Step 1: Find a pair of tighter flat shoes, at first you can start with soft-soled shoes.
Step 2: Make sure the floor you use for practicing is not too rough, try to find a smooth ground.
Step 3: Stand with your feet together, with your left foot slightly further forward than your right (the front of your right toe should be in line with the middle of your left toe).
Step 4: Then lift your right heel so that you look like you're walking and stand on the front of your right foot, keeping your left foot in place (be careful not to move it).
Step 5: As you lower your right heel, shift your full weight to your right foot and slowly drag your left foot backward so that your left toe is even with your right heel. Do this step with your left heel slightly off the ground, and don't step down with your left foot or you won't be able to slide up. Make sure you slowly lower your right heel at the same time as and move your left foot. Controlling your speed takes a lot of practice.
Step 6: Keep practicing these steps until you're sure you can do the move without any obstacles.
Step 7: Once you can become proficient at the above move, bring your left foot forward, but don't touch the floor; do it in a way that makes it look like you're kicking out just against the ground. Move it as far away from the front of your right toe as the equivalent of one foot. Do not lift any part of your left foot extra high. Step 8: Move your left foot back to the initial position you started in and lift your right heel once again. Bend your left leg and repeat step 5. Keep practicing until you have comprehended all the essentials, can make them quite spontaneously, and are recognized by others. Eventually you'll be able to overcome gravity, and you'll be able to spacewalk like a pro.
Step 9: Once you're proficient at bending your right foot, switch feet and try to do the same with your left. Lift your left heel and drop your left foot as you slide back with your right foot. Brace on your left foot, extend your right foot and lift your left heel, then slowly move your right foot back again as you lower your left foot.
2: Now in China there are mainly poppin, hiphop, jazz, locking, breaking, house, newstyle, kurmp, regge and so on.
Poppin is the mechanical dance that everyone says. Through the relaxation and tightening of the muscles to achieve the visual effect and rhythm with a kind of dance.
hiphop is a dance composed of free steps and movements. It is based on up-down and basic steps.
Jazz is jazz. Nowadays, it is generally referred to as New jazz. Sexy moves are the main focus.
Lockin is locking. It's a fast and sudden pause in movement. It's like a wind-up toy that suddenly stops. It's based on hand-wringing and so on.
Breakin is what we call technique. It requires strength and balance. It is used as a base to perform difficult maneuvers. It can be divided into style and power.
House is mainly composed of free footwork. It is not very popular in China.
Newstyle is a kind of dance with strong personal style. It is based on hiphop, lockin, poppin, C-walk and so on. The music has a hiphop feel.
Kurmp is a bit like fighting. But in China it's a different style, closer to hiphop.
Regge is a dance for women. It's mainly based on hip shaking and so on. I've heard that it's not suitable for Asians.
It is recommended to learn hiphop, newstyle, jazz, and locking.
It depends on what kind of girl you are and what you like.
If you really want to learn, you should find a good teacher. You can watch videos on the internet first.