Zhoushan Zhujiajian must-see attractions

1, Huainan belongs to the north. 2, China's north-south division is mainly based on the Yangtze River as the boundary, south of the Yangtze River belongs to the south, north of the Yangtze River belongs to the north, and Huainan, although belongs to the south of the Huaihe River, but belongs to the north of the Yangtze River, it belongs to the north. 3, Huainan in Anhui belongs to the central area of Anhui, but the people here are eating rice more. Huainan belongs to the central Anhui province, and although it is a northern city, people here also eat a little more rice.3. Although all the people in Huainan are from the north, some of the characteristics of them are really from the south, such as their diet, they eat more rice than noodles, and their accent, for example, has no children's voice, but is mostly flat and consonants. After all, from the big map of China, Huainan is also in the south of China's overall geographic location, so the people of Huainan always say that the north feel that they are southerners, and southerners feel that they are northerners.