Episodes 1 to 23 of the anime's first season aired from October 5, 2006 to March 29, 2007 in Japan. Episodes 24 and 25 were aired on July 28, 2007 as a special.
Title List
1. The Day the Demon God was Born (魔神 が 生まれた日)
2. The Awakening of the White Knight (覚醒 の 白き騎)
3. The Classmate in Disguise (伪り の クラス メイト)
4. His Name is Zero (その名は ゼロ)
5. The Princess and the Witch (皇女と魔女)
5. The Princess and the Witch (皇女と The Princess and the Witch (皇女と魔女)
6. The Taken Mask (夺われた 仮面)
7. The Attack on Cornelia (コーネリアを撃て)
8. The Order of the Black Knights (黒の骑士団) 8.5 Masks of the Tracks (仮面の轨徑 〈總篇集: 01-08〉)
9. Revisiting the Old Dreams (リ フ レ イ ン)
10. The Dance of the Red Lotus (紅莲 舞う)
10. Dance (紅莲 舞う)
11. Narita Attack and Defense Battle (ナリタ攻防戦)
12. Kyoto Messenger (キョウト から の使使者)
13. Sharai and Singijin (シャーリーと铳口)
14. Geass versus Geass (ギアス対ギアス)
15. Drinking Cai's Mao (喝采のマオ)
15. (16. The Imprisoned Nanari (囚われの ナナリー)
17. The Knights 17.5 Masked Truth (仮面 の 真実 〈總篇集:01-17〉)
18. The Orders Against Jubilee of Shukaku (樞木スザクに命じる)
19. The Isle of the Gods (神之島)
20. The Battle of Kyushu (キュウルカ)
21. 20. 九州战役 (キュウシュウ 戦役)
21. 学園祭宣言 (学園祭 宣 言!)
22. 血染的尤菲(血染めの ユフィ)
23. 至少,带带悲伤(せめて哀しみとともに)
25. Zero (ゼロ)
(二)第二季:Code Geass Rebel Rulusho R2
The second season of the anime began airing on April 6, 2008. It was broadcast in the same aspect ratio as the original production, which is a 16:9 widescreen format.
At 17:00 p.m. (Tokyo time) on April 15, 2008, a system error preventing malicious submissions occurred at BANDAI's online broadcast channel, which is responsible for the program's online distribution, and the third episode of the program, which was supposed to be aired four days later (April 20), had a 5-minute and 51-second-long dailies (which included a portion of the program's Part 3, the entire Part 4, the ED, and the fourth episode of the program) that had been broadcast. (which included part of Part 3, the entire Part 4, the ED, and the preview of the fourth episode of the show) was mistakenly uploaded to the Internet and revealed in advance. Due to the poor airtime, the ratings were as low as 1.4%. Some netizens began to fear that the series would be canceled.
Season 2 broadcast on TV stations
Broadcast area TV station Start of broadcast week and broadcast time (UTC+9)
Kanto area Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) April 6, 2008 ~ Sunday 17:00-17:30
Kinki area Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS) April 6, 2008 ~
Title of each episode
1. The Day the Demon God Awakens (魔神 が 目覚める日)
2. Japan's Independence Plan (日本独立计划)
3. The Imprisoned Academy (囚われ の 学園)
4. The Counterattack of the Execution Bench (逆袭 の 处刑台)
5. The Knights of the Round Table (ナイト オブ ラウンズ)
6. 太平洋奇袭作戦
7. 弃弃的面具(弃てられた 仮面)
8. 百万的奇迹(百万 の キセキ)
9. 朱禁城的新娘(朱禁城 の 花嫁)
10. 神虎闪耀之刻(神虎 辉く刻)
11. 思念之力(想い
12. Love Attack!
13. Assassin from the Past (过去 からの assassin)
14. GEASS Hunting (ギアス狩り)
15. C's World (C の 世界)
16. United States of Supermarkets Resolution No. 1 (超合集国决议第壱)
17. Taste of the Earth (土之味)
18. Tokyo. 第二決战(第二 トウキョウ 决戰)
19. 背叛(里切り)
20. unworthy of being an emperor (皇帝失格)
21. (ラグナレクの接続)
22. (皇帝 ルルーシュ)