Beijing's nightlife is not only the Sanlitun and Houhai bar streets, the bright lights of Xinguangdiandi and the World Trade Center, but also the opera performances in the theaters in the old city. There are many famous theaters in Beijing, and the Tianqiao Theater is supposed to be one of the oldest theaters in Old Beijing, and is known as one of the brightest jewels in the south city of Beijing.
Old Beijingers are very familiar with Tianqiao, where folk artists from the Ming and Qing dynasties used to show their talents, just as many artists now go to 798 with their works.
There are eight statues in Tianqiao Square, representing the eight monsters of the art world from various periods. In addition to the familiar chest broken boulder, there are also pulling foreign films, monologue, play in the streamer (artists use their teeth to catch dozens of pounds of heavy streamers). One of them is called Shen San wrestling artist, the art of high courage, blood rich sense of national justice. 1921 foiled the defiance of the Chinese Russian Hercules, defending the dignity of the nation. The old generation of folk artists are with real skills to eat the poor, out of all the best work.
The performance was on a weekend, the audience is particularly large. Unlike watching a movie, live performances are not allowed to make mistakes, and all the actors are fully committed to the performance. I can't help but feel that no matter what form of art is presented, the creative process must be rigorous and full of passion. The applause at the curtain call was overwhelming, as all the actors gathered on stage, and the orchestra conductor was invited on stage, flooding the audience again and again to thank them.
Walking in the Tianqiao Square, the ancient four-faced clock, across the Deyunshe, Tianqiao Acrobatic Troupe, the Museum of Nature, not far from the Temple of Heaven Park. The square is a group of children learning roller skating, fell down and very flexible to get up. The oldest buildings of old Beijing have been preserved here, and without skyscrapers, the lights here seem calm and peaceful. Who doesn't like this kind of Beijing.
On a side note, the Tianqiao Theater has a lot of performances and a lot of ticket sellers. If you are going to see a show, you must buy tickets through regular channels, so that you can respect the arts and stay away from ticket sellers.