Singer: Jolin Tsai
Language: Mandarin
Album: Only Dance
Love is a need a lack of
That's why we all love love songs
Whether it's love in the making
Or not
It doesn't matter whether you love him more than you love him. Love him more
Or he loves you more
To love or to be loved
It's all a joy
I heard from a friend
that you've been back
I'd like to ask him to say hello for me
Only for fear of not being able to say it when I see you
How much do you still feel about the past
It used to break my heart.
You who broke my heart
I am still y in love
I heard from a friend
that you, the one who knew my heart, had come to me
I wanted him to help me hide it from you
only for fear that it would be even more upsetting to me if I met him
How much do you still feel about the past
You who gave me happiness
I am still y love
There is a kind of pain that I want to see but do not dare to see
There is a kind of love that is still buried in my heart
I can only put you in my heart
This kind of pain that I want to see but do not dare to see
Makes me miss you more and more strong
I can only put you
Put you in my heart
Lee Gwai-min I really love you so much!
I heard from a friend
that you have been looking for me
I want him to help me hide it from you
I'm afraid that if I see you, I will be even more upset
I still feel so much for the past
You gave me happiness
I am still in love with you
I have the feeling that I don't dare to meet you
I have a kind of hurt that I don't dare to meet you
I have a kind of love that is buried in my heart.
There's a love that's still buried in my heart
I can only keep you in my heart
This pain of wanting to see but not daring to see
makes my thoughts of you grow stronger and stronger
But I can only keep you
in my heart
To the sound of your voice, your shadow, your hands
I swear that I haven't forgotten.
And about you choosing him now
I can only say that I'm a little sad
I also waited with all my heart
There's a kind of hurt that I want to see but don't dare to meet
There's a kind of love that's still buried in my heart
I can only put you in my heart
This kind of hurt that I want to see but don't dare to meet
Makes I can only put you in my heart
I can only put you in my heart
I can only put you in my heart
Jolin Tsai - I heard that love has come back