There's the All-Star series, and there's a collated version on Twitter.
"I'll Suck" is supposed to be a very hot terrier in the second half of 2019 until now, and this blonde-haired handsome guy in a blue coat has made many people remember him with his bright and magical smile.
How did this terrier catch fire? The story begins with "At first I was like ..., but then I ..." which became popular in 2004. Yes, this kind of terrier picture comparing the former me and the present me has been popular since 2004, although the origin is early and old-fashioned, but the influence is not inferior to the new terriers now.
And the "I suck" stunt is a variation of the "former me, present me" stunt, which appeared in 2019 on what is known as the "American version of the posting bar". Reddit forums, the former representing one's past negative and fearful attitude towards "sucking," while the latter can be very upbeat and optimistic, saying "Hey! I just suck!" , creating a scenario of complete self-loathing.
If I were to use the DND camp grid to explain the change from "the old me to the new me," it would have to be a drastic change from good and orderly to chaotic and evil.
The first half is from the man Rich Evan at 6:22 in the short film "Rich Evans Anthology," and the second half is from the gallery site, with images by Danish photographer Yuri Arcurs and model Sean H.
The second half is from the gallery site, with images by Danish photographer Yuri Arcurs and model Sean H.
After "I Suck," the first half is from the short film "The Suck. Since then, "I suck" has become a major social network with its compatibility with any scenario, and the contrasting "laughs" of facing the same thing before and after, and has been made into a variety of terrier pictures and applied to various scenarios in work, life and entertainment.
"Emoticon" is a Chinese word that refers to a way of using pictures to express feelings. Emojis are a popular culture formed after the activation of social software. Emojis are popular on the Internet, and basically everyone knows how to make emojis.
In the period of the mobile Internet, people use popular celebrities, quotes, anime, movie and television screenshots as material, with a series of matching text, to express specific emotions.
On July 18, 2017, the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission released the Report on the State of Language Life in China (2017) in Beijing, and emoticons were selected as one of the top 10 new words in Chinese media in 2016.