How is the pain around the navel?

1 omphalitis Perinavel pain is thought to be caused by omphalitis. When adults have omphalitis, in addition to the pain in umbilical fossa or umbilical region, it will also be accompanied by congestion and edema, often with serous secretions and foul smell. Sometimes omphalitis will spread around the navel, accompanied by deep infection and cellulitis.

Suggestion: Adult omphalitis is usually caused by careless abrasion when cleaning the dirt and sebum in the umbilical fossa, which leads to bacterial invasion and infection. It is recommended to seek medical advice in time to avoid aggravation of inflammation.

Abdominal pain caused by ascaris infection is generally more common in children. In addition to intermittent pain around the navel, there will be symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, yellow complexion, eating foreign bodies, and dry stool.

Suggestion: Ascariasis in children is generally caused by unclean diet or swallowing Ascaris eggs without washing hands before and after meals. It is recommended to take medicine according to the doctor's advice after diagnosis, and educate the children about food hygiene afterwards.

3 Enterospasm Enterospasm is also common in children. Among them, preschool children often feel pain around the middle abdomen or navel, which is paroxysmal, sometimes painful and sometimes painless.

Suggestion: Abdominal cold, overeating, cold food and high sugar content in food may all lead to the accumulation of intestinal gas in children. If the symptoms are mild, it is recommended to observe and help the child massage the abdomen to see if it can be alleviated. If the symptoms are serious, it is recommended to seek medical advice. And pay attention to the child's diet, not just eat by yourself.

4 Tips The abdominal cavity around the navel is the jejunum and ileum in the small intestine and the larger blood vessels. Periumbilical pain is mostly related to eating cold in the abdomen, such as cold, indigestion, spicy food and so on.

It is recommended to eat a reasonable diet, pay attention to keeping your abdomen warm, and avoid eating cold, spicy, irritating and indigestible food. If you have enteritis, you should go to the hospital to do relevant examinations, clarify the cause and treat the symptoms.