Is "A man should get married when he's old enough, a woman should get married when she's old enough" a proverb or a "son"? I'd like to thank you for your help.
From the Analects of Confucius, Ji Ping Zi asked Confucius: "What Mr. Zhongni said is reasonable, but I don't know how to set the law! But I don't know how to set the law?" Confucius said: "Marriage refers to the age of marriage and the size of the ceremony. A man should marry when he is old enough, and a woman should marry when she is old enough. If you get married early, you will not be able to develop enough, and you will give birth to unsound offspring, which will cause a lot of harm; if you get married late, you will have fewer children, so you should not go overboard with either of these two things. A man is sixteen years old when he develops yang and passes through, and sixty-four years old when he atrophies yang. A woman is fourteen years old when she is ripe for yin passage, and fifty years old when she is sterilized. Calculating in this way, a man should marry at the age of twenty to twenty-two, and a woman should marry at the age of twenty. If a man does not marry when he reaches the age of marriage, his parents shall be punished. ......"