1, Wang Xizhi writing for geese
Wang Xizhi is China's great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He came from a scholarly family, coupled with his outstanding talent, the court in the public ministers and ministers recommended him to become an official. He was an assassin and a right army general (people also called him Wang Right Army). Wang Xizhi loved writing since he was a child. It is said that when he was walking, he practiced writing with his fingers at any time, and even his clothes were scratched after a long time. After learning and practicing hard, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy became more and more famous. People at that time regarded his characters as treasures. It is said that once, Wang Xizhi went to a village. An old woman carried a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans to sell at the market. The bamboo fan was very simple, without any decoration, could not attract the interest of the passers-by, and it looked like it could not be sold, and the old woman was very anxious. Seeing this situation, Wang Xizhi sympathized with the old woman, so he went up to her and said, "There is no painting or writing on your bamboo fan, so of course it won't sell. I will give you the inscription, how?" The old woman did not recognize Wang Xizhi. The old woman did not know Wang Xizhi, see him so enthusiastic, also put the bamboo fan to him to write. Wang Xizhi lifted his pen and wrote five characters on each fan, and then returned them to the old woman. The old woman, who could not read or write, found his writing scribbling and was very unhappy. Wang Xizhi comforted her by saying, "Don't be anxious. Tell the person who bought the fan that it was written by Wang Youjun." As soon as Wang Xizhi left, the old woman did as he said. When the people on the market saw that it was really Wang Youjun's calligraphy, they all rushed to buy it. The bamboo fans were sold out immediately. Many artists have their own hobbies, some love to plant flowers, some love to raise birds. But Wang Xizhi has his special favorites. No matter where there is a good goose, he was interested in going to see, or buy it back to enjoy. There was a Taoist priest in Shanyin who wanted Wang Xizhi to write him a volume of Tao Te Ching. However, he knew that Wang Xizhi refused to copy the scriptures for others easily. Later, he found out that Wang Xizhi liked white geese, so he specially raised a batch of geese of good breeds. When Wang Xizhi heard that the Taoist priest's house had good geese, he really ran to see them. When he approached the Taoist house, he saw a group of geese in the river floating leisurely on the water surface, a snow-white feathers, reflecting the high red roof, is really delightful. Wang Xizhi in the river look at look, simply can not leave, and sent to find the Taoist priest, asked the group of geese sold to him. The monk smiled and said: "Since Wang Gong such a favorite, there is no need to break the bank, I will give you all the geese. But I have one request, which is to ask you to write a scroll of sutra for me." Wang Xizhi did not hesitate to copy a scroll of sutra for the Taoist priest, and the flock of geese was taken back by Wang Xizhi.
2. Wang Xizhi taught his son calligraphy
Yu Keqin
Wang Xianzhi, the seventh son of Wang Xizhi, was smart and studious since childhood, specializing in cursive and clerical calligraphy, and also good at painting. When he was seven or eight years old, he began to learn calligraphy under his father's tutelage. Once, when Wang Xizhi saw Xianzhi practicing calligraphy, he quietly went behind him and suddenly reached out to draw the brush in Xianzhi's hand, which he held very firmly and was not drawn off. His father was very happy and praised him, "This son will be famous again." Little Xianzhi was complacent after hearing this. On another occasion, a friend of Xizhi's asked Xianzhi to write on a fan, and when Xianzhi waved his pen to write, the pen suddenly fell on the fan, polluting the words. A calf came to life on the surface of the fan. Coupled with the crowd's praise for Xianzhi's calligraphy and painting, little Xianzhi grew proud of himself. Xianzhi's parents watched the scene, pondering ...... One day, Xianzhi asked his mother, Xi: "I only need to write for three more years, right?" Mom shook her head. "Five years will always do, right?" Mom shook her head again. Xian Zhi became anxious and rushed to his mom, "Then how long do you think it will actually take?" "You have to remember, after you finish writing these 18 tanks of water in the courtyard, only then will your characters have sinews and bones, blood and flesh, and only then will you be able to stand upright and steady." When Xianzhi turned around, it turned out that his father was standing behind him. Wang Xianzhi heart unconvinced, did not say anything, clenched his teeth and practiced for 5 years, a pile of well-written words to his father, hoping to hear a few words of praise. Who knows, Wang Xizhi lifted one by one, shaking his head vigorously. When he reached the character "大", his father showed a more satisfied expression and casually filled in a dot under the character "大", and then returned all the scripts to Xianzhi. Still unconvinced, Little Xianzhi showed all the characters to his mother and said, "I have been practicing for another five years, and I have practiced exactly like my father's characters. Take a close look, what is the difference between my father's characters and mine?" My mother really looked at it seriously for three days, and finally pointed to the dot Wang Xizhi added under the character "大", and sighed, "My son has worn out three jars of water, but there is only one point that resembles Xizhi's." After listening to the dedication of the discouraged, breathless, said: "difficult ah! If this goes on, when will there be a good result?" Seeing that his arrogance was gone, his mother encouraged him, saying, "My son, as long as the work is deep, there is no river you can't cross, no mountain you can't climb. If you just keep practicing as persistently as you have been doing in the past few years, you will surely reach your goal!" After hearing this, Xianzhi was y moved, and practiced again with perseverance. After using up 18 vats of water to practice his calligraphy, Xianzhi made great progress in calligraphy. Later, Wang Xianzhi's calligraphy reached such a high level that his characters were so powerful that they were called "The Two Kings", alongside those of Wang Xizhi.
3, Wang Xizhi Tiantai Mountain to worship
Wang Xizhi in the Lanting before the cultivation of purification came to Tiantai Mountain, the magical and beautiful scenery of Tiantai Mountain attracted, and then in the top of the Hua stayed down. He enjoyed the sunrise spectacle and the sea of clouds and fog, and these mountain scenery made his calligraphy also get embellished. He kept practicing, kept washing the pen and ink stone, and even a clear blue pool are dyed black ink pool is so named. One night, Wang Xizhi in the light of the practice, practice, practice, practice, white paper written one after another, spread all over the floor. Late at night he was still reading and thinking about each word one by one. The words he wrote, he is not satisfied, and look and practice, really too tired to practice, holding the pen on the case. Suddenly, a gust of wind, a white cloud drifted to the clouds, there is an old man with silver beard, smilingly looked at him and said: "You write a good word ah!" "Where, where!" Wang Xizhi replied humbly as he made way for a seat. Seeing that the old man carefully watched his own writing, he asked for advice, "Old man ah, please correct me." Seeing Wang Xizhi's sincerity, the old man said, "Reach over." Wang Xizhi wondered what the old man was going to do. He saw that the old man was serious and did not look like a joke, so he slowly reached over. The old man took the pen, said with a smile, "I see you sincerely learn to write, let you realize a pen trick, in the future has its own role." After the old man finished, he wrote a character on Wang Xizhi's palm, then nodded and said, "You will progress up faster." Said went away. Wang Xizhi hurriedly shouted, "Where is Mr. Home?" Only to hear the air vaguely came a: "Tiantai Baiyun ......" Wang Xizhi look at the palm of his hand is a "Yong" word, he than ah row ah, write ah practice ah, finally realized: horizontal and vertical hook, point He finally realized: horizontal and vertical hooks, dots, skims, and strokes of the square character and the know-how of the structure of the frame are all embodied in the character "永". Mr. Bai Yun had taught him a really good brush technique! After that, Wang Xizhi practiced more diligently, and his calligraphy became more unrestrained and marvelous. Later, Wang Xizhi returned to Shaoxing, and literary friends in the Lanting gathering, pen wrote a thousand years of calligraphy treasures "Lanting set of preface". Wang Xizhi can not forget the Tiantai Mountain, Mr. Baiyun's "Yong" word pen skills, sincerely wrote a "Huangjing hole", placed in a mountain top of an abrupt and dangerous cavern, the descendants called it "Huangjing hole". Today, some bold travelers, but also to climb up the Yellow Scripture Cave to see if the cave is still hiding Wang Xizhi's "Huangting Jing" it!
4, the east bed choose son-in-law
This is a long time ago. At that time, there was a big official, named Xi Jian, he is a very talented person, in order to choose a suitable object for his daughter, Xi boss man moved a lot of brain. Later, when he found out that the sons of the Wang family were all good-looking and talented, he tried to narrow down the field by choosing one of these young men to be his son-in-law. When the news came, the Wang family's children were all excited and nervous. They had heard that Ms. Xi had good character and talent, and who would not want to take her as a wife? So, one by one, carefully groomed, sitting in the school rules, the surface is reading, the heart has long been flying. But on the east side of the book case, there is a person is different. He was as casual as usual, as if there was no such thing, and was still concentrating on writing. This day, the weather is not hot, but this young man is hot to undo the shirt, exposed belly, perhaps not have time to eat it in the morning, he was writing, while grabbing a cold steamed bread to bite a bite, uninhibitedly chewing, eyes are still staring in front of the brush, the right hand that grips the brush, a moment has not been loosened, and sometimes also hanging in the air to gesture to write, that a serious demeanor, so that a person can not help but Laughing. Xi Jian sent his own representative in the school for some observation and understanding, and then went back. In his opinion, the Wang family children are all good, courteous, young and handsome, talented, simply can not say which is the best, which is worse. However, to say that the performance is not so satisfactory, there is one. His chest exposed belly, while writing also gnawed buns, look too casual, as if for the boss to choose a son-in-law such a big thing, not at all on the heart ...... this Xi adults heard the return, precisely on that behavior "casual" youth is interested in. He asked about the situation in detail, and happily put two palms together, said: "This is the son-in-law I'm looking for." What was this all about? Xi boss people think, this youth does not put personal matters on the heart, but focus on the calligraphy business, which is the performance of the future, there is such a drilling, obsessed, is not worried about not talented. Guess who is this young man? No one else, it is Wang Xizhi, later he really became an outstanding calligrapher. This shows that Xi boss man is the eyesight. Here also incidentally say, wang xizhi's wife, xi jian's daughter, she is also a calligrapher, wang xizhi can help a lot. Her son, Wang Xianzhi, later became a famous calligrapher, which also has a part of her credit.
5, eat dumplings
One day, Wang Xizhi passed by the market, see a dumpling store door, the noise of people, very lively. Especially the two couplets next to the door, especially eye-catching, written above, "through this past not go, know the flavor and often come" ten words, written on the horizontal plaque is "duck dumpling store. But the word is written dull and weak, lack of effort. Wang Xizhi read it, and thought in his heart: such a bad word, also worthy of writing a plaque? Another thought: "through this can not be, know the flavor and often come". --Good guy! Here in the end is what people's business, can be so boastful? As I got closer, I saw that there was a large pot of boiling water inside the store, located next to a low wall. The white dumplings, like little white birds, flew over the wall one by one, and fell into the boiling cauldron at just the right time. When the pot is full, the birds stop flying without being greeted. Waiting for the pot of dumplings cooked, fishing, "birds" and lined up like flying, accurate. Wang Xizhi was very surprised, so he took out some loose silver, asked for a big bowl of dumplings, and then sat down. At this time he realized that the dumplings are exquisite, as if the ducks floating and playing, it is really ingenious wonders! He picked up the dumplings with his chopsticks, slowly brought them to his mouth, and gently bit into them. At once, the fragrance was fresh and delicious. Unconsciously, the big bowl of dumplings, all swallowed into the belly. After a full meal, Wang Xizhi said to himself: this duck child dumplings really good! Just the door of the couplet is too poorly written words, and this delicious dumplings really can not match, I Wang Xizhi why not take this opportunity to write another couplet for them, but also not to disappoint me to come to this one - thought of this, he asked the shopkeeper: "May I ask the owner of the store where it is?" The shopkeeper pointed his finger at the short wall and said, "Back to you, the shopkeeper is behind the wall." Wang Xizhi rounded the short wall, saw a white-haired old woman sitting in front of the panel, a person rolled out the dumpling skin, and wrapped the dumpling filling, in the twinkling of an eye that is, the action is very nimble. What is even more amazing is that, after wrapping, the gray-haired old woman would casually throw the dumplings over the low wall, and the duck dumplings would cross the wall one by one. The old man's superb skills, so that Wang Xizhi marveled more than. He rushed forward and asked: "Old man, like you this deep kung fu, how long to practice?" The old man replied, "I am not hiding from you, it takes fifty years to become skillful, and a lifetime to become proficient." Hearing this, Wang Xizhi was silent for a while, as if savoring the taste of these words. Then asked: "Your craft is so skillful, why the pair at the door, do not ask someone to write better?" The old man huffed and puffed and said; "You don't know, it's not that I don't want to hire someone, it's just that it's not good to hire someone! There are people who have just gained some fame in writing, and then their eyes go upward, where would they be willing to write for us common people. In fact, as I see it, their writing skills are not as deep as my dumpling throwing skills!" The old man's work does not necessarily mean Wang Xizhi, but Wang Xizhi heard, feel the face hot, ashamed. So he specially wrote a couplet and respectfully gave it to the old man.
6, Wang Xizhi sold when
Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, loved to travel and go into the natural scenery. In the spring of that year, he went to Hangzhou to visit his friends, walked to the ground in Suzhou, step on a stone bridge, look around, see a small village in front, fluttering wine flags in the sunset in the afterglow of the flash, curls of smoke from the top of the thatched roof slowly rising, three by three farmers to the village, this is a picture of what a beautiful ah, some of him lingering, stop by the bridge, the moon rose, the village is a misty, more A view, put to a pot of wine, bought a few plates of small dishes, drink up, half of the night, with a little drunkenness, gradually fall asleep.
The next day, woke up, suddenly feel heavy head, back to the pavilion to lie down on the sick, the boy invited the famous doctor in Suzhou for Wang Xizhi diagnosis and treatment, Wang Xizhi was sick for a whole month. Out of the body with the disk fee has been used up, to see friends in Hangzhou can not. What should he do? He thought, suddenly remembered, in his hotel across the street there is a pawnshop, he remembered that "when" word has been worn out, why do not I write a when the word to pawn? Why don't I write the word "pawn" and pawn it? This was a good idea, so he asked the boy to lay out the paper and grind the ink. He wrote the word "dang" and told the scribe to take it to the pawnshop at a price of 30 taels of silver, not a penny less. The book boy came to the pawnshop, unfolded Wang Xizhi's words, the boss took a look, really is a good word, and asked when how much money, the book boy said 30 taels of silver, not a penny less. The boss scrutinized it and said, "It's a good character, but it's just with a sick face, so it's not worth it."
The scribe came back and told Wang Xizhi what the boss had said, and Wang Xizhi said, "Hey, I think you're bullish, so I'll just write another one. I'll just write another one." Wang Xizhi wrote another word, let the scribe take it, the boss took a look and said, "This dang word is much more powerful than that one, just with loneliness and anger. That's it, I'll take it." Handed the scribe 30 taels of silver. Wang Xizhi had the money and could go on his way again. He came to Hangzhou, met a friend, the friend set up a table of good wine to entertain Wang Xizhi, in the audience there is a friend of a relative, opened a pawnshop, want to beg Wang Xizhi to write a pawn word, as a signboard, Wang Xizhi said, "I've already written a pawn, you go to fetch it back is." Wang Xizhi pulled out the pawn ticket and gave it to the man. The man took the silver and looked at Suzhou and went. Arrived in suzhou, see the pawnshop owner, to be back when. The boss heard that he is not a local, to run so far back to the pawn, thought he was a madman. A look at the pawn ticket is real, the boss wanted to pit him a guy, abacus a dial pull, with interest open to him 40 two, the man pulled out 40 two to the boss. The boss is a bit puzzled, obviously pit him, but he was happy to pull out 40 taels of silver when the redemption. Asked him: "Excuse me, what is precious about this word?" The man said, "This is the real handwriting of Wang Xizhi, a great contemporary calligrapher. You old gentleman have eyes but do not recognize the gold and jade, humph! See you again!" The boss was anxious. Shouted: "You come back, I take 50 silver to take your when the word, or 100 two, 100 two!" The man did not even listen, back to Hangzhou, see Wang Xizhi, handed over the word when. Wang Xizhi took over to see all did not look, "cha-ching" two that word torn to pieces. That person is a pity, a step too late, did not save the word when. Wang Xizhi smiled and said: "businessman is the most important thing is a 'and' word, and gas produces wealth, this word is I got well when I was not in a good mood, in the tantrums written with a few points of anger, not good, I'm now writing you another, guaranteed that you can hang out to make a fortune. " So, hangzhou friends show paper grinding ink, wang xizhi luck force, waving pen down a big 'when' word. The friends present were all surprised, everyone praised this when the word excellent excellent. The character "Dang" was carved by senior craftsmen and hung in the thoroughfares of Hangzhou City, which was very conspicuous and the business was very lively. Since then, Hangzhou City, the pawnshop has become the most famous pawnshop in the country.