How will Plants vs. Zombies dance? {Be specific}

1. After entering the zombie jumping ball game, first add plants to the top plant slot, select the necessary sunflowers and flower pots, and then select plants that can deal with jumping zombies. The roof is relatively high, so Choose taller plants to deal with bouncing zombies, such as cabbage pitchers and corn pitchers. Then choose the defensive Wogua, Hot Pepper, Tall Nut, and a Twin Sunflower.

/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/ 94ad50b599a9014d08f1dd?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/267f9e2f07082838d794ad50b599a9014d08f1dd"/gt;

2. After selecting the plant, click to start the game, first plant the direction Sunflowers, after planting three sunflowers, zombies will appear. At this time, ignore him and continue to plant sunflowers. When the first bouncing zombie is approaching your defense line, plant a hot pepper in the same row as the bouncing zombie to burn him to death.

/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/ 2076260224f4a21a4ddaa?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/279759ee3d6d55fb5602076260224f4a21a4ddaa"/gt;

3. When you have enough sunlight, you can plant attacks To create a sexual plant, first click on a cabbage heart pitcher ( Because the Cabbage Shooter's attack power is twice that of the Pea Shooter), just plant it in a row with jumping zombies.

/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/ 907338fae6cd7a890ba0?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/5366d0160924ab1819db907338fae6cd7a890ba0"/gt;

4. When you don’t have enough sunlight, you can plant a 5 0 Sunshine's nest melon, this defensive weapon is cheap , powerful and powerful.

/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/ 20424ab18972b377f?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/50da81cb39dbb6fddb2195620424ab18972b377f"/gt;

5. When you sometimes cannot resist the attack of bouncing zombies, You can plant some tall nuts in the first few rows. Because the zombie is not as tall as the tall nut, it will bump into it. At this time, its bouncing pole will fail, and it will be no different from an ordinary zombie.

/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/ acd5269522720e0cf3d714?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/6c224f4a20a44623e0acd5269522720e0cf3d714"/gt;

6. When you plant about a row of tall nuts yourself, you can Plant corn shooters now.

/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/ 22b976f03f41bd5ad6e396d?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/d788d43f8794a4c2022b976f03f41bd5ad6e396d"/gt;

7. When your defense index is very good, you can plant double There are sunflowers.

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8. When a large number of zombies appear, plant western crops. Melon Pitcher (Watermelon Pitcher is very powerful and can also damage nearby enemies. Zombies)

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9. After planting a watermelon pitcher, you can plant an ice melon Pitcher (Icemelon Pitcher has the same power as Watermelon Pitcher, It’s just that the ice melon has a slowing effect and must be planted on the watermelon pitcher)

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