" back in the center of the yard after the desktop and so on the day just after the dawn of the whole family gathered together, excitedly! The first thing you need to do is to look at the beads of the stream.

Tao Shui Liuzhu cause, say a lot. There is said: Taohe river, from the white cloud misty west leaning ridge of the Tori ridge source, by the dangerous cliffs and cliffs, insert the sky peaks, like a hanging silver screen, like a furious dragon, from the ten thousand feet of dangerous cliffs and peaks interlaced with the place to come, stirred up ten thousand dendrobium droplets in the high air, constantly by the cold and cold condensed into hail like ice beads. If spraying snow spitting silver, flying beads scattered jade, sprinkled in the river bottom flow, impact formation Tao water flow beads.

And said: several nine cold days, the source of the Taohe River mountain high air cold, cold, year-round snow does not melt, dripping water into ice. In that dense hanging spring, vertical and horizontal streams convergence, river narrow, frozen river surface special early, the ice layer is as thick as two, three meters. In the frozen river under the surface of the water rushing turbulence, can not be suppressed, stirring up layers of waves, constantly rushing ice, and then by heavy reefs, towering strange rock beat, carved and ground into ice beads. Experienced repeated rolling, surging flow, in the river wide place rushed out of the ice, into a group, into a piece, into a cluster of leaping ambush water surface, become a golden color dazzling, bright and incomparable Tao Shui Liuzhu.

Tao water flow pearl, can be called the world wonders. Is the "minzhou eight scenery" one, don't know how many talented people mesmerized, how many writers and artists. Whenever the winter season, and is the Taoist water flow beads. If you are interested in viewing the world's wonders of friends, do not miss the opportunity, the opportunity is not lost, a loss of a year miles!