Name of each episode of Inuyasha?

Sentence 001 (时代を越えた少女と 封印された少年)Maiden who transcends the ages and the sealed boy

Sentence 002 (四魂の玉を狙う者たち夺)People who take the Jade of the Four Souls

Sentence 003 (Bone-eating wells kara tadai matsumoto!) From the Well of Bone Eaters to modern times!

Sentence 004 (逆髪の妖魔 结罗)Back-haired demon Yuki Yuki

Sentence 005 (戦栗の贵公子 杀生丸)战栗の贵公子 杀生丸

第006话 (不気味な妖刀 鉄砕牙)陰森森の妖刀 铁碎牙

Sentence 007 (激激対决! The Iron Shattered Teeth vs.) The Exciting Duel! Killsumaru vs. Iron Shattered Teeth

Sentence 008 (The Temple Monsters: Ninety-Nine Shrimp Dimensions)The Temple Monsters: Ninety-Nine Toads

Sentence 009 (The Seven Treasures make their debut! Lei 獣兄弟 飞天満天!!!) The Seven Treasures make their appearance! The Lei 獣兄弟 飞天満天!!!!

The 010th episode (Demon Sword Excursion! Raikyo Blade vs Iron Breaking Teeth!!!) The sword of the demonic sword! Raikabane vs. Iron Excavation!

Title 011 (The Curse of the Crown and the Curse of the Noh Mask)

Title 012 (The Tartarimorph and the Little Devil)

Title 013 (The Mystery of the Crescent Moon: Inuyasha with Black Hair)

Title 014 (The Stolen Reed Bone)

The stolen Reed Bone of the Orange Stalker is a symbol of the curse of the Curse of the Curse. Stolen Spirit Bone of Kustoma

Sentence 015 (Resurrection of Kustoma) Resurrection of Kustoma, the Witch of Sad Luck

Sentence 016 (Wind Cave in the Right Hand)Wind Cave in the Right Hand of the Undesirable Mage Maitreya

Sentence 017 (Inferno Painter's Polluted Ink)Inferno Painter's Polluted Ink

Sentence 018 (Hands of Nadia and Killsumaru) (手手組んだ奈落と杀生丸)

第019话 (帰れ、かごめ! お前の时代に) Go back, Govi! Return to your time!

Sentence 020 (あさましき野盗 鬼蜘蛛の谜)Despicable Mountain Thief Ghost Spider Mystery

Sentence 021 (50年前の真実 奈落の正體)Inuyasha Special Episode on: Naira's Proper Body Approaching

Sentence 022 (悪しき微笑 さまよう桔梗の魂)Inuyasha Special Episode on: Kagome's Soul

Sentence 023 ( かごめの声と桔梗の口づけ)Govi的声音和桔梗的吻

第024话(妖怪退治屋 珊瑚登场!) Coral makes her appearance in the Monster Retreat!

Sentence 025 (Nabiki's strategy is broken!) Breaking Nabiki's stratagem!

Word 026 (ついに明かされた四魂の秘密) Uncovering the secret of the Jade of the Four Souls

Word 027 (水神が支配する暗の湖) The Dark Lake manipulated by the God of Water

Word 028 (過酷な罠にかかった弥勒) Yeller who got caught in the cruel trap

Word 029 (Coral's agonizing悩と琥珀の命) Coral's Coral's anguish and Amber's life

Theme 030: "The Stolen Iron Shattered Teeth! The Stolen Iron Broken Tooth! Duel! The City of Nerima

Sentence 031 (心优しき哀愁の地念児) Jigen-chan, who is kind-hearted and sad

Sentence 032 (邪気に落ちた桔梗と犬夜叉) Kurta and Inuyasha, who have fallen into evil

Sentence 033 (囚われた桔梗と奈落) Kurta and Neruda, who have been taken prisoner

Sentence 034 (Iron Excavation and Born with the Tooth)

This is the first time that Iron's iron has been used in the city of Nerima, where it was stolen. The Iron Shattered Tooth and the Born Tooth

Sentence 035 (名刀が選ぶ真の使い手) The True Master of the Famous Sword

Sentence 036 (かごめ略夺! Superspeed Demon Wolf Steel Teeth) Seize Govi! Overdrive Demon Wolf Steel Teeth

Sentence 037 (かごめに惚れたあいつ) The guy who's obsessed with Govi!

Word 038 (はなれて通うふたりの気持ち) Separate Correspondence Two Minds

Word 039 (仕組まれた死闘) Premeditated Deadly Fight!

Word 040 (风使い神楽の妖艶なる罠) Demonic! The Wind Makes Kagura's Trap

No.041 (Kagura no Mai and Kamimoku no Mirror) Kagura no Mai and Kamimoku no Mirror

No.042 (Breaking the Wind's Wound) The Wind's Wound is Broken

No.043 (Tsunayi ni Breaking Iron Crushes Iron's Teeth!

This is the first time that I've seen a broken tooth in my life.) The Iron Shattered Teeth are finally broken

The 044th Story (灰刃坊の邪悪な剣) The Evil Sword of the Gray Blade Workshop

The 045th Story (杀生丸、闘鬼神を振るう) Killsumaru, who is wielding the God of Fighting

The 046th Story (獣ろ丸と影ろ丸) Beast Rōmaru and Kage Rōmaru

The 047th Story (奈落に残る鬼蜘蛛の心) Naira's remnants of the heart of a Ghost Spider

The 047th Story (Naira's Remnant Ghost Spider's Heart)

The 048th Story (The 049th Story) The heart of the Ghost Spider

Sentence 048 (出会った地方に帰りたい!) Return to the place of meeting

Sentence 049 (失われた琥珀の记忆) Memory of Amber erased

Sentence 050 (あの颜が心から消えない) Undying Face

Sentence 051 (心を喰われた犬夜叉) Inuyasha, whose heart has been eaten

Sentence 052 (Stopping the demon's nature) Unable to stop the demon! Demon's Nature) Can't be stopped! The Nature of Monsters

Sentence 053 (Father's Frenemy, the Dragon Bone Spirit) Father's Frenemy, the Dragon Bone Spirit

Sentence 054 (鉄砕牙の奥義 爆流破)Iron Crushing Tooth's Aoi, the Explosive Stream Breakage

Sentence 055 (Ishi no Hana and Shichibukuro's First Love) The Stone Flower and Shichibukuro's first love

Sentence 056 (Misty Aoi's Temptation of the Beautiful Girls) The temptation of a beautiful girl in the mist

Title 057 (すべては桃源郷の夜に-前编) The Night of Momoyuan Township (Previous Episode)

Title 058 (すべては桃源郷の夜に-后编) The Night of Momoyuan Township (Next Episode)

Title 059 (美少女姉妹の弟子入り願願)The Beauty Sisters' Ambition of Becoming a Disciple

Title 059 (美少女姉妹の弟子入り願愿) The Beauty Sisters' Aspiration to Worship a Teacher

Title 059 (黒 巫女 五十年 The Curse of the Black Witch (黑巫女の呪い)

第061话(现れた桔梗と式神使い)Suddenly, the Kustoma and the Style God appeared

The Curse of Tsubaki (椿の呪)

The curse of Tsubaki (椿の呪い)

第063话(行く手を阻む红白巫女)Red and White Witches Blocking the Way (紅白巫女)

第064话(多宝塔の呪)Doppo Tower (多寶塔の呪)

第064话(多宝塔の呪) Giant Ghosts) The Giant Ghosts of Tabata

065 (さらば青春の日々) Farewell, every day of youth

066 (奈落の結界神楽の決 定) Naiku's Junction Kagura's Determination

067 (吹き荒れる裏切りの風) The Winds of Treachery ("manyou"), the winds of rebellion (漫友》上翻译此为 "神乐の背叛之风") are fierce. Kagura's Wind of Betrayal")

Word 068 (七宝へ怒りの挑戦状) An angry challenge letter to Seven Treasures

Word 069 (颜のない男の恐怖) Terrifying Faceless Man

Word 070 (よみがえった鬼蜘蛛の记忆) Recovered Ghost Spider's Memory

Word 071 (三つ巴の死闘の果て)三方死斗的结果



第074话(结界破る赤い鉄砕牙) Breaking the Boundary! Reddened Iron Breaking Teeth

Sentence 075 (The Plot of the Panther Cat Shitennou) The Plot of the Panther Cat Shitennou

Sentence 076 (The Target is Killsumaru and Inuyasha!) Target! Killsumaru and Inuyasha

Sentence 077 (Leopard-Cat Clan and Furtatsu's Tooth No. 剣) Leopard-Cat Clan and the Twin Swords of the Tooth

Sentence 078 (Coral Eyes Pointing to Onryuuu) Coral's Goal!!!ONLY YOU!!!

Sentence 079 (Evil-Seeing's Iron-Breaking Teeth Bun Takeover) Evil-See's Iron-Breaking Teeth Takedown Plans

Sentence 080 ( Killsumaru and Sarawareta Rin) Killsumaru and the Captive Rei

Sentence 081 (断ち切れる奈落の行方) The Cut Off Whereabouts of Nanoha

Sentence 082 (現代と戦国のはざま) Modern Times and the Warlord's Catch-22

Sentence 083 (Banshee Wolves and the Moon Rainbow Bindings) A Pact Between the Banshee Wolf Clan and the Night of the Rainbow

Sentence 084 (超速の花花), the speedy flower of the moon, is a great example of how to get the best out of a woman. 084話(超速の花嫁候补)超速的候补新娘




第088话(猿神 さまの三精霊)猿神大人的三精灵


Sentence 090 (思い切った草太の告白) A determined love! Kusuta's Confession

Sentence 091 (Strange Prayer Master and Black Mica) Strange Prayer Master and Black Mica

Sentence 092 (Resurrection of Shita's Tachi's Ambitions) The hopes of the people who have been resurrected

Sentence 093 (Enigmatic Sukudaira Mage) The enigmatic Sukudaira Mage

Sentence 094 (The One Who Makes the Four Souls of Jade)

The one who makes the Four Souls of Jade...Previously published. -(Previously) Who made the Jade of the Four Souls? Previously

The 095th episode (四魂の玉を造る者-後編) The one who made the Jade of Four Souls? 後编



第098话(洞洞には桔梗とかごめの二人だけ桔梗與戈薇!!) Alone together in the cave!

Sentence 099 (钢牙と杀生丸 危険な遭遇) Steel Teeth and Killmonger! A dangerous encounter!

Sentence 100 (悪夢の真実) Battle in the Forest of Sighs) Nightmarishly real! Battle in the Forest of Sighs!

Talk 101 (あれから七年目のなごり雪) The seventh year of drifting snow since then...

Talk 102 (亡霊に襲われた妖狼族) The Demon Wolf Clan that was attacked by the undead

Talk 103 (よみがえった七人隊) The resurrected Sevens

Talk 104 (しのびよる 毒使い 雾骨)阴险的毒使者 雾骨


第106话(かごめ、弥勒、珊瑚、绝體绝命)Govi, Mile, Coral's great crisis!

Sentence 107 (初めてみせる犬夜叉の涙) Inuyasha's tears, seen for the first time

Sentence 108 (けがれなき光の秘密) Secrets of the uncontaminated light

Sentence 109 (雾に隠れた白霊山へ向かえ) Toward the Hakurei Mountain, hidden in the clouds and mists

Sentence 110 (Team of Seven's leader) Barbarian Bones! The leader of the seven-man team, Kane Bone, makes his appearance!

Sentence 111 (Excitement! The Dragon vs. The Wind Wound!) Rapture! Barbarian Dragon vs. Wind Wound!

Sentence 112 (湖面に浮かぶ聖島の結界) Sacred island boundary floating on the lake

Sentence 113 (聖なる独钴と 即身仏の谜) Sacred Dokobo? The Mystery of the Instant Buddha!

114 (钢牙の孤高なる戦い) Steel Tooth's Lonely Battle

115 (吸い込まれる黒い光) The Black Light That Was Sucked In

116 (さらけだされた真実の颜) The Real Face That Was Finally Revealed

117 (炎の川に消えたアイツ) The Guy Who Disappeared In The River Of Flames

117 (炎の川に消えたアイツ) The Guy Who Disappeared In The River Of Flames

119 (The Sacred One-Cobalt And The Mystery Of The Buddha!) /p>

Sentence 118 (Shirarezan no O no O) The deepest part of Shirarezan

Sentence 119 (Shinto Shiki no Sacred One) The Sacred One who has an evil heart

Sentence 120 (Sayonara no Soul Song of the Snake Bones) Farewell forever! Snake Bone's Requiem

Talk 121 (Duel! The Strongest Last Seven) Duel! The Strongest and Last Seven

Sentence 122 (Intense Savage Dragon: Shirinzan's Deadly Battle) Intense Savage Dragon! Shiritsuzan's Deadly Battle

Sentence 123 (暗暗の先に新生奈落)Naruto正體, who appeared in the darkness

Sentence 124 (さらば爱しき桔梗よ)Farewell, beautiful Kustoma

Sentence 125 (かごめの心の暗)Govi's Heart of Darkness

Sentence 126 (心の痛みを勇気にかえろ)Govi's heart of pain has gained courage

This is the first time I've ever seen a Kustoma. Pain

Word 127 (煮ちゃダメ! The horror of the dry monster) can not be cooked! The horror of the dry monster!

Sentence 128 (干物妖怪と激闘文化祭)干物妖怪与激斗文化節

Sentence 129 (猪九戒と略夺された花嫁)猪九戒與被夺走的新娘

Sentence 130 (吠えろ七宝奥義 心の伤!) Roar! Seven Treasures Upanishad - Heart's Wound

Sentence 131 (観音挂け轴呪いの罠) The Cursed Trap of Kannon's Hanging Shaft

Sentence 132 (弥勒法师のもっとも危険な告白)Master Maitreya's Most Dangerous Confession

Sentence 133 (ふバナル犬夜叉スペシャャル 杀生丸を愛した女) A Woman Who Adores Killsumaru? Previously

Word 134 (Inuyasha スペシャル 杀生丸を爱した女) A woman who adores Killsumaru? (Afterward Editorial

Sentence 135 (Maitreya no Shifu's Last Feast) Maitreya no Shifu's Last Feast)

Sentence 136 (Strange Transparent Demon Appears!) Strange transparent demons have appeared!

Sentence 137 (ご先祖の名はかごめ) Ancestor-sama's name is taboo Govi

Sentence 138 (妖怪山河 ふたりのサバイバル) Demon Mountain and River - A Journey of Survival for the Two of Them

Sentence 139 (昇雲の滝の大決决闘) Great Duel in the Waterfall of Ascending Clouds!

Sentence 140 (永远の想い乾坤の剃刀) Forever Thinking? Qiankun's Razor

Sentence 141 (解き放たれた妖馬) Yan Hoof's liberated demonic horse, "Yan Hoof"

Sentence 142 (暴走炎蹄と戦栗の白童子) Stormy Yan Hoof and battle-inducing White Child

Sentence 143 (父を访ねて三千里) Three thousand li! Finding Father

Sentence 144 (宝仙鬼と最后のかけら)宝仙鬼與最后的碎片

Sentence 145 (あの世との境に異様な门番)彼世之地的奇异守門人

Sentence 146 (気性荒い鸟使い阿毘姫)性性凶暴的鸟之使者? Princess Abhi

Sentence 147 (犬夜叉スペシャル めぐり逢う前の運命恋歌) Fateful Love Song Before Meeting? Previously

The 148th episode (犬夜叉スペシャル めぐり逢う前の運命恋歌) Fate's love song before we meet? 后编



第151话(かごめ本能 instinctの選択)戈薇本能 instinctive choice

第152话(守れそして夺い取れ!) Defend and to seize

Sentence 153 (Fate or Cruel Reunion) Fated Cruel Reunion

Sentence 154 (あの世とつながる妖怪) Demons connecting to another world

Sentence 155 (四魂のかけらを守る鬼) Ghosts guarding the Shards of the Four Souls

Sentence 156 (Gravefront Duel! Killsumaru vs Inuyasha) Duel at the Tomb! Killsumaru vs. Inuyasha

Sentence 157 (奈落を贯け金刚枪破) The Vajra Gun that penetrates Nayaba

Sentence 158 (大暴走无数の妖怪ネズミ) Big Storm Countless Demon Rats

Sentence 159 (琥珀の決意と珊瑚の心) Amber's Determination and Coral's Heart

Sentence 160 (幸せを呼ぶフタマタ 暴力男)呼呼呼幸福 The violent man with two feet

161话(弥勒法师 昔のあやまち)弥勒法师 舊年舊错


第163话 (amber,coral,mica Secret Garden) Amber, Coral, and Mica The secret garden

The 163rd story (Amber, Coral, and Mica)

The 164th story (琥珀,coral, and Mica Secret garden

The 164th story (最最强敌人 宿 Coral's heart) 164话 (The Strongest Enemy Custodial Chrysalis Seven Treasures) The Strongest Enemy! Parasitic Chrysalis? Seven Treasures

Sentence 165 (奈落を倒す最大の手がかり) Knocking down Nerima's biggest clues

Sentence 166 (The final sentence-The bond between the two Using the Four Souls of Kakeru!) The bond of two people Use the Four Souls Shard!

The 167th episode (The Final Episode - The Four Souls of Kakeru!) Use the Four Souls Shards for the bond between the two of you!

The end...

1 "Nara's Heart"

2 "The Winds of Kagura"

3 "The Moon of the Underworld"

4 "The Dragon's Scale's Iron Breaking Teeth"

5 "Demon Spirit Sage's Trial"

6 "Sprite Maru's Last Days"

7 "The Reed Temple of Zishan"

8 "Hoshi Kiki"

This is the first time that I've seen the Spirit of Nara in a long time. 8 thoughts on "Hoshi no Kirameki no Mizukage"

9 thoughts on "The Underworld's Killer Maru"

10 thoughts on "Sorrowfully Moistened Flowers"

11 thoughts on "Godless Grave Marker"

12 thoughts on "Coral's Thoughts Maitreya's Gaze of Enlightenment"

13 thoughts on "The Underworld's Path of Complete Enlightenment"

14 thoughts on "Naira's Pursuit"

15 thoughts on "Naira's Pursuit"

14 thoughts on "Naira's Pursuit"

14 thoughts on "Naira's Pursuit"


Story 15: "The Successor of Orthodoxy"

Story 16: "Hitomi's Boundary"

Story 17: "The Evil Thought of Query Spirit"

Story 18: "The Greatest Thing in Life"

Story 19: "Amber Oblivion"

Story 20: "When the Jade of Four Souls is Completed"

Story 21: "The Body of Nerima"

This story is about a new era in the history of the Neruda. Body Heading"

22nd episode "Naiku Dark Animal"

23rd episode "Naiku Light Animal"

24th episode "Naiku Products"

25th episode "Ebullient Thoughts"

26th episode "Tomorrow Heading"

These are the first episode of Naiku Products.