Secret of Zombies

In the game you will encounter a wide variety of zombies, hordes of the undead are starving on their journey. By planting different types of seeds, you must raise many, many plant warriors to protect your brain from being devoured.

You have five paths (six in some levels) to fend off the zombies as they lumber from the right side of the screen toward your home on the left. At the start of the level you choose six plants from your arsenal and place them strategically on lawns where they can be annihilated to the zombies, who will fight back by chewing on anything within reach. Gradually, you'll turn on up to 50 types of plants, most of which act as stationary guns, timed to shoot peas or watermelons, or whatever you have. Some plants protect other plants, such as the Wall-Nut nut wall, some explode, such as the cherry bomb, and some work specifically on specific zombies.

Each plant costs a certain amount of sunlight to cultivate, and clusters of sunlight periodically fall to the ground; you have to click on them to add supplies. Sunflowers are your main crop, providing an additional source of sunlight clusters that can energize your army of other plants.

There are 50 levels in the main adventure mode, spread across five different settings and about seven hours of gameplay. Each section requires a slightly different approach. For example, at night-time (night-time) you'll need to deploy cheaply priced mushrooms to offset the lack of sunlight.

After completing the main storyline, there's still plenty to do. Survival Modes is a bit like an expanded version of normal levels, Puzzle Modes mixes things up, and the real lure is Mini-Games.

Cheat Codes and Effects

Enter the following code during gameplay to activate the cheat effect, and enter it again to disable it.

daisies - zombies are buried when they die (you need to have a tree of wisdom at least 100 feet tall to use this code)

dance - makes zombies dance

future - gives zombies a future tint

Mustache - zombies grow big beards

pinata - causes rain of candy when zombies die

sukhbir - activates zombies to cry out for brain noises

trickedout - alternates lawnmower looks


Unlocked How to Unlock

Spudow! Spudow! Blow up a zombie with a potato mine

Home Lawn Security Complete Adventure Mode

Nobel Peas Prize Nobel Peas Prize Receive a gold sunflower prize

Better Off Dead Get 10 in a row in Zombie Endless I

China Shop Get 15 in a row in Vasebreaker Endless

Immortal Find 20 flags in Survival Endless

Morticulturalist Morticulturalist Collect all 49 plants

Towering Wisdom Towering Wisdom Grow the Wisdom Tree to 100 feet

Cryptozombologist Cryptozombologist Discover the most secret of all Zombie

Walk This Way Walk this way Hypnotize zombies dancing with their heads

Explodonator Explodonator Blow up 10 zombies with a Cherry Bomb

Ask Me About Mustache Mode Enable Mustache Mode

Silver Trophy Complete Adventure Mode once

Gold Trophy Earn all trophies in Minigames, Puzzles, and Survival Mode

First, let's introduce the "plants" in Zombies

First Row

Peashooter: The original attacking plant. PEASHOOTER (Pea Shooter): the first attacking plant, straight-line long-distance attack, medium damage, fast attacking speed, price 100

SUNFLOWER (Sunflower): the first economic plant, every few seconds after the drop of a large sun coins, the main source of daytime combat economy. Price: 50

CHERRY BOMB: A consumable plant that explodes right after it is placed, causing massive damage to all units within 9 squares of it, price: 150

WALL-NUT: A blocking plant that blocks zombies for a long time after it is placed, with a high life expectancy of 50

POTATO mine: The first economic plant, dropping a large Sun Coin every few seconds, is the main source of money for daytime battles.

POTATO (potato mines): consume plants, not immediately after the planting will not take effect, have to wait for a few seconds or so to take effect, will be close to a zombie to cause great damage, the price of 25

SNOW PEA (snow peas): attacking plants, straight-line long-distance attack, low damage, attack speed, will be hit on the target caused by the deceleration of the effect of 175

SNOW PEA (snow peas): attacking plants, straight-line long-distance attack, low damage, fast attack, will cause slowing down the effect of 175

CHOMPER (corpse catcher): attack plants, directly devouring a zombie in the front and rear two cells. It takes a while to digest before it can continue eating. Price 150

REPEATER (double shot peas): attack plants, PEASHOOTER upgraded version, once fired two bullets, straight-line long-distance attack, damage medium, fast attack speed, price 200

Second row

PUFF-SHROOM (small mushrooms): attack plants, straight-line medium-distance attack, damage medium, fast attack speed, price 200

PUFF-SHROOM (small mushrooms): attack plants, straight-line medium-distance attack, damage medium, fast attack speed, price 200

The second row

PUFF-SHROOM (small mushrooms): attack plants, straight-line medium-distance attack, damage medium, fast attack speed. Medium damage, fast attack speed, price 0

SUN-SHROOM (sunshine mushroom): economic plants, after planting a few seconds after dropping a small sun coins, until enough time present, SUN-SHROOM will become bigger, and each drop will also become a large sun coins, the main source of economic night battles, price 25

FUME-SHROOM (steam spraying mushroom): the main source of economic night battles, price 25

FUME-SHROOM (steam spraying mushroom). SHROOM: Attacking plant, straight-line medium-range (roughly 4 squares in front) attack, will cause equal damage to all targets within the attack range, medium damage, fast attack speed, price 75

GRAVE BUSTER: Consuming plant, can destroy graves in night battles, price 75

HYPNO- SHROOM (Hypnosis): A plant that can be used in night battles, can destroy graves, price 75

HYPNO- SHROOM (Hypnosis) is the main source of economy in night battles, price 25

HYPNO is a plant that can be used in night battles. SHROOM (Hypnotic Mushroom): consumable plant, after placing, control the zombies that eat their own zombies to fight for you, price 75

SCAREDY-SHROOM (Cowardly Mushroom): attacking plant, straight line long-range attack, medium damage, fast attack speed, when there are zombies close to the zombie will stop attacking, price 25

ICE-SHROOM ( Freezing Mushroom): consumable plant, immediately after the installation of the explosion, freezing the whole screen zombies for a few seconds, the price of 75

DOOM-SHROOM (Doomsday Mushroom): consumable plant, immediately after the installation of the explosion, all zombies around the range of 25 cells caused great damage, at the same time, placed in the land will be destroyed for a few seconds to be unable to continue to use, the price of 125

Third Row

LILY PAD (water lily): platform plant, placed in the water, can be placed on top of the land plants, price 25

SQUASH (squash pumpkin): consumption of plants, placed directly after the squash zombies in the front and rear of the two compartments, the price of 50

THREEPEATER (three shots pea): attacking plants, REPEATER variant version. REPEATER variant version, can be attacked at the same time in front of the three-way enemy, damage medium, fast attack speed, the price of 325

TANGLE KELP (winding kelp): consume the class of plants, placed in the water, placed, will immediately kill the zombies close to the price of 25

JALAPENO (jalape?o): consume the class of plants, placed immediately exploded, on their own in the area of the zombies, the price of 25

JALAPENO (jalape?o): consume the class of plants, placed in the water, immediately exploded, on their own in the area of the zombies. Immediately explodes, causing massive damage to the zombies in its row, price 125

SPIKEWEED (thorns): auxiliary plant, placed on the ground, attacking every zombie that walks over it and damaging the vehicles that pass by. Price 100

TORCH WOOD (Torch Stump): auxiliary plants, placed, will pass through the bullets (PEASHOOTER family of bullets fired) into a fire bomb, the damage will be increased to high, and with a small range of splash damage, the price of 175

TALL-NUT (Giant Nut): blocking plants, WALL-NUT strengthened version, with a small range of splash damage, price 175

Tall-nut (giant nut): blocking plants, WALL-NUT strengthened version, with a large range of damage. NUT strengthened version, has a higher life, and can block bouncing zombies, zombie dolphin riders and pole-vaulting zombies, price 125

Fourth row

SEA-SHROOM (Sea Mushroom): Attacking plants, PUFF-SHROOM's aquatic version, straight-line medium-range attack, medium damage, fast attack speed, price 0

PLANTERN (Plant Road). PLANTERN (plant street lamp): auxiliary plants, can clear the fog around the range of 25 frames, the price of 25

CACTUS (cactus): attacking plants, straight-line long-range attack, damage medium, fast attack speed, the balloon zombies down, the price of 125

BLOVER (three-blade fan): consuming plants, after the placement of all the fog immediately clear for a few seconds, the price of 0

BLOVER (three-blade fan): consuming plants, after the placement of the fog, the fog immediately clear for a few seconds, the price of 0

BLOVER (three-blade fan): consuming plants, the PUFF-SHROOM the water version of the water, the damage medium, fast attack speed. Immediately clear all the fog for a few seconds, and blow away all the balloon zombies, price 100

SPLIT PEA (split pea): attacking plants, REPEATER and PEASHOOTER combined version, straight-line long-distance attack, can attack the rear of the zombies, the front of the shooting each time a shot of bullets, the back of the shooting of two rounds of bullets, damage medium, fast attack speed, price 125

STARFRUIT (star fruit): attacking plants, attacking each corner of the direction of their own bullets, medium damage, fast attack speed, price 125

PUMPKIN (pumpkin): blocking plants, with the same life as the WALL-NUT, can be placed on any plant to play a role in protecting the price of 125

MAGNET-SHROOM: a plant, can attack zombies from the rear, the front of each shot one bullet, the back of the shot two bullets, medium damage, fast attack speed, the price of 125

Fifth Row

CABBAGE-PULT (Cabbage Pitcher) :Attacking plants, straight line parrying attack, medium damage, fast attacking speed, price 100

FLOWER POT ( FLOWER POT: This is just a flower pot, you can put land plants on it after placing it, price 25

KERNET-PULT (corn thrower): Attacking plants, straight-line projectile attack, low damage, fast attack speed, there is a certain chance to throw out the "corn bricks" to cause moderate damage, and stun the zombies hit, price 100

COFFEE BEAN (Coffee Bean): auxiliary plant, placed on the SHROOM series of plants, so that it can be used in daytime battles, price 75

GARLIC (Garlic): auxiliary plant, placed on the plant, any zombies who tasted its flavor will be driven to other roads, price 50

UMBRELLA LEAF: auxiliary plant, placed on the plant, will be driven to other roads, price 50

UMBRELLA LEAF: auxiliary plant, placed on the plant, will be able to throw "corn bricks" to cause moderate damage, and stun hit zombies, price 100

COFFEE After planting, it can protect plants within 9 squares from bungee jumping zombies and stone throwing zombies, price 100

MARIGOLD (Marigold): Economic plant, after planting, it will drop a silver or gold coin every few seconds, price 50

MELON-PULT (Watermelon Thrower): Attacking plant, it can shoot straight line, with high damage. Attack, high damage, fast attack speed, hit the target caused 9 frames of damage, price 300

Sixth row

This row are from the store with gold to buy the card, you can use it to upgrade and strengthen a few of the main plants

GATLING PEA (Gatling Pea): This card can be upgraded to GATLING PEA, the original each time the Repeater is upgraded to GATLING PEA. PEA, the original two bullets per time to 4, the price of 250

TWIN SUNFLOWER (double sunflower): This card can be upgraded from SUNFLOWER to TWIN SUNFLOWER, the original drop of a large sun coins into two, the price of 150

GLOOM-SHROOM (steam mushrooms): This card can be upgraded from FUME-SHROOM to GATLING PEA, the price of 250

GATLING PEA: This card can be upgraded from GATLING PEA to GATLING PEA. card can be FUME-SHROOM upgraded to GLOOM-SHROOM, change its attack distance to close range, damage enhancement to high, the attack range becomes around 8 square, and is a range of attacks, two zombies side-by-side at the same time can be attacked, the price of 150

CATTAIL (Kitten Shamrocks): This card can be LILY PAD upgrades to CATTAIL: This card can upgrade LILY PAD to CATTAIL, change its type to attack plants, random long-distance attack, can attack any row of zombies, and the wisdom tree said that you can attack the balloon flying zombies. Low damage, very fast attack speed, price 225

WINTER MELON (Ice Watermelon):This card upgrades MELON-PULT to WINTER MELON, which slows down zombies hit, and watermelon fragments will attack zombies in the surrounding 8 squares, slowing them down as well. Increase the range of slowing effect, price 200

GOLD MAGNET: This card upgrades MAGNET-SHROOM to GOLD MAGNET, changing its properties, losing the ability to take zombies' iron to absorb silver and gold coins, price 50

SPIKEROCK: This card upgrades SPIKEWEED to WINTER MELON, slowing down the zombies' speed. SPIKEWEED: This card upgrades SPIKEROCK, increasing its damage to zombies to medium, increasing the number of times it can kill a vehicle, and greatly increasing its vitality, at a price of 125

COB CANNON (Corn Cannon): This card upgrades KERNET-PULT to COB CANNON (note: requires two squares of linear space and a KERNET-PULT on both squares). KERNET-PULT on the top of the two frames, full-screen designated attack, 9-frame range kill, damage is very high, the attack speed is very slow, the price of 500

IMITATER (imitator): hidden card, will not be shown in the card introduction, before the start of the battle will be shown in the lower right corner of the card selection bar, you can choose the card to copy a card of the same card to be used in the battle, can not copy the upgraded card, not with the card, can not copy the upgraded card, not with the card, can not copy the upgraded card, can not copy the card, can not copy the upgraded card, and can not copy the card, can not copy the card, can not copy the card. You can copy the same card and use it in battle when you select a card, you cannot copy an upgrade card, you do not have a cooldown with the selected card, and the price is the same as the selected card.

Re-introduce the "Zombies" in the "Zombies"

The first row

ZOMBIE (Zombie): the most common zombies, low life, slow movement speed

FLAG ZOMBIE (Zombie Flag): that is, the zombie to take a flag, will be in the zombie every time the wave appeared in the first, in addition to the zombie wave showed and the ordinary zombie waves there is no difference. Zombies do not have any difference, low life, slow movement

CONEHEAD ZOMBIE (barricade head zombie): head of the barricade zombies, life medium, slow movement

POLE VAULTING CONEHEAD (pole-vaulting zombie): the hand of the zombie with a pole, life medium, take the pole when the movement of the speed of the block, did not take the movement of slow speed, stunts is to take the pole, the zombie is not a zombie, the zombie is a zombie. Slow, the special skills is to use the pole jump over the first block

BUCKET ZOMBIE (barrel head zombie): head of the barrel zombie, high life, slow movement

The second row

NEWSPAPER ZOMBIE (newspaper zombie): zombie with a newspaper in his hand, if the newspaper will break will be furious, low life of the newspaper, zombie life is low. low life, take the newspaper to move slowly, did not take the speed of movement is very block

SCREEN DOOR ZOMBIE (screen door zombie): hand holding the screen door zombie, the screen door will offset the slowing effect of the SNOW PEA, screen door life, zombie life is high, low life, slow movement speed

FOOTBALL ZOMBIE (Rugby Zombie): football Athlete zombie, life is very high, moving speed block

DANCING ZOMBIE (dancing zombie): In fact, it is Michael Jackson zombie, life is medium. Jackson zombie, life medium, slow movement speed, the special is in their own left and right up and down to summon four backward dancers.

BACKUP DANCER (backwards dancer): dancing zombies, low life, slow movement

Third row

DUCKY TUBE ZOMBIE (life ring zombie): ordinary zombie surface form, low life, slow movement

SNORKEL ZOMBIE (diving zombies): with a SNORKEL ZOMBIE (diving zombie): with diving goggles zombie, low life, slow movement speed, special skills is to move will not be attacked by bullets

ZOMBONI (ice zombie): driving the ice truck zombies, high life, medium movement speed, special skills is to crush plants and ice, ice made ground will be unable to be used for a few seconds

ZOMBIE BOBSLED TEAM (zombie sledding team): four zombies sitting on the sled. ZOMBIE BOBSLED TEAM (ZOMBIE BOBSLED TEAM): 4 zombies sitting on a sled, each zombie blood is low, sled life is high, the special is to crush plants and move on the ice, no ice after 4 zombies get off the car to be beaten

DOLPHIN RIDER ZOMBIE (ZOMBIE DORPHIN RIDER): zombies riding a zombie dolphin, life is medium, riding dolphins move fast, did not ride the movement of the speed is slow, the special is to jump over the first blocking objects

ZOMBIE BOMBED TEAM: 4 zombies sitting on the sled, each zombie blood is low, life is high, special is to run over plants and moving in ice.

Fourth row

JACK-IN-THE-BOX ZOMBIE (crazy zombie): zombie holding a clown box, medium life, fast movement speed, the special features are a certain chance of self-detonation, will be around the destruction of all the objects within 9 squares

BOOLLOON ZOMBIE (balloon zombie): zombie tied to the body of a balloon, low life, medium movement speed, special features are jumping over the first block

Boolloon Zombie: body tied to a balloon, low life, medium movement speed, special features are jumping over the first block

Boolloon Zombie (zombie): zombie tied to a balloon, life low, medium movement speed, special features are jumping over the first block

The zombie is a zombie riding a dolphin. Move at a medium speed, special skills is flying, flying will not be attacked

DIGGER ZOMBIE (miner zombie): miner turned into zombies, life medium, digging tunnels when the movement speed, ordinary movement speed is very slow, special skills is to dig tunnels, digging to the end of the road will be turned around back to eat a road of all the plants

POGO ZOMBIE (bouncing zombie): riding the jumping stick zombie, the jumping stick, the jumping stick, the jumping stick, the jumping stick, the jumping stick, the jumping stick, the jumping stick, the zombie, the bouncing stick, the zombie, the jumping stick, the jumping stick, the jumping stick. POGO ZOMBIE (jumping zombie): riding on a jumping stick zombie, life medium, moving fast, special jumping, can continuously jump over the obstacles

This position of the zombie did not open

Fifth row

BUNGEE ZOMBIE (bungee jumping zombie): as the name implies is the zombie of the bungee jumping, life medium, the special jumping is to grab the falling point of the object

LADDER ZOMBIE (ladder zombie): hand holding a ladder zombie, life medium, take the ladder to move fast, did not take the slow movement speed, special skills is the ladder on the first frame of the plant, and their own and the zombies behind them can go over at will

CATAPULT ZOMBIE (stone throwing car zombie): zombies driving a stone throwing car, life medium, movement speed is slow, the special skills is to crush plants and stone throwing attack. crushing plants and throwing stones to attack the last plant in a straight line

GARGANTUAR (Giant): very huge zombies, life is very high, movement speed is very slow, special skills is a must kill attack and throwing imp

IMP (Imp): very small zombies, life is low, movement speed is fast

Sixth row

DR. ZOMBOSS (Dr. Zombie): the final boss, the highest life, special skills is to put zombies, fireballs, iceballs, throwing cars. Ice ball and fireball must kill all plants in a straight line, throw the car must kill all plants in 9 squares around the center of the hit

Effects to open the secret, for fun

In the game (you can pause by pressing the spacebar) type in the following code to open the effect (after the success of the beeps will be heard, different code different beeps):

future - Futuristic Sunglasses for the Zombie Doctor: The final boss, the highest life, special skills are to release zombies, fireball, ice ball, throw the car. Futuristic sunglasses for zombies Zombies with stylish sunglasses

mustache - Zombies with womb brooms Zombies with two mustaches

trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower Appearance Lawn Mowers uniformly become Locomotive Lawn Mowers

daisies - Zombies leave small daisies behind when killed When a zombie dies a zombie dies a zombie drops some daisies (Tree of Wisdom 100 ft.)

pinata - a shower of candy when a zombie dies A shower of candy when a zombie dies (Legend has it that it takes 1,000 feet of the Tree of Wisdom, but I can't get it open right now)

sukhbir - toggles the zombie's call for brains-sound

dance - get the zombies to boogie on down Make the zombies swing their bodies and dance

The Tree's Proverbs

The Tree of Wisdom starts at 1 foot, so the number of times it will be fertilized will be less than the tree's height by 1.

If you stay by the Tree of Wisdom, any proverbs that are said will be repeated.

1. Thank you for fertilizing me! Keep fertilizing and I will give you valuable information!

2. Cannibals and wallflowers are able to maximize their effectiveness together - not surprising since they were housemates when they were in college.

3. If you're really listening to me, then perk up your ears: plant two rows of sunflowers - I'm very, very serious!

4. Diving zombies? What a nuisance! What to do with them? My suggestion: plant wallflowers on lotus leaves, that's what.

5. Well, try typing "future"...... during gameplay to meet zombies from the "future"!

6. How many cherry bombs do you need to take out the giant zombies? Hint: More than one, less than three. Further hint: two.

7. If you want to add some mushrooms to your Zen garden, then it's best to try some night levels.

8. I wouldn't worry about exploding mushrooms causing permanent damage to the grass - the earth heals itself through time.

9. Ever tried clicking on the flowers on the main menu? Try! I'm here for it.

10.Legend has it that frozen zombies will eat slower, and I think the lore has it's place.

11. Ever heard of a feral zombie that hides? Some say he likes to hide in dimly lit places.

12. Is there anything cheaper than free? No! That's why Jet Mushrooms are so popular at night.

13. Want to add an aquatic plant to your Zen garden? Bet my bark you can find them inside the pond level.

14.Notice how the giant zombies sometimes use other zombies to smash into your plants? What the heck is going on?

15.Stinky snails apparently love chocolate - maybe too much. You know what - after enjoying chocolate, it doesn't even want to be quiet for a moment.

16. If you think going through Endless Survival Mode will only bring out aquatic plants, think again! This is where all types of plants appear!

17. People often ask: Where can I get chocolate? Maybe a better question would be: where is there no chocolate? It's in every game mode.

18.Tombstone moss, eh? Use it only when there's a tombstone on the right side of the grass, I guess - which is exactly what I'd choose.

19.I've heard that bucket zombies can take five times as much damage than regular zombies!

20. I hear that typing "mustache" gives those zombies a horrible transformation.

21. Will multiple snow peas make the zombies slower? Reality is harsh: no!

22. You know that zombies will crawl out of somewhere, right? So why don't you use tombstone moss in survival mode to get rid of those graveyards?

23.To find out how long a level is, just look at the ruler at the bottom right.

24.Roof cleaners - classic item heh, can't recommend it enough. When do they work best? Try the Jumping Party to find out.

25. If you're wondering if giving a dancing zombie a copy of Hypnotic Mushroom will make the dancing zombies he summons turn on you, the answer is: Yes.

26. Try "endless" survival mode. Next, see how much your bankroll has risen.

27.Do you think torchwood will melt snow peas? The answer is: correct - you're smart.

28. Those abominable plant zombies? What do they think they are, firing at your plants? Sacrifice a Wall Fruit to calm these guys down.

29. The mini-games "Dance Party" and "Skid Row" are really, really hard. Want them to be less "very"? Try Vulcan.

30.Just when you thought peppers were useless, the Tree of Wisdom tells you that they're also capable of destroying zombie skateways! Ping!

31.Once you've purchased the Mimic, click on the icon in the upper left corner of the plant icon to be able to check out this sucker.

32.The coins you get in the "Wall Fruit Bowling" mini-game are related to the number of times the Wall Fruit is ejected.

33. Don't tap the glass -- or, go ahead. Right-click on your aquarium, or "zombie house," to deafen the underwater guys.

34.When I was an acorn, my grandfather said to me, "Son, in the "Smash the Jar" puzzle, it's a lot easier if you smash the jar on the right first.

35.In the "I am a Zombie" puzzle, the dancing zombies may look expensive, but if they're dispatched properly, they'll be worth every penny you spend.

36.I had a dream in which the spikes from a cat's tail punctured a balloon and the zombie fell to the ground. I don't know what that means.

37.How can you not have an aquarium when you're growing aquatic plants inside a Zen garden? Well, just sayin'.

38.The digging zombies are going against the laws of nature with their subterranean activities - it looks like the only way to confiscate their digging shovels is to use magnet mushrooms.

39.Every day brings new challenges and opportunities, as well as - new marigolds in Crazy Dave's.

40.What's the point of the Mushroom Place? Ha! Not much use except for mushrooms, of course.

41.Tired? Frustrated? Did the ladder on the giant wall fruit break you down? Quickly use the Magnet Mushroom - it will instantly sweep your worries away.

42.The Giant Wall Fruit's towering stature is widely praised - for dolphin riders and jumping zombies, they're the gatekeepers.

43.Pepper and cherry bombs explode with far more power than simply washing away the ladders on the wallnuts.

44.It's true that you can feed all the chocolate to the Stinky Snail - he's such a glutton. But you also have to remember: the plants inside the Zen Garden love chocolate, too!

45.Torch stakes burn with fury, but lawn mowers, gates, ladders, and pitcher trucks don't eat it.

46.If you do rely on those upgraded plants in Endless Survival Mode, be warned: they become more and more expensive as the number available on the grass increases.

47. The little ghost zombies in the "I am a Zombie" puzzles look weak, but they're fast. When you have solved all the plants, you can use them to get the final "loot".

48. Type "trickedout" to see what happens to the lawnmower.

49-98. (50 feet tall) Thanks for fertilizing me! I can't think of anything new right now. But if I grow a little taller, I might come up with some new ideas!

99. Hey! I'm 100 feet tall! Congratulate me, type "daisies" and drop some daisies when the zombies are killed.

100-498. Thanks for fertilizing me! I can't think of anything new right now. However, if I grow a little taller, I might come up with some new ideas!

499. wow! I'm 500 feet tall! I'm 500 feet tall! Type "dance" and let the zombies swing!

500-998. Thanks for fertilizing me! I can't think of anything new right now. But if I grow a little taller, I might come up with some new ideas!

999. wow! I'm 1000 feet tall! Congratulate me by typing "pinata", the candy that scatters when a zombie dies!

1000. Thanks for fertilizing me! I've given you all my wisdom, but you can still make me grow taller!