How to get from Zhengzhou Railway Station to Sias International College of Zhengzhou University?

Take the 519 bus from the train station and get off at the South Coach Station, transfer to the Zhengzhou to Xinzheng bus at the South Station, and then take a three-wheeler to Zhengzhou University Sias after arriving at the Xinzheng station

Zhengzhou University Sias is located in Xinzheng, which is about 50 kilometers away from the Zhengzhou Train Station; Xinzheng is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Zhengzhou, and therefore must transfer to an intercity bus for every city bus that arrives there directly.

Total cost: 1 yuan for the 519 bus from the train station; 9 yuan for the intercity bus; about 5 yuan for a three-wheeler from the Xinzheng station to the school. ***15 yuan.