Old Boy, one of the 11 Degrees of Youth series of films, premiered on October 28, 2010, directed by Xiao Yang. Old Boys" narrates the story of a pair of middle school friends in their middle age, combined into a band to participate in the "Happy Boys" talent show, because of a song that allows them to go back to youth, back to the past, the touching "Old Boys" theme song at the same time also touched all the audience. The song is also a great way to get the most out of your life," he said.
Lyrics (Chinese)
That's the person I've been thinking about and loving day and night How can I express myself How will she accept me? Maybe I'll never say the words to her I was destined to wander the world How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached How can I be attached Should I give up Blossoms and blossoms are just another season The springtime is another season The springtime is another season The springtime is another season The springtime is another season Where are you? I'm not as passionate as I was back then Look at the flowers falling in the sky, withering at the most beautiful moment Who remembers that she was here in this world How many sorrows and sorrows have passed in the blink of an eye? I was once a young man envious of the geese flying south I was once a young man envious of the geese flying south I was once a young man envious of the geese flying south I was once a young boy envious of the geese flying south I was once a young boy envious of the geese flying south I was once a young boy envious of the geese flying south I was once a young boy envious of the geese flying south I was once a young man envious of the geese flying south Have my wishes come true? Can we only pay tribute now? Let the years dry up our ideals and never find the real me Look up at the stars in the sky The one that accompanied me at that time Do you still remember the story here Life is like a merciless carving knife that has changed us before we blossomed and withered away? I have had my dreams Youth is like a rushing river that goes on forever and never comes back too late to say goodbye I am left with no blood left in me to see the flowers that are floating all over the sky at the most beautiful moments. The flowers in the sky withered at the most beautiful moment Who will remember that this world has been here before Have your wishes come true (still hold on to the ideals you once had?) Let the years go by and the dreams in your heart will never grow tired Look up at the stars in the sky The one that was with me at that time (our story) He still remembers (you are the brightest in the night sky tonight)
Enimation. い风に吹かれながら 和风吹拂脸庞 Tokyoの空眺めてたら遥望着东京的天空远くで暮らしてるあなたの事をふと思い出す 突然想起在远方生活着你 元気ですか? Are you okay? Dreams を追いかけて离れた街 Chasing dreams and leaving my hometown 見送ってくれたあの春の日 The spring day you saw off 頼りなかった仆に "後悔だけはしないで "と Forever remembering that you said, "Don't regret it." 優しい言葉 ぬくもり その笑颜 ずっと覚えてるよ Those gentle words and warm smile. I'll never forget your gentle words and warm smile そして忘れないよ こ心からありがとう Now I'm thanking you from the bottom of my heart for coming out が悪くていつも困らせた I'm useless あなたの涙何度も見た I always cause you to shed a tear 素直になれずに scolding を浴びせた Dishonest me always causes you to get scolded そんな仆でも愛してくれた You love me even in this case こになってやっとそのお言葉の本當 I've come to realize the true meaning of the words "辛くなったときはいつでも帰っておいで" and "If you can't eat, you can come back at any time" いつも仆の味方でいてくれた You've always stood by my side, you've always been on my side, you've always been there for me, you've always been there for me, you've always been there for me, you've always been there for me, you've always supported me, you've always been there for me, you've always supported me, you've always been there for me, and I'm always worried. 我 今 心からありがとう现在 From the bottom of my heart, I thank you 返しても返しても返しきれない How can I ever pay you back? この感谢と敬意を伝えたい To tell you about this thank you and respect 頼りなかった仆も少し大人になり The one who can't be relied on is slowly growing up 今度は仆が支えてゆきます This time I'll be supporting this family そろそろいい年でしょう 楽して暮らしてく ださい We've grown up Please take it easy 仆ならもう大丈夫だから It's okay, I'm already a big husband あなたの元に生まれ本當によかったと Thank you for bringing me into the world こうして胸を張って言い切れる Now I can open my chest and say あなたの願うような仆になれていますか? Did I grow up like you wanted me to grow up Sonnet, when I think about it, now I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart あなたの元に生まれ本當によかったと Thank you for bringing me into the world Now I can open my heart and say あなたの願うようなな仆になれていますか? Jackson) 5, sixteen (Yang Peiguo, The Flower Season of Sixteen, title song) 6, I must have you (Chopsticks Brothers) 7, pink memories (Han Baoyi) 8, love for you is not over (Aaron Kwok) 9, Xiaofang (Li Chunbo) 10, Flower Fairy (Sun Jiaxing, Japanese song) 11, old boy (Chopsticks Brothers, end song) 12, nude song and dance first song (interlude) ( gymnopedieno.1) 13, Stars Light Up (Zheng Zhihua) 14, Wedding Vow (Lusheng Love Song, interlude) 15, Gold Bags of Silver (Cai Qiufeng) 16, Youth Dance (Wang Luobin, adapted) 17, Ovoo Reunion (People on the Grassland, interlude) 18, Sailor (Zheng Zhihua) 19, Happy Birthday Song (Xie Na)