The latest installment of "Time Concert" features Lin Zhihyun sitting in. In this show, Lin Zhihyun's performance has been wowing listeners since the first installment.
"Lady of Luxury and Fragrance" has broken one hundred million broadcasts, "End of the World" has been on the hot search, "Because of Love" has been brushed on the screen in the circle of friends, and "Shy Roses Bloom Quietly" has been on the music hot list ......
As a Time Musician, netizens have also given a great reputation, saying that the kind of covers like the one where Lin Zhihyun shakes the original singer to his core is what is called singing.
We've written about Lin Zhihyun too many times before.
But between Lin Zhihyun's amazing performance on "Time Concert", every single one of them sang at the level of the "Singer" stage.
So today we start from the beginning with Lin in "Time Concert".
"Lady of Luxury" is a song by Phoenix Legends that you may not have heard before.
It was released in 2009, but when it first came out, it was overshadowed by "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Wind," "The Temptation of Lang," and "All About Love" from the same album, and it wasn't until 12 years later that it became known through the short-form video platform.
Compared with "Above the Moon," "Free Flight" and "The Most Dazzling National Wind," which really dominated the streets and squares, "Madame Luxury Fragrance" didn't have as much of an impact.
Lin Zhihyun's cover of the song flipped the flame, and the cover even broke 100 million plays.
Lin's version of the remix didn't really change much of the melody of the original song, but only added a little ingenuity to the arrangement - one example being replacing the bamboo flute in the intro with a saxophone.
It's a much deeper and steadier sound than the original's soft and poignant, oriental-colored character.