What is the best way to overcome exam nerves?

1. Speak up When something is bothering you, say it, don't keep it in your heart. Tell your worries to someone you trust and who has a cool head: your father or mother, husband or wife, a close friend, a teacher, a school counselor and so on.

2. Avoid for a while When things are not going well, you avoid for a while, go to see a movie or a book, or play a game, or go for a walk, a change of scenery, all this can make you feel relaxed. Forcing yourself to "keep things the way they are and put up with it" is nothing more than self-punishment. When you have calmed down emotionally, and when you and the other people involved are in a good position to solve the problem, then you are ready to come back and work on your problem.

3. If you feel the urge to scold someone who has provoked you, you should try to restrain yourself for a while and then put it off until tomorrow, while putting your inhibited energies to work on something worthwhile. For example, do something like gardening, cleaning, carpentry, or take a game of ball or a walk to calm your anger.

4. HumilityIf you feel like you're constantly arguing with people, consider whether you're being overly subjective and stubborn. Be aware that this type of bickering will have a negative impact on the behavior of your loved ones around you, especially your children. You can insist on what is right for you, but go quietly and give yourself room for error, because you can be wrong too. Even if you are absolutely right then you can be a little humble in your own way. When you do that, you usually find that others will do the same.

5. Do something for someone elseIf you've been feeling self-involved, try doing something for someone else, and you'll find that it transforms one's worries into energy, and gives you a sense of pleasure at having done something good.

6. Doing one thing at a time in a state of stress, even the normal workload sometimes can not bear. The workload seems so heavy that it is painful to do any part of it - even the things that need to be done. The surest way is to do the most urgent things first, devote all your energy to them, one at a time, and put the rest aside for a while. Once you've done them well, you'll realize that things aren't so scary at all. Once you've done those things, the rest are much easier to do.

7. Avoid the "superhuman" impulseSome people expect too much of themselves and are often in a state of worry and depression because they are afraid of failing to achieve their goals. No one is able to do everything perfectly. First of all, you have to judge which things you can do, and then put your main energy into them and do them to the best of your **effort and ability. When you can't do it, then don't make it difficult.

8. Criticism of people to be lenient Some people expect too much from others, when others do not meet their expectations, they feel discouraged, disappointed. The "others" may be their wives, husbands, or the children they want to raise according to their subjective wishes. People who are disappointed in their relatives' shortcomings are actually disappointed in themselves. Instead of criticizing the behavior of others, find the good in them and help build on it. This not only gives you satisfaction, but also makes you see yourself in a more correct light.

9. Give others the opportunity to go ahead When people are in an exciting and stressful situation, they always want to "win and be first" and put aside the advice of others, even though the matter is as small as driving ahead on the highway. If we all think this way - and most of us do - then everything becomes a race. Actually, it doesn't have to go that way. Competition is infectious. You don't hinder your own future by giving others the opportunity to be able to overtake you; and if someone else no longer feels that you are a hindrance to him, he won't be a hindrance to you either.

10. Make yourself "useful"

Many people have the feeling that they are "neglected", looked down upon and cast aside. In fact, this is just their own imagination, others are eager for you to make the first performance. It may be you, not others, who are looking down on you. Instead of retreating and avoiding, you should continue to make yourself useful - you need to make some initiative, and not wait for others to ask you.