How can a girl lose belly fat?

Transferred from 39 Weight Loss & Fitness Academy

Losing waist and belly fat is not easy. Just doing calisthenics doesn't quite get you there, you need at least 20 minutes of cardio at least three times a week, combined with a low-fat diet, and then add (resistance) dumbbell exercises.

Waist Exercises

Action 1 This one is a little difficult. Lie on the floor on your side with one arm bent, supporting your body with your elbow and your lower arm forward. Keep your body straight, and then push down hard at the waist, so that the whole lower body touches the ground, and then pull up. Repeat this action for 2 groups, 20 times per group.

Action 2 stand, feet apart wider than shoulder width, both arms horizontally open. Then twist the waist down, right hand touch the surface of the left foot, upright, change the left hand action. This action is repeated 3 groups, 10 times per group.

Action 3 stand, feet apart. Hold a fitness bar in both hands and place it on your shoulders (if you don't have a fitness bar, you can cross your arms and end them flat on your chest), and keep your back straight. Then stretch the waist to the sides, the action should be slow, pay attention to the amplitude, do not strain. Repeat this action 3 groups, 20 times per group.

Upper abdominal exercise

Action 1 lie flat on the ground, both hands on the hip side. Raise your legs upward at a ninety-degree angle to your upper body. Use the power of your abdomen to move your hips up and back down. Repeat this movement for 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions each.

Action 2 Preparatory position is the same as action 1. The legs are at a 90-degree angle to the upper body. Then use the power of the abdomen to lift the upper body, hands as much as possible to touch the ankle position, slightly stay 1-3 seconds, the upper body down. Repeat this action for 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions each.

Action 3 This is a stationary hold, but quite difficult. Get on all fours, face the ground, and support your body with your elbows and toes, keeping your body straight. Hold this position for 20 seconds or as long as possible.

Lower Abdominal Exercises

Lower Abdominal Exercises, which focus on what is commonly known as the "tummy", the part of the body where you usually wear a belt, are very important.

Action one is not the usual sit-ups. Why do you say "extraordinary"? The sit-ups in the physical education class test, usually the arm has to touch the knee. But that's not a very good workout. In the following movement, we just focus on the abdomen, use the power of the abdomen to lift the upper body to 30-60 degrees from the ground, pause at this angle for 5 seconds, and then fall down. Repeat this movement for 3 sets of 15 repetitions each.

Action 2 Crunches at an upward angle. Lie flat on the floor and raise your legs upward at about a 60-degree angle. Put your hands behind your head, lift your upper body, touch your right knee with your left elbow, and then switch to the right hand movement. Repeat for two sets of 25-30 repetitions each.

Action 3 In order to make your waist more shapely, let's add an action. ^_^ Standing, feet slightly apart, right hand crossed at the waist, left hand holding dumbbells (2-3 kg), natural sagging. Then bend your body to the left side, drop your left hand as far as possible, and then straighten your body. Repeat this action for 2 sets of 20 repetitions each. Rotate between the two sides.

With the development of the intelligent era, the low head is also more and more, in the street we can see everywhere low head, for which the low head of the family made a lot of jokes, but studies have shown that long-term low head on our cervical vertebrae has a great deal of damage, especially for our office workers and teenagers.

Long-term "low head", cervical spondylosis will not only haunt you, shoulder and neck pain is inevitable, and more yoga can be effective in the Shu Shu tendons and collaterals, the line of blood, enhance the strength of the spine, and promote the blood circulation of the whole body, fast with the small gamma with the practice up!

1, single-legged standing style

a. Keep the mountain standing position, the left leg straight, the palms of the feet close to the ground, the right leg straight upward, left and right hands can hold the right ankle in order to maintain the balance of the entire body;

b. The upper torso can be straight, can also be bent downward, chest, abdomen, and keep breathing evenly;

c. Keep the action 30-60 seconds, change the other hand, and then the other hand, the other half of the torso can also bend, and keep breathing evenly;

c. Maintain the posture of the body. action for 30-60 seconds, change to the other side of the practice, repeat the action five times.

2, Mountain Variation

a. Maintain the mountain standing position, legs together, left knee bending thighs up until the left calf parallel to the ground, with the left arm to support the left side of the calf, the left hand to hold the left foot to keep the body balanced;

b. Lift the chest and abdominal, eyes staring ahead, keep breathing evenly;

c. Keep the movement 30-60 seconds, switch to the other side of the practice, repeat the movement five times. action for 30-60 seconds, change to the other side of the practice, repeat the action five times.

3, inverted variant

a. Keep the prone position, hands stretched forward to the ground, hands clenched, head and hands in the shape of a triangle, legs straight up until the downward dog posture;

b. waist and head force, legs up, feet off the mantle, legs crossed to keep the body balanced;

c. Keep the action 30-60 seconds, repeat the action five times. . Hold the movement for 30-60 seconds and repeat the movement five times.

4, single-legged standing variations

a. Maintain the standing position, feet together, left leg straight up, toes up, right hand around the head to hold the right foot to maintain the balance of the whole body;

b. The left arm to the left side of the straight, tighten the abdomen, the right knee can be bent a little bit, the body slightly leaning forward, to maintain uniform breathing;

c. Hold the action 30-60 seconds, repeat the action five times;

d. Hold the action 30-60 seconds, repeat the action five times. c. Hold the action for 30-60 seconds, change to the other side of the practice, repeat the action five times.

5. Dancing King Pose

a. Maintain the standing position, keep your legs together, bend your right knee to the back of your body, stretch upward, lean forward with your upper torso, and lift your hands above your head to hold your right foot to keep your body balanced;

b. Keep your eyes in front of you, straighten your left leg, keep your foot close to the ground, and tighten your abdomen, and breathe evenly;

c. Keep moving for 30-60 seconds, switch to the other side, and repeat the movement five times. Hold the action for 30-60 seconds, change to the other side of the practice, repeat the action five times.

6. Standing single-legged head-holding pose

a. Maintain an upright position, straighten your right leg forward until it is parallel to the ground, bend your torso toward your leg until your head is close to your right knee, and hold your right foot with both hands to keep your body balanced;

b. Tighten your abdomen and close your eyes to feel the power of the ligaments stretching, and keep your breathing even;

c. Hold the movement for 30-60 seconds, switch to the other side, and repeat the movement five times;

d. Hold the movement for 30-60 seconds, switch to the other side, and repeat the movement five times.

c. Hold the movement for 30-60 seconds, change to the other side of the practice, repeat the movement five times.

7, goddess style

a. Maintain a standing position, legs to the sides of the spread two shoulders away, knees bent, the center of gravity slowly downward until the two sides of the thighs and the ground is parallel to the state;

b. Elbows bent upward to stretch, the palms of the feet to support the ground to keep the body balanced, the waist force, feel the power of the fat burning;

c. Keep the action 30-60 seconds to practice the other side, repeat the action five times;

d. Keep the action 30-60 seconds to practice the other side, repeat the action five times. > c. Keep the action 30-60 seconds, change the other side of the exercise, repeat the action five times.

A set of actions down, not only sweaty, body warmer, "low head" of the spine is not a stretch it! Every night to do a group, shoulder pain away from you!

On winter health, Xiaoga has something to say:

Do not sleep with your head covered, open the window to ventilate

Insist on cold water to wash your face, often drink warm water

Exercise more yoga, to promote the health of the body

Today's topic: Tell us what you think of the feelings called girlfriends?

Xiaoga first, Xiaoga think girlfriends should be their own do not need to wash their hair, do not need to make up, in front of her hair is not so bad, anyway, she will not mind me, she will be your wedding bridesmaids, the child's godmother!

Answer: is there a way to lose fat or weight if we don't control our diet across the board and don't want to exercise more? There is - we can increase our basal metabolic rate! (The basal metabolic rate is simply the amount of energy your body consumes when you don't eat, drink, or lie in bed every day.) What's even better is that the basal metabolic rate thing is pretty heavily weighted on the right side of the scale. You see, running for half an hour (at my weight level, for example) burns about 300 calories, whereas lying in bed all day without doing anything burns 1,750 calories. The point is, you don't have to run for half an hour every day, but every day your body will help you burn energy, and that's the power of basal metabolic rate. How do you lose weight lying down? Do weight training (aka strength training, plyometrics, fitness, etc.) on a regular basis!

This is the best way to increase your basal metabolic rate! All you have to do is spend 10-20 minutes a day doing weight training (fitness), turn on the 'switch' in your muscles, and then your body will act like it's 'switched on' and have a pretty high metabolism level for the rest of the day, helping you burn more energy. I know a lot of people think it's unbelievable when they see "10-20 minutes a day", but there are a lot of things you can't know until you've tried them yourself. Weight loss or, in the case of normal weight, thin waist and abdomen, try to set aside ten minutes a day, turn on the music you like to listen to, choose two parts of the abdomen outside into the weight training, and then do a few sets of abdominal training. Be sure to pay attention to your focus is in the whole not only the abdomen, after all, the size of the abdominal muscles compared to the chest, back, legs, compared to the small poor, to enhance the space is not big, so, deadlocked abdominal training is not, you want to achieve the effect is: through the training of various parts of the muscle, in the process of muscle repair and become stronger, increase the body's basal metabolic rate. So in the daily training, you have to keep the different parts of the feeling of "sour", right.

Hello, this is my answer, personal experience is very useful, if you are satisfied, please give me a high-quality answer Oh

How to reduce the fat on the stomach is a lot of obese girls encountered *** with the same problem, due to the sedentary, dietary inappropriateness on the stomach is most likely to be excess flab, to look at these reduce the stomach trick it:

1. Sitting eating method. Tighten the belly method. This is the same situation with walking, in fact, still, you sit, but also remember, tighten the abdomen, eat, but also to tighten the abdomen, this situation, still can be used to tighten the abdomen to make your stomach feel the pressure, so as to achieve the purpose of eating less, thin waist.

2. Walking diet. We all have to walk in normal times. If you have meat on your stomach, then remember to use the following method. When walking, close the abdomen, remember, to use the maximum force to put the abdomen, and then walk in the usual way and frequency on the line, so that will make the meat on the stomach have a sense of urgency, so as to achieve the tightening of the abdominal skin, to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

3. The meat on the abdomen is very difficult to reduce. There is a way to make the abdomen self-control. That is, wearing tight clothes method. We can wear loose lower body, but if it is fat upper body, I suggest wearing thin clothes, especially at the waist body of the clothes must be thin, so that the abdomen will be wrapped up, so that it is always being reminded of too fat, too fat, oppression of its, tighten its, burning fat will achieve the purpose of reducing waist.

4. Usually there is no thing when, for example, in the movie, watching TV or listening to the song, you can use your right hand to stroke the belly or a gentle massage to the abdomen to burn fat. This, that is, to the navel as the center, and then the right hand above the center in the belly clockwise, remember, must be clockwise circles, so that, has been insisted on until bedtime.

5. Running is very good to reduce abdominal fat movement, in general, running most of the time the human body weight is mainly concentrated in one of the legs, in order to maintain the balance of the body, the abdominal muscles not only to maintain the state of tightness, but also must make the torso (accounted for the total weight of the human body 2/3) in the process of exercise to maintain a straight state. In addition, running consumes a lot of calories, depending on the speed of running, generally ranging from 490 to 1103 kcal per hour.

6. There is another one that is also commonly used, and that is the tight pinch method. This tight pinch method, you have to suffer the pain. That is, the two hands from the back of the waist of the place has been rubbing hard to the navel here, remember, must use vigorously, and then squeeze the fat to the navel here, and then two hands and then vigorously grasp and pinch it, hard to pinch and grasp, so that, repeat back and forth for half an hour, the abdomen has a sense of soreness, adhere to the half a month a month will play a very good effect.

The above tells you how to reduce the fat on the stomach, sharing six effective ways to reduce the fat on the stomach, to help you quickly lose the stomach excess fat. The first thing you need to do is to take care of your diet.

1, get up and drink a cup of honey water first, breakfast can not be ignored. You can only eat a banana, because it contains 8 calories to fill the stomach, but eating bananas on an empty stomach is not very good, so it is recommended to drink a glass of milk plus an egg.

2, Chinese 1 bowl of rice + vegetables + a little meat, beef is better. But to 6-8 minutes full is appropriate

3, dinner to eat diet meal, drink a box of skimmed milk or an egg or an apple instead of dinner.

4, be sure to drink a lot of water, at least 6 glasses a day. Boiling water can help you reduce hunger, flush out excess fat from your body and keep your metabolism flowing.

5, be sure not to eat fried, greasy, too sweet, too salty food, because these are the natural enemy of weight loss!

6, measure your weight once a week, not more, so as to see real progress.

There is a yoga movement, called the jade belt around the waist to start the yuan technique,, the palms of the two hands next to each other, placed on the navel, while turning around the waist to the back waist, so repeatedly.

This action has Shu Jing activate blood, protect the kidneys, reduce the role of belly meat. Do about 20 minutes belly will be hot, protect the waist, thin stomach.

There is another way is to make a fist with both hands to knock the stomach, navel on both sides of the Tianshu point, you can knock, half an hour a day.

Then try not to be sedentary, because sedentary, can cause the stomach bruises, can also cause obesity.

You can drink some chrysanthemum tea, tonifying the liver and kidneys, and clearing the body fat.

Try to eat less meat and more vegetarian.

Boat pose: sitting on a yoga mat, inhale, lift your legs, straighten your feet, arms forward, do not arch your back, spine straight, this posture deep breathing, try to keep a long time, feel the tightness of the small stomach. Exhale and slowly fall. Repeat 6 ......8 times.

Bow Pose: Lie prone on the mat, inhale, lift the upper body, arms back to reach the lifted legs and ankles, the upper body as far back as possible, the abdomen as the center, the legs are also as high as possible. Breathe evenly in this position and hold for one minute. Exhale and drop back down to the mat. Keep doing this 6......8 more times. Long-term persistence will see a flat belly.

Small secret quotations: can not be thin? Let the autumn wind take away your fat and tears, gently 1 dance king style to help you solve

"Let the autumn wind take away my thoughts, take away my tears," let us accompanied by the melody of this song, strolling on the road in late autumn, let the dead leaves fall and float on the body, practitioners of yoga, motionless, only because of the love of yoga.

Yoga is not twisting twists, but let you in a breath between, to find the serenity of their own, "King of the Dance" this action focuses on the exercise of the legs, in the legs taut when the waist downward bending, and lift the right leg, at the same time, hands upward stretching, stretching to the back of the head and hold the right foot toes.

Xiao Mi found a variation of the "King of Dancers" for you, which can be said to be a low-cost version of the "King of Dancers", in this variation, the waist does not need to be bent, and the right calf is stretched upward, only the chest and head slightly tilted backward, and the left arm is naturally extended. In this variation, there is no bending at the waist, the right calf is extended upward, and only the chest and head are tilted slightly backward.

"King of the Dance" action is complete, the next exercise is to practice the "upside down" variant, note that the arms should be fully extended, and then legs spread, resting on the wall, the left foot on the right foot. After practicing, be sure to take a short break to regain your strength before continuing to practice!

After resting, we continue to practice, the following to practice is the "scorpion" variant of the action, this action requires you ladies will be tilted on the ground, legs straight, to maintain body balance, the right leg slowly lifted, to reach the highest point of the bending of the calf, with the abdomen slowly breathing.

The following is a variation of the "head and elbow inversion", first of all, hands crossed, fingers intertwined, head buried in which we can use both knees, waist force, ready to lift the knees, to reach the highest point of the legs will be the sides of the diagonal above the extension can be.

Xiao Mi recent month are insisting on practicing inversion it! But then again, after practicing this action every day, the strength to get up the next day is not there, hehehe! The following Xiao Mi will share with you the method of this action:

1, arms taut, upright on the ground,

2, legs taut, waist force, the legs placed above.

3, legs flat, parallel to the ground.

4, Note that gravity is placed between the hands.

To slim down a perfect body, it is not enough to practice, but also to eat some coarse grains, such as: brown rice, oats, red beans and so on.

The benefits of the "scorpion" style is that it can fully exercise the muscles of the legs, such as legs can be bent forward, the abdomen is fully exercised, and the arms are straightened in the process of breathing with the chest, spitting out the body's dirty air.

A good mood + healthy diet + sufficient sleep + suitable exercise! The choice of snacks is particularly delicate, fruits and vegetables are the best! Don't eat before you go to bed! Cultivate the ability to resist all kinds of high-energy delicious! Also, chew slowly!