Square Dance 32 steps

Square Dance 32 steps:

1, feet together, the left foot to the left step, the right foot to the left and the left foot close to the second step, the left foot and then to the left step, the right foot to the left foot close to the fourth step

2, the same movement in the opposite direction, to the right to move the left foot close to the right foot, which completes the 8 steps, and at the same time, also back to the original point

3, four steps forward, four steps back, and back to the original point, completed 16 steps The same movement in the opposite direction to the right, the left foot close to the right foot, which completes 16 steps, and at the same time return to the original point.

4. Take a step forward with the left foot, tap the ground with the right foot to the right side, land with the right foot to the front, shift the center of gravity to the right foot, and tap the ground with the left foot to the left side. The left foot moves to the right square, the center of gravity moves to the left foot, the right foot points to the right side of the ground, the right foot moves to the right rear, the center of gravity to the right foot, the left foot points to the left side of the ground. At this point it is back to the original position, completing 24 steps.

5, the left foot to the upper right, the right foot cross to the left in front of the move, the left foot to the left rear, the right foot to the right rear (to say people is the northeast of the Yangge step), walk twice. ***32 steps to complete