Where does Qianshiyu Village belong to

Former Shiyu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Luqiao Township, Tantao County, Handan City, Hebei Province, with an urban and rural classification code of 210 for the township center. The zoning code is 130433203208, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 130433. The postal code is 057750, the long-distance telephone area code is 0310, and the license plate number is 冀D. The former Shiyu Village is adjacent to Muguanzhuang Village, Garden Village, Zhangguanzhai Village, Jiangzhuang Village, Wang Taoyuan Village, Song'erzhuang Village, Zhuangke Village, Mazhai Village, Liuhuangying Village, Mangguyong Village, Benshi Zhai Village, Houshiyu Village, Chen Luqiao Village, and Liuzhuang Village, which are adjacent to the village of Muguanzhuang. Luqiao Village, and Liuzhuang Village are adjacent to each other.

Front Shiyu Village near the northern ruins of Qingyang City, grain painting town Shoudong Village, Wei Canal, Tao Mountain sunset, Wang Zhanyuan Ancestral Hall and other tourist attractions, there are Tantao Black Wheat, Tantao Black Pottery, Tantao Eggs, Tantao Cucumber, Tantao Eggs, Tantao Eggs and other specialties.