Are the Magi Jewish?

The Three Magi from the East were Indian monks~~~ Therefore, in the New Testament, the hidden period in which Jesus studied Buddhism and cultivated great love in India between the ages of 13 and 30... was all deleted by the Christian Church. ^^ ....

Is there really a "Star of Bethlehem"? He Yongkun In the late 1970s, many astronomers did some research on the so-called "Star of Bethlehem", and successively claimed that it might be that star or the convergence of certain types of stars, and from this they deduced that Jesus was born in Jesus Christ. Born in the year before or after Yuan Dynasty. However, I have a different opinion on this kind of research and calculation. I think it is a deception for the author of the Gospel of Matthew. Because of the study and calculation of the years, months and days before or after the Christian era, it is certain that there was indeed a so-called "Star of Bethlehem" in that year. If the "Star of Bethlehem" did not appear at all, and there were no "Three Magi" or "Three Monks of Persia" (MAGl) to meet the infant Jesus, then this kind of research and calculation on the appearance of the star in that era would be useless. Been deceived. The absurd description of this so-called "Star of Bethlehem" shows the stupidity of the author of Matthew. Because looking at the stars from the rotating earth, no bright star will wait in the sky for two years, or only for a period of two years. Because the first time the "Star of Bethlehem" appeared, that is when the three wise men saw it in the east and it had already appeared in the sky; the second time the "Star of Bethlehem" appeared in the sky was when the three wise men arrived in Bethlehem after meeting Queen Herod. when. At that time, Jesus was already two years old or close to two years old. Because King Herod knew that the three wise men had left without saying goodbye, he was furious and sent people to kill "all the boys two years old or younger" in Bethlehem. It can be seen that the three wise men from the East committed suicide. It took two years or very close to two years to reach Bethlehem from the east. It can also be seen that the so-called "Star of Bethlehem" hung in the sky for nearly two years, or it appeared in the sky of the earth only every two years. This star concocted by St. Matthew is a test to death for astronomers. King Herod sent people to kill all the children under the age of two. Of course, because the Magi told King Herod that they had set out from the East two or nearly two years ago, it can be seen that the Magi saw the star again. It had been two years since Xinghe arrived in Bethlehem to meet the child Jesus. This means that the so-called "Star of Bethlehem" hung in the sky for two years, or its appearance cycle was only two years. We know that most stars in space move according to their physical properties. We see a star on a certain day on Earth, and some will appear again on a certain day in a certain year, because scientists can predict the next time the star will appear again from their periods. For example, Mars opposition has two cycles: fifteen years and seventy-nine years. We saw Mars opposition in 1956, again in 1971, and again in 1986. Similarly, the cycle of Halley's Comet is about seventy-six years. We saw it once in 1986, and we can predict that it will appear again in the year 2062, another seventy-six years later. Due to the cyclical appearance of stars, some astronomers have expressed their existence and claimed that the star they were referring to was the "Star of Bethlehem", which appeared before or after the cyclical year of Christ; this was the date of Jesus' birth. Now I'll quote some of the information I have on hand, and it's very comprehensive and can be used as a joke after dinner. In 1978, US astronomer Paterson predicted that a stellar conjunction would occur in 1982, which had occurred 2,000 years ago. This was when the Gospel of Matthew said that the three wise men from the East came to Bethlehem to see the birth of Jesus. of stars. This means that Jesus was born in the 22nd year of Jesus Christ. The following year, physicist and astronomer David of the University of Sheffield, UK. Xiaoshi published his book "The Secret of Bethlehem" and pointed out that the Star of Bethlehem was actually formed by the strong light emitted by the great conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pisces. According to the Bible, the Star of Bethlehem guided the three Magi from the East to meet Jesus, which occurred in the Yuan Dynasty. September 15th, seventh year. In the same year, Professor Vidor of East Lansing University in the United States claimed that the Star of Bethlehem was actually the light emitted by the "three-degree conjunction" of Jupiter and Mars. This three-dimensional conjunction of Jupiter and Mars appeared in 7 BC and may have been the "Star of Bethlehem". On Christmas Day 1982, Dr. Carson, director of the Archaeological Astronomy Center in Maryland, USA, claimed that the Star of Bethlehem was actually formed by two planets that merged into a single luminous object in an instant as they crossed the sky. To. However, Dr. Martin, the head of the "Bible Research Foundation" in Pasadena, believes that Dr. Gasson's statement is not correct, but that his early theory pointed out that it was caused by Jupiter.

He said that in mid-September of the third year BC, Jupiter was closest to the first star in Leo. The name of this first star means "king", indicating the birth of a new king among the Jews; the three Magi from the East were Fifteen months after Jesus was born, he came to Bethlehem to see Jesus. I searched through my astronomical horoscope book and the twelve houses in my astrological chart, but I couldn't find a star called "King" in Leo. But in any case, the Chaldeans of Babylon established the concept of the zodiac by applying the twelve main constellations that the sun and moon regularly pass through. So if the first one in Leo is named "King", it also means It is only used to symbolize the Babylonian king Napoleon who established the Chaldean dynasty in 625 BC, or his successor Nebuchadnezzar II. They will not be left to Nebuchadnezzar, who destroyed the Jewish state. Jesus, a descendant of the captive slaves of Carnezzar. The journey cannot be measured on the ground with a ruler. Some journeys are flat, while others are blocked by mountains and rivers or the vast desert makes the road difficult. Therefore, there is no reason to say that the three wise men from the East (actually MAGl, the priest of the Persian Zoroastrian Cult) followed Jesus. It only took him fifteen months to reach the city of Bethlehem when he was born. King Herod did not want to kill all the children one year old or under; nor the children under one and a half years old; nor the children under two and a half years old, but to kill all the children two years old or under. It can be seen that the three wise men from the East came from Persia The walk to Bethlehem took two years, or very close to it. But fifteen months or two years is not a problem. As long as Dr. Martin studied the Bible, did he confirm that the light when Jupiter approaches Leo lasts for fifteen months or two years? Jupiter's cycle around the sun is eleven years, ten months and seventeen days. Of course, it also takes nearly twelve years to pass through the constellation Leo in the twelfth house. It is definitely not the Star of Bethlehem's cycle of fifteen months or two years. Therefore, it is all in vain to examine the Star of Bethlehem concocted by the author of the Gospel of Matthew as a real star in the sky! Persia is now India. 2014-03-03 11:22:38 Supplement: The Central Plains definitely refers to China, and the Central Plains refers to the area between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Persia is from India, so it must not be Chinese!

Reference: julian_yeung.tripod/collection/cfaq/a4

Desire for the Ages, Chapter 6 "We Saw His Star", Paragraph 1 "In the days of Herod the King, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. Some wise men came from the east to Jerusalem, saying, 'Where is he who is born King of the Jews? We have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him.'" (Matthew 2: 1

2) The Wishes of the Ages, Chapter 6 "We Saw His Star", Paragraph 2 The wise men from the East were philosophers and belonged to a noble and powerful class. This class included the country's nobility and many wealthy and knowledgeable people. Many of them are accustomed to deceiving and deceiving the people, but there are also some upright people who often love to study the manifestations of God's will in nature. Their integrity and wisdom are admired by everyone. The wise men who came to worship Jesus belonged to this group. The Desire of the Ages, Chapter 6 “We Beheld His Star,” Paragraph 3 God’s light has always shined in the darkness of paganism. As these wise men studied the stars in the sky, trying to fathom the mysteries hidden in their orbits of light, they beheld the glory of the Creator. In pursuit of more definite knowledge, they began to study the Hebrew scriptures. Their treasured collection of prophetic writings foretold the coming of a divine Teacher. Although Balaam was a prophet of God for a time, he was also a sorcerer. He had been inspired by the Holy Spirit to prophesy the power of Israel and the appearance of the Messiah. This prophecy was passed down from generation to generation. But in the Old Testament, the coming of the Savior is more clearly revealed. The wise men were filled with joy when they learned that the coming of the Savior was near and that the whole world would be filled with “the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah.” The Desire of the Ages, Chapter 6 “We Saw His Star,” Paragraph 4 On the night of the Savior’s birth, when the glory of God filled the hills of Bethlehem, the wise men saw a strange light in the sky. After the light faded, a bright star shone in the sky. It was neither a star nor a planet. This strange celestial phenomenon aroused their deep interest. It turned out that the star was a group of bright angels in the distance; but the wise men knew nothing about it. They feel that this star has special meaning to them. So I consulted some priests and philosophers, and checked the records in ancient books. Balaam’s prophecy said: “A star will come out of Jacob, and a rod will rise in Israel.

” (Numbers 24:17) Could this strange star be a harbinger of the Lord who was sent to make the promise? The wise men had received the light of truth from heaven in the past, and now this light shines more brilliantly on On them. They were instructed in a dream to seek this new born King, Chapter 6, "We Saw His Star," Paragraph 5, just as Abraham was called by God to "go out" by faith. At that time, they did not know where they were going" (Hebrews 11:8); and like the Israelites who followed the pillar of cloud to the Promised Land by faith. These Gentiles also set out with faith to find the promised Savior. The eastern region is rich in fruit Treasures, so the wise men did not set out empty-handed. According to the custom at that time, people presented gifts to kings or nobles to show their respect, so they carried the most expensive gifts in the area to give to the one who blessed all the peoples on earth. As a gift to meet the star, they had to travel at night. The travelers used their time on the road to repeatedly talk about the legends and prophecies about the Savior they were looking for. Whenever they stopped to rest, they would always check the prophecies. . This tireless pursuit made them more and more convinced that they were indeed guided by God. On the one hand, they had the star in front of them as an external sign, and on the other hand, they also had the Holy Spirit as internal evidence to move their hearts. Make them full of hope. So although the journey is far, it is pleasant for them.

Reference: egw.sda

Were the Magi from the East Jewish? No. Who said that about them. Not an Oriental? Oriental elders such as: Oriental Invincible + Oriental Plastic + Oriental Ying + Oriental Yangtze + Oriental Marilyn Monroe + Oriental Diebu. =7014022500144