Beautiful Japanese words and phrases

Japanese beautiful words and phrases are handed down from ancient Japanese, and all have remnants of the literary language.

Commonly used Japanese beautiful words and phrases include:

1. Self-ra労して自ら食うは、生命独立の本源なり。

Self-reliance is the root of independence in life.

2. A person is free to live in an area surrounded by other people's confusion.

People are free to the extent that they do not cause trouble to others.

3. The freedom to assert one's own freedom is infringed upon by the freedom of others.

To assert one's own freedom while infringing on the freedom of others can only be called capricious.


To trust too much in the wisdom of men, I fear that I shall eventually be cruelly avenged for it.

5. Aisarekoto is happy. Love is a happy thing.

Being loved is not necessarily happiness, but loving is really happiness.

6、Aiすることにかけては、Femaleこそ専門家で、Maleは永に素人である。 (Yukio Mishima)

When it comes to love, women are often the experts and men are always the amateurs.

7. Settling down kills love, while restlessness kills love.

Relationships perish in stability and rise in restlessness.

8. Men kill love with their eyes, and women fall in love with their ears.

Men love with their eyes, but women fall in love by sweet words.

9. もっとも永く続く爱は报われぬ愛である。

The longest lasting love is unrequited love.

10、人を信じよ、しかしその百倍も自らを信じよ。 -- Osamu Tezuka

Believe in others, and believe in yourself a hundred times more.

11, life is the first aspirational いつもいつもばかりを歩けるものではありません。 It is a must that the first ambition is to walk on the road, and then to say the best thing about oneself and the best thing about oneself and the best thing about oneself. --Watanabe Kazuko

People don't always walk according to their first choice. And, the first choice is not always the best for you.

12、Earthが人间として生きていくのに一番大切なは、头の良し悪しではなく、心の良し悪しだ。 --Nakamura Tenkaze

The most important thing in a person's existence as a human being is not the goodness of the head, but the goodness of the heart.

13. The good and the bad of mankind are determined by comparison with others, but they are also determined by the self. Hiroshi Ito

The merit of a person is not gained by comparing him with others, but is determined by himself.

14、Failure in the world is not a good thing. Choreography is a way of failing in the world. The time of Akirameta is the time of failure. --Kazuo Inamori

There is no such thing as failure. There is no failure when you challenge, there is failure when you give up.

15: If you concentrate your strength at one point, you will be able to achieve a great deal. --Kihachiro Onizuka

Concentrate on one point and you will be able to open a hole.

16、Lifeに梦があるのではなく、梦が人生をつくるのです。 --Utsuki Myoko

It is not life that has dreams; it is dreams that make life.

17、Successfulしている人はみな、途中であまり道を変えていない。 Ironically, the difficulties are so great that I lose my ambition, and in the end, the people who try to make it are generally successful. --Konosuke Matsushita

Successful people seldom change direction in the middle. No matter what difficulties they encounter, those who persevere to the end are more likely to succeed.

18. Heaven is the place where people are made to work, and people are made to work.

The heavens do not create people on top of people, nor do they create people underneath people.

19. People are born rich and poor. Those who are diligent in learning things are the noble and the rich, and those who are uneducated are the poor and the lowly. --Fukuzawa Sakayoshi

There is no such thing as a rich man or a poor man. But he who learns and knows all things becomes a nobleman and a rich man; and he who does not learn and knows nothing becomes a poor man and a lowly man.

20. Reading is the art of learning, and learning is the art of doing. --Fukuzawa Yukichi

Reading books is the way to do learning, and learning is the way to accomplish great things.

21 The ideal should not be too high, or the disappointment will be great.

Ideals are not too high, or the disappointment will be great. Deないと失望も大きいから。

22 Constantly pursuing dreams, one becomes more spirited.

Dreams are pursued 続けられたら、人はもっと元気になれる

23 "天无绝人之路"----"舍てる神あれば助ける神あり"


24. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ---- "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."


25, "The cart in the front is a warning to the cart in the back."---- "The former's overthrow is a warning to the cart in the back."


26,"Blue is better than blue. "----

"Green is better than blue"

27. あきらめずに、梦に追いかける。

Never give up and chase your dreams.

28. 人を信じよしかしその百倍も自らを信じよしかしその百倍も自らを信じよ. -Osamu Tezuka

Believe in others, and believe in yourself a hundred times more.

29.Life is the first thing you should do. It is necessary to do so, and the path of the first ambition is to walk on it, and to say the most good things about oneself and the best things about oneself and the best things about oneself. --Watanabe Kazuko

People do not always walk according to their first choice. And, the first volunteer is not always the best route for oneself.

30、Earthが人间として生きていくのに一番大切なは、头の良し悪しではなく、心の良し悪しだ。 --Nakamura Tenkaze

The most important thing in a person's existence as a human being is not the goodness of the head, but the goodness of the heart.

31.人间っていうのは、いい時にはみんないいい人なんだよ。 When you are in the worst state of affairs, you should ask about the nature of the person you are with. --Shiko Maehara

People are good when they are in good circumstances, but it is in bad circumstances that their nature is tested.

32. The merits and demerits of human beings are determined by comparison with others, but they are also determined by oneself. --Koji Ito

The superiority or inferiority of a human being is not obtained by comparison with others, but is determined by oneself.

33. To follow the majority, one must strain oneself. I am afraid of being alone, and I will not be able to do anything about it. --Tadao Ando

Following the majority is a sure way to lose yourself. You can only continue what you want to do without fear of loneliness.

34. Failure in the world is not an option. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do so, but I'm sure it's a good idea to do so, and I'm sure it's a good idea to do so. Akirameta

Time to fail. -- Kazuo Inamori

There is no such thing as failure. There is no failure when you challenge, but failure when you give up.

35. If you focus your strength on one point, you will be able to make a point. --Kihachiro Onizuka

Concentrate on one point and you will be able to open a hole.

36.The true spirit of the sword is to yaru, and the knowledge of the enemy is to come out. When the halfway point is reached, foolishness comes out. If I add or subtract something, I will start to talk about it.

When you do it seriously, you get wisdom; when you do it halfway, you get complaints; when you do it sloppily, you get excuses

37. Life is a dream, and a dream is a life. --Utsuki Myoko

It is not that there are dreams in life; it is the dreams that make life.

38.The person who succeeds in life is Mina, and on the way he changes his path. Ironically, the difficulties are so great that I lose my ambition

, but in the end, the people who try to make it are generally successful. --Konosuke Matsushita

Successful people seldom change direction in the middle. No matter what difficulties they encounter, those who persevere to the end are more likely to succeed.

39. Heaven does not create people above or below --Makayoshi Fukuzawa

Heaven does not create people above or below.

40There is no difference between the rich and the poor. Those who are diligent in their studies and know things well are the rich and the noble, and those who are uneducated are the poor and the lowly - Fukuzawa Sakayoshi

There is no such thing as the rich and the poor. But he who is learned and knows all things becomes a nobleman and a rich man, and he who is uneducated and ignorant becomes a poor and lowly man.

41、Reading is the art of learning, and learning is the art of doing - Fukuzawa Yukichi

Reading is the way to do learning, and doing learning is the way to achieve great things.

42. 1. A person believes in himself or herself a hundred times as much as he or she believes in himself or herself. -- Osamu Tezuka

Believe in others, and believe in yourself a hundred times more.

43、Life is the first ambition to walk through the streets. It is a must that the first ambition is to walk on the road, and then to say the best thing about oneself and the best thing about oneself and the best thing about oneself. --Watanabe Kazuko

People do not always walk according to their first choice. And, the first choice is not always the best route for oneself.

44、Earthが人间として生きていくのに一番大切なは、头の良し悪しではなく、心の良し悪しだ。 --Nakamura Tenkaze

What matters most in the existence of a person as a human being is not the goodness of the head, but the goodness of the heart.

45、Humanっていうのは、いい時にはみんないい人なんだよ。 When you are in the worst state of affairs, you should ask about the nature of the person. --Shiko Maehara

People are good when they are in good circumstances, but it is when they are in bad circumstances that their nature is tested.

46The superiority or inferiority of human beings is determined by comparison with others, but it is also determined by oneself. --Koji Ito

The superiority or inferiority of a person is not obtained by comparison with others, but is determined by oneself.

47. To follow the majority, one must work for one's own sake. I am afraid of being alone, and I will not be able to do anything about it.

Following the majority is a sure way to lose yourself. You can only continue what you want to do without fear of loneliness.

48、Failure in the world. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do so, but I'm sure it's a good idea to do so. Akirameta

Time to fail. -- Kazuo Inamori

There is no such thing as failure. There is no failure when you challenge, but failure when you give up.

49、Holdてる力を一点に集中させれば、必ずXXXXXがあく。 --Kihachiro Onizuka

Concentrate on one point, and you will be able to open a hole.

50、Truly................ When you're halfway there, you're foolish. If I add or subtract something, I will start to talk about it. --Vaijin Owaki

Wisdom comes out of doing things seriously, complaints come out of doing things halfway, and excuses come out of doing things sloppily
