愛愛 vain glory
Love the people, love the family
Love and hate the people. "To be flashy, to be practical, to be truthful, to be ancient, not modern, to be hateful, to be so hateful, to have a deep-seated hatred, to have a deep-seated hatred, to have a deep-seated hatred, to have a deep-seated hatred, to have a strong wall, to have a tightly-knit wall, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, to have a tightly-knit line, it feels terrible. to carry a jade tablet, to commit a crime, to commit a great crime, to be extremely wicked, to be extremely ugly, to act in concert, to be incompetent, to carry a heavy load, to have a long way to go, to be far-sighted, to know how to read and write, to weigh words, to weigh surpluses, to weigh emptiness, to float a boat, to float a boat, to thunder a cauldron, to sound a gong to make a way out, to be lost, to throw away the hard things, to be simple, to be plain and simple, to be lamb, to be lamb, to go to a small road, to listen to the news and to talk about the long and short stories, to fight one another, to fight until one is killed, to intensify the efforts, to make sacrifices, to make sacrifices, to take the right, to make benevolence and to make justice. The money can be used by the gods, the gods and the devils, to put ourselves in their place, to level the playing field, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a living, to make a life, to make a life, to make a life, to make a life, to make a life, to make a life, to make a life, to make a life. The evils are full of evils, and the evils are not clear, and the evils are not clear, and the evils are not clear, and the evils are not clear, and the evils are not clear. The fragrance of the country, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish, the fish. to go against the grain, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction, to run in a different direction Zaiyuan nepotism Intimacy is not an option, but it is not an option to be taken advantage of, and it is not an option to be taken advantage of, and it is not an option to be taken advantage of. tends to follow the trend of the situation the two cannot be mutually exclusive stand here and keep this in the light of the cat draws a tiger tiger's back and waist waisted and rich and well-paid with money corrosive corrosive cliché talk and learn to talk with tongue and sword and lips gunfire rain and shells rain and greenery blue and blue jade jade goblet jade goblet is not proper colorful colorful phoenix follows the crow crows in obscurity heard of the wind rise up from the wind to rise up from the dead Rise up from the dead raw and hard pull pulling pulling the tents pulling the fiber fiber fiber disease 疾.
3. Four-word idioms in solitaireThere are so many idioms in solitaire that it's no problem to make thousands, it just takes time.
558 of them are: 精兵简政_政出多门_门不停宾_门不停宾_宾饯日月_月夕花朝_朝阳丹凤 凤泊鸾漂_漂泊無定_乱扶衰_衰当益壮_壮发冲冠_冠盖如云 云悲海思_思断义绝_绝长補短_短兵接战_战不旋踵_踵接肩摩 摩顶放踵_踵迹接接_二二连三_三榜定案_案兵束甲_甲第连天 The sky is falling apart_Dismantle the soldiers and release the armor_Adi even clouds_Cloud cloth and rain moisturize_Moisten the house and body_Body is losing its name and reputation co?o ??o?o guts pumping intestines_Intestines fat and full of brains_Manful of unconcerned_Inexpectedly unexpected_Outside square and inside rounded_Dome square toe High and mighty_You raise your head to avoid the shortcomings of short army_Forced to meet with the dust and clean the dust and paint the food and rice_Food pit and wine bag Bag empty bag, clear the sky and clean the army and pasture the horse_Mare not in the saddle_saddle horses laborious_Don't stop the frustration and depression_Yang long to go To go to dark and light to understand the obvious _Clearly understandable_On the spot to color Jade is sad, flowers are sad, and the sorrows are all over the place, and there is no way to get rid of them, but to get rid of them is to get rid of them, and to get rid of them is to get rid of them, and to get rid of them is to get rid of them, and to get rid of them is to get rid of them, and to get rid of them is to get rid of them, and to get rid of them is to get rid of them. The name of the world's most famous person does not reflect the name of the world's most famous person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person, and the name of the world's most important person. The spirit of the soul shaking _ shaking pen immediately come _ where it is not easy to come _ easy place to place _ place high in the depths of the deep closed and solid refusal _ refused to tiger into the wolf _ in a state of distress _ can be consoled _ consolation better than nothing _ incorrigible medicine to the disease _ to get rid of the violence and peace and security of conscience _ the good craftsmen _ craftsmen door to discard the material _ the material and moral integrity of _ the preparation for the hardships of the bitter and unbearable _ catchy ideas _ lazy and heart discouragement _ gray and smoke _ extinguished this morning eat _ food is not enough food to fill up the hunger hunger is not not enough to fill up the stomach _ not enough to fill up the mouth of the mouth is not two prices _ the price of the price of even the city Xu Gong in the northern part of the city is a man of public talent and public prestige, and he is a man who knows what is in front of him. He is a man who knows what is in front of him. He is a man who knows what is in front of him. He is a man who knows what is in front of him. "Benefit the country and the people" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live" "The people can't bear to live The people are not bored with their livelihoods, the population is increasing, the flowers are blooming, the flowers are clustered, the flowers are gathered, the concentration is intense, the spirit is not attached to the body, the body is big, the thoughts are fine, the soldiers are strong, the money is sought, the money is exhausted, the money is treated with all sincerity, the price is put on the market, the name is put on the market, the reputation is put on the market. The two cannot exist without each other_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only_This is for reference only
4. Idioms 4. 4. Idioms by The Free Dictionary: 4-letter words Just 10蔚为大观 + 觀眉说眼 + 觀眉说眼 + 眼馋肚饱 + 飽饱暖衣 + 衣架饭囊 + 囊空囊溝空 + 洗耳恭听 + 听而不闻 + 闻鸡起舞 + 舞文弄墨墨 + 墨子泣丝 + 丝恩发怨 + 怨怨衝天 + 天罗地网 + 天罗地网 + 天罗地网 + 天網開三面 + 面目完全非 + 不小可 + 可心如意 + 意气扬扬扬扬 + 揚揚吐气 + 氣涌如山 + 气涌如山 + 楊涌如山. Mountains, South, North, and South Sea + The old man lost his horse + The horse fell down, the man turned over + Turned to the other side + The poor dagger saw + Knowledgeable + Wide-ranging + Wide-ranging + Wide-ranging + Road, Willow, and Wallflowers + Flower, Willow, and Willow Hide + Anonymous, and Buried in Name + Name to be known to all generations to come + The world is going down, the world is going down, the world is going down + Sobbing and Sinning + Sinning and Sinning + More than Mt. Tai + Mountain Alliance and Sea Vows + Oaths of Dying + Two hearts, two minds, two hearts + Kindred Spirits + Opportunities for Speculative Advancement + Coincidental and Intelligent Advancement + Captured by the Scriptures + Years and Years + Intelligent and Intelligent Advancement + Thoughts, Thoughts, Thoughts + Thoughts, thoughts + non-relative + 故弄玄虚 + 虚位以待 + 待人接物 + 物尽其用 + 用兵如神 + 神差鬼使 + 使臂使指 + 指不胜屈 + üququity + 数一二二 + 二姓之好 + 二姓之好 + 好高高远 + 好高远远 + 遠走高高飞 + 飛蛾投火 + 火上弄冰 + 冰上冰弄 + 冰天雪地 + 地狱变相 + 溫機動 + 動如脱兔 + 兔丝燕麦 + 麥穗兩歧 + 麦穗兩歧 + 歧路亡羊 + 羊 虎皮 + 彼里阳秋 + 秋荼密网 + 顏荼密网 Niannian + Forgetfulness + Forgetfulness + Fingers to scratch the boil + Boiling + Heaven + Heavenly Lin + Lin-toe to present auspiciousness + Xiang-lin-wei-feng + Phoenix to come to the ceremony + Ceremony to be quiet, body to be idle + Idle clouds and wild cranes + Crane's hair and chicken skin + Spring and Autumn in the Skin + Autumn wind through the ears + Ear-food talk + Talking and laughing as if they had no intention to do so + Ruo-ling-no-marking + Darkness, darkness and vexation + Shyness into anger + Anger and anger + Treating the people as if they were hurt + Injured birds with bowed arches + Bird language, flowers and fragrance + Fragrance and fragrance of flowers and flowers + Raising carbuncle to become a danger + Difficulties with the *** + *** Branch + Dried up + Dried up for a reason + For the sake of the enemy + Seniority + See the light of day again + Three rods on a pole + Rod's head straight up + Up to the pole and down to the pole + Push the lapel to the pole + Hold the vine and pick the gourd + Melon is ripe and fall + Fallen flower and water + Water and rice have no relations + Shallow relations and deeper words + In the middle of the night + Night is long and dreaming + Multi-talent and multi-culti skills + Art does not overwhelm the body + Body and mind are sick + Disease enters by the mouth + Entrance to the door to ask for a secret + Mowed down + Deeply abhorrent + Extinctly alive + Life is at stake and death is in danger + Taken by the rich to give to the poor. robbing the rich to help the poor + poverty and pride + life as a parasite + life as a parasite + under the fence + downward spiral + sound vibration of the forest and trees + wooden heart + heart and soul + happy and contented + get an inch in the foot + a foot is short and an inch is long + long eyes and flying ears + ears and eyes are bright and clear + to know right from wrong + not a donkey, not a horse + horse is thin and hair is long + long drive straight in + into the wood, three points + not to take the money + take the faith from the people + the people's grievances are boiling over + Tengjiao Qixiong + Fengmao Jimei + beauty hairpin + flower talk, Liu say + talk about the yellow and black + black light, black light, black light, black light, black light, black light, black light, black light, black light, black light. dark light + firelight + heaven + sky + sky and earth + almanac + almanac + counting + counting white on yellow + yellow robe + something outside of the body + things change + moving bottles and teaching + teaching and learning + years and years + months and winds + windy wind + windy winds + casual things + things are people's faults + things are not in the pool + things are always contrary to each other + counterproductive + expedient + expedient measures + plan out all the things + all the things in the world + all the things in the world + all the things that I don't have in the world + all the things I don't want to do + all the things I don't have in my heart + all the things I don't have in my heart + all the things I don't have + broken stems and drifting clouds + broken stems and drifting clouds + lattice windows + lattice windows and peeping at the sun + Running to tell the truth + Rationed sheep + Sheep and wolves are greedy + Corruption + Corruption + Reduction + Preparedness + A friend in need + A friend in need + A relationship as light as water + Water over a duck's back + A friend in need + A mess + Painted with grease + Pink, white and black + Black and white is clear + Bright and blatant + Boldly afraid + Thrilled and scared + Boldly scared + Small and fearful + Small, honest and careful + Sincere and lost + Looks like a great power + A large and unfinished + A great deal of good luck + Good luck and a few feathers + Feathers are not yet plentiful + Plentifully clothed and fed + Meat and bedding skin + Skin and flesh. flesh and skin + skin-to-skin + laughingly generous + convenient door + door-to-door + wine-to-song + song-to-dance + song-to-song + for no reason at all + for a cause + for a crime + for a crime that deserves to die + to die again + to be burned + to be burned + to be in a hurry + to choose + to choose what to do + to do what you want + to want to do what you want to do + to return a tiger to the mountain + to hide in a valley + to hide in a place of silence + to speak out + to say what you want to say + to steal the light from the wall + to recover the old things + to rot things + to be born of insects + to be born in an unfortunate moment + to be born in a place where there is a source of life + to be born of a great source + to be born of great power The source of the incident + The source of the incident + The visitor is good + Good, good, bad, bad + Bad words + Sad, sad, sad eyes + The sight of the future is not too far away + One after the other + The future is hard + Unbelievable + The light of the day + The light of the moment + The day is the right time + The day is the right time + The pupils of the pupils are clipped together + The fire is relentless + The feelings are all there is to be found + The situation is just as it should be + The spirit of the situation is high + The order of the day is given + The nausea + The vomit of blood + The blood of blood + Blood of blood + Bloodguard + The honesty and integrity + The welcome and the obsequiousness + The head-on approach The water flows in a stream + watery + cooperative + powerful + blessed + blessed without equal + supreme + on the rain side wind + wind and moon debt + debt without worrying + sad eyes + eye high and low + low.
5. 20 four-letter idioms for solitaireFour-letter idioms for solitaire:
Example 1:
Long drive -> into the wood, three points -> pennies not to take -> to take the trust of the people -> people's grievances -> Tengjiaoqi phoenix -> phoenix hair, jimei -> beautiful hairpin -> flower say willow say -> said yellow, road dark - &> black light, darkness -> black light, darkness -> black light, darkness -> black light, darkness, darkness -> black light, darkness, darkness. > black light -> firelight candle sky -> heaven and earth apart -> alternate years almanac -> calendar -> counting white on the yellow -> yellow robe -> outside the body -> things change -> moving bottles on the teachings.
Speak three times - > four flat and steady - > steady and steady - > beat the teeth of the mouth - > mouth straight and heart quick - > quick step - > starry fire prairie - > original original - > the cart before the horse - > turn a deaf ear to it - > hear the wind - > timid as a rat - > the rat scurrying wolf run ->Running away ->Suffering ->Sheep and wolves are greedy ->Corruption > into nothing ->Preparedness ->A friend in need .
Example three:
Come and go clearly -> understandably -> when the door to the household -> household limit for the wear -> through the wall to attract light -> light before and after -> the rising star -> show but not the real -> the real with the powerful -> strive for the upper reaches of the river -> swim with ease -> aftermath -> bland and strange. ->precious ->treasure ->old ->old ->Zhongling Yuxiu ->Xiu Cai Ren Ren Ren Ren ->love sinus ->the founding fathers .
Introduction to Idioms in Chinese:
Idioms in Chinese is a traditional Chinese word game. It not only has a long history and a broad social basis, but also embodies a microcosm of our country's writing, culture and civilization, and is a folk cultural and recreational activities for young and old alike. Idiom solitaire rules are diverse, we are generally familiar with the use of idioms connected to the beginning and the end of the word continues to extend the method of solitaire; because idioms solitaire is as a widely carried out mass competition game, so it must have an authoritative, strict norms method, in order to reflect the fairness of the game, justice. Make the best stand out.