People living in the world should not be born for the body, should not be chasing fame and fortune and live. And should live for their own beliefs, should live for their own soul. In the world as long as your spirit does not fall, you will have hope. Never say die in the spirit, it is as lofty mountains, the sea, burning sunshine, Xi Xi spring wind. It is the same age as heaven and earth, and the sun and the moon. Do not speak lightly of failure, or the flower of your life will wither.
Throughout history, the history of outstanding people have made extraordinary efforts, all have the spirit of extraordinary people. As a result, in the journey of life has created a brilliant performance. Imagine if there is no Sima Qian traveled thousands of miles to read thousands of books, if he did not have a lifetime of collecting and organizing, pen plowing, no he endured the unbearable pain of ordinary people, where there will be the birth of the historical masterpiece "the Records of the Grand Historian"; if there is no Li Shizhen trekked through the mountains and water, tasted a hundred herbs, without his decades of day-to-day sorting out the modifications, tireless exploration, where there will be a pharmacological dictionary of the "compendium of materia medica" of the birth of the.
In the human world, there is no surging sea, how could there be the beach clean and soft; there is no whetstone sharpening, how could there be the dazzling glory of the sword; there is no wind and rain, how could there be the strong sinews of the ancient trees. As the old saying goes, "Therefore, heaven will send a great task to the people, must first suffer their hearts and minds, labor their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, empty their bodies, and do whisking what they have done." Only through the baptism of suffering, in order to cast extraordinary performance. So there is "a thousand Tao tens of thousands of liquids although hard, blowing all the wild sand to get the gold" of the truth; so there is "not after some cold bone, that get the plum blossom fragrance" of the absolute song. In the face of setbacks in life, you can only defeat it to realize your value, your life will have meaning.
Life, suffering, thrill will be turned into your life in the "firefly", will tie you up, you are trapped in the darkness. Trapped in the darkness of you, do not say defeat, be brave to swing the sword of your life to pierce the "firefly" package, to pursue the sunshine outside, so that the chrysalis of life into a gorgeous colorful butterfly in the beautiful flowers under the delicate dance.
Keep your faith and carry your soul. With the "roc one day with the wind, rocking up 90,000 miles" of the bravado, with the "for grass as orchids, for wood as pine. Orchid fragrance wind foot, pine cold does not change the appearance of the backbone. To embrace your resounding steps to step out of the sky belongs to their own, to use your strong arm to raise the sun of hope. So, life is not shocking.
With the belief of never losing, you have the key to open the door of success. Let us never lose as our life North Star. Courageous in the rapids, rise in adversity. And there should be such a great feeling: "Ask the sky and the earth, who is the main sinking and floating"?