Lyrics of Square Dance I Have a White Haddad

I have a white hatha,

Accompany me to walk through the Himalayas,

The hatha is a white cloud in the blue sky,

The hatha lifts up the snowy mountains with a reddish haze.

Hatha is the beautiful gerbera,

Hatha makes me recall ghee tea,

Hatha is my pure heart,

I dedicate it to the snowy mountain sentry post yo.

Hatha, white hatha,

Hatha spreads the true love of mankind,

Hatha makes me miss my home on the plateau,

Hatha is my pure heart,

I dedicate it to the motherland,


I have a white Hadar,

Accompanying me to the ends of the earth and the sea,

Hadar sings for the motherland's good fortune,

I offer it to the eagle and the steed.

Hadar, white Hadar,

Hadar spreads the true love of mankind,

Hadar makes me miss my home on the plateau,

Hadar is my pure heart,

I dedicate it to the motherland mother.