A hundred hits, a hundred hairs, half angry, half happy, half angered, half pleased, half working, half studying, half hungry, half full, half in the middle, half in the world, half dreaming, half awake, half bright, half dark, half green, half yellow, half sunny, half cloudy
Semi-up, semi-subtilized, semi-cooked, semi-wired, semi-half-worked, semi-subtracted, semi-written, semi-spent, semi-subtracted, semi-subtracted, half-faked, half-genuine, semi-scripted, semi-white
Semi-heart, semi-smiling, half-new, half-old, half-confident, half-confident, half-hysterical, half-joyful, half-suspicious, half-confident
Not to be seen, not to be seen, not to be proud, not to be impatient, not to be sparkling, not to be ignorant, not to be present, not to be ancient, not to be reserved, not to be cut down, not to be reserved, not to be full, not to be slow, not to be forbidden, not to be unchecked, not to be picked up
Not to be picked up, not to be picked up, not to be checked, not to be overbearing, not to be disobedient, not to be subterfuge, not to be worthless, not to be good or bad, not to be indifferent, not to be cool, not to be sour, not to be phosphorous, not to be Velvet, not to be eloquent, not to be clever, not to be incongruous, not to be similar, not to be spreading out, not to be spread out, not to be busy, not to be violent. Not clear, not dark, not clear, not white
Not scratching, not flexing, not folding, not biased, not partial, not partial, not broken, not standing, not clear, not white, not feeling, not feeling, not yielding, not merciful, not righteous, not sunny, not moonlight
Not three things, not monks, not laymen, not shirts, not shoes, not on, not off, not up, not down, not down, not up, not up, not down, not up, not up, not down, not up, not up, not down, not up, not up, not down, not up, not up, not down, not up, not down, not up, not down, not up, not up, not up, not up, not up, not up, not down
The big package, the big book, the big principle, the big quarrel, the big fuss, the big realization, the big clearness, the big meal, the big drink, the big blow, the big blow, the big blow, the big compassion, the big kindness
The big storm, the big salary, the big wealth, the big yell, the big shout, the big market, the big red, the big green, the big red, the big purple, the big buzz, the big yell, the big yell
Da ji yi liu, big treachery, big evil thought, big sutra, big drink, big meat, big openings, big closings, big gongs and big drums, big bangs, big blast, big style, big men, big women, big breakers, big men, big women, big men, big women. Big men, big women, big breakthroughs
Big ups, big downs, big money, big green, big treats, big righteousness, big courage, big right, big wrong, big hands, big swing, big fish, big meat
Big intelligence, big courage, big dumbness, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time, big time,big time,big time,big time, big time, big time, big time,big time, big time,big time, big time, big time. 合情合理 合心合意 何去何从 何思何慮 横头横脑 猴頭猴脑
呼庚呼癸 呼马呼牛 呼牛 呼马 忽冷忽热 忽隐忽现 狐埋狐狐搰 狐埋狐扬 胡里胡涂 胡天胡地 胡天胡帝
胡作胡为 糊里糊涂 虎头虎脑 滑头滑脑 话言言语 bad people bad things suffering from loss panicking panic panic hand panic foot instructing teaching and stealing
instructing teaching and stealing
instructing teaching and stealing
They are all the same, but they are all the same, and they are all the same, and they are all the same.
The best of the best.
They're the ones who are the best at what they do.
For the fur, for the dustbin, for the people, for the whole world, for the whole world, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people, for the people. No party, no favoritism, no gain, no loss, no upside down
No winter, no summer, no lawlessness, no father, no ruler, no root, no trip, no root, no root, no attachment, no obstruction, no good, no evil, no ruin, no reputation, no home, no house
No end, no end, no end, no end, no end, no new, no old, no new, no blame, no reputation, no restraint, no hindrance, no restriction, no bound, no constraint, no dependence, no rest, no end, no worry, no worries, no brightness, no night, no favoritism, no pei, no favoritism, no party, no bias, no prejudice, no bias, no bias, no bias, no bias, no bias, no bias, no bias. No warmth, no odor, no shape, no shadow, no rest, no end, no limit, no clothes, no brown, no support, no leaning, no shadow, no shape
No shadow, no trace, no worry, no anxiety, no fault, no reputation, no blame, no reason, no grudge, no virtue, no knowledge, no day, no night, no trail, no shadow, no shadow, no knowledge, no day, no night, no trace, no shadow, no knowledge, no knowledge, no day, no night, no trace, no shadow, no knowledge, no knowledge, no day, no night, no trace, no shadow, no trace, no knowledge, no knowledge, no knowledge, no day, no night, no trace, no shadow, no shadow, no shadow. A penny, a cent, a dry side, a root, a board, a drum, a board, a turtle, a crane, a return, a report, a gully, a hill, a darkness, a light, a house, a fire
A family, a plan, a section, a line, an act, a breath, a sound, a kui, a deed, a pull, a sing, a go-around, a cent, a cent, a millimeter, a scale, a claw, a dragon, a snake
A dragon, a pig, a saddle, an exact copy, a yearly, a yearly, a spurt, a waking up, a pinch of a pin, a knit, a bottle, a bowl, a zither, a crane.
a hill, a gully, a stutter, a letter, a step, a goblet, a song, a generation, a lifetime, a moment, a moment, a style, a hand, a foot, a foot, a foot
a hair, a hair, a death, a life, a substitute, a day, a place, a five, a ten, a thing, a bias, a thing, a system, a thing, a lord, an evening, a day, a joy, a sadness
a laugh, a smile, a smile, a knitted brow, a sense of one's own will, a sense of one's own mind, a sense of one's own heart, a sense of one's own plan, a sense of one's own power, a sense of one's own path, a sense of one's own heart One smokes, one caryopteris One smokes, one caryopteris One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action One word, one action A word, a word, a word, a word, a word, a word, a word, a word, a tear, a word, a word, a pearl, a word, a word, a word, a word, a tear, a word, a word, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a word, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a word, a pearl, a word, a word, a pearl, a word, a pearl, a word, a tear, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a tear, a word, a word, a pearl, a tear, a word, a word, a pearl, a word. To be blessed, to be powerful, to be good, to be bad
To be a cow, to be a horse, to be a bully, to be a good guy, to be a good guy, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good, to be good