The first day to go to the steam steam is neutral body, the next day to go to the steam how to become acidic body it

Nowadays, girls want to be thinner and thinner, each became a weight loss and slimming experts, talking about their own experience that is the head of the road.

What three-day apple meal, seven-day slimming soup, diet pills every day to eat, but also busy to go to the gym to do sports, spend the silver and hungry, thin is thin, but also unhealthy. The other day, a friend of mine ate what the stars special three-port diet meal, "bang" fainted on the ground.

When it comes to slimming down, I've been hungry, I've spent money, I've sweated, but the fat is still stubborn, and I can't consume it no matter how much I knock. When I was at the end of my rope, I met a friend I hadn't seen in a long time. She used to be a big fat, but now is a fair lady, asked about her weight loss tips, she mysteriously said a word: "tea". Said tea can accelerate fat metabolism: tea in the creatine, folic acid, pantothenic acid and other compounds have the ability to regulate fat metabolism. These two years she does not diet and exercise, is to drink more tea, slowly lost more than 20 pounds.

With the example of immediate results, I naturally want to try a good tea diet.

So I looked up a lot of information about tea, such as can inhibit the accumulation of belly fat black tea, that is a black tea made by the fermentation of black currant bacteria, which in the process of fermentation produces a Pernod component, which plays a role in preventing the accumulation of fat.

And then there is the oolong tea that burns body fat, which is semi-fermented tea that contains almost no vitamin C, but contains minerals such as iron and calcium, and contains ingredients that promote digestive enzymes and break down fat, so that it is not absorbed by the body and then discharged directly, preventing obesity triggered by too much fat intake.

There is also Dulcimer tea, which has a preventive and health-enhancing effect in addition to lowering neutral fat, because the ingredients contained in Dulcimer can promote metabolism and calorie consumption, which leads to weight loss. There are also Pu-erh tea and Bittering tea, etc., all of which are able to lose weight and reduce fat. Modern people like us, why do we have to spend a lot of money to take those diet pills that hurt our bodies?

Unfortunately, it is easy to think about, it is difficult to put into action.

The taste of tea for the early seasoning hanging heavy taste for me, simply its water, drink down feel like in the torment, cook a little thicker it, and bitter like Chinese medicine.

Bought the package of oolong tea, often in the morning a cup, to the next morning or not less. I don't drink it, I can't lose weight, add some sugar, and I'm afraid it won't work.

Later, the idea of lemon can be used to flavor the juice, put a few drops into the tea, sure taste very good. So I made a cup of tea, a few drops of lemon juice into the tea and lemon aroma with the hot steam up, smell, I know it must be very good to drink, taste a mouthful, it is more sweet aftertaste long.

Now, my body is getting better and better every day, and my friends are also holding the tea pots like me. Women, all want to lose weight, and now no longer need to starve, feel the world with tea is really good!

The art of drinking tea to lose weight

Everyone already knows that drinking tea is good for weight loss, but how to drink? When to drink it? Should you drink it hot or cold? What are the effects of each type of tea? Many people want to lose weight in a short period of time, using a variety of tricks, but once you resume a normal diet, the weight of the immediate recovery, really really disheartening. In fact, fat is not a day on the fat, but also can not be a day on the thin, so day by day with perseverance to adjust, you can also achieve the weight you want. Tell you, drink the right tea, you can also easily slimming? Which tea effect is better? How to drink? When to drink? The following information is provided for your good reference.

1. Sencha, matcha, green tea: contains vitamin c, e, amino acids, dietary fiber, etc., helps to reduce cholesterol, and can help digestion, cancer prevention, prevention of colds.

2. Pu-erh, oolong tea: hair category tea, rich in amino acids and fiber, in addition to lowering cholesterol, diuretic, but also helps to break down fat and promote metabolism.

3 black tea: Fachou tea helps digestion.

Know what tea to drink, but also need to know how to drink, when to help? If for weight loss, it is best to drink hot tea, no sugar, no creamer, or only sugar substitute. It's best not to drink it right after a meal, and it's more appropriate to drink it an hour later.

Drinking tea in moderation also depends on one's physical condition. If drinking tea makes you uncomfortable, such as stomach pain, or trouble sleeping, it's best to stop drinking tea in moderation.

But here is a reminder that the effect of drinking tea on weight loss is of a supplementary nature, and that the most important thing is to adjust your diet and exercise on a regular basis, so that you can really be healthy and lose weight, and have a significant effect.

Mulberry tea can eliminate body fat

The Chinese medicine will be mulberry leaves called "mulberry leaves", that its medicinal effect is extremely wide. It has the effect of relieving cough, removing heat, treating dizziness, eliminating eye fatigue, reducing swelling, clearing blood, curing dysentery and abdominal pain, tonifying the liver and beautifying the skin. Drinking mulberry leaf tea can also lose weight.

The water-inducing effect of mulberry leaves can not only promote urination, but also make the excess water accumulated in the cells drain away, so mulberry leaves can reduce swelling. Mulberry leaves can also be the blood of excess neutral fat and cholesterol discharge, that is, blood cleansing function.

Obesity is an excess of fat stored in the fat cells of the abdomen and spine. When the neutral fat in the blood decreases, the stored fat is released and consumed in the form of calories. This is repeated over and over again and the fat in the body is reduced. Thus weight loss and improvement of hyperlipidemia are interrelated. In addition, patients with hyperlipidemia have high blood viscosity, which flows particularly poorly through the capillaries. Capillaries are only as thick as 1/100th of our hair, so of course they tend to get clogged. Myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage are the result of capillary blockage. Mulberry leaves contain flavonoids that strengthen capillaries and reduce blood viscosity, so it has the effect of preventing myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage while losing weight and improving hyperlipidemia.

Oolong tea weight loss

Oolong tea is popular solely because of its fat-dissolving weight loss effect, and this claim does have a scientific basis. Because the main ingredient in the tea --- tannic acid, confirmed that there is a close relationship with the metabolism of fat, and experimental results have also confirmed that oolong tea can indeed reduce the cholesterol content of the blood, it is really unbeatable weight loss tea.

Experiments have shown that drinking one liter of oolong tea a day has the effect of inhibiting the rise of cholesterol. Although the amount of drinking should be decided according to the condition of each person's body, but when the food is too greasy, it is best to match the oolong tea, not only have a sense of satiety, but also can remove the grease.

Milk powder diet

"Milk powder diet", simply put, is to use the milk powder for babies to eat instead of rice, so that your body is reasonable and easy to lose weight, which is a very good way to lose weight.

There are many people who have tried many methods and failed, so try this method.

The powdered milk diet refers to the use of low-calorie powdered milk to replace the daily diet, basically one powdered milk a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all available and can be based on your own routine. If you drink milk powder in the morning, eat some low-calorie, easy-to-digest food for lunch and dinner, so that the stomach and intestines are accustomed to. Rice can be reduced to half of the usual, the amount of food is reduced to the usual 1 / 3. However, usually do not eat breakfast if the people in the morning drink milk powder, but will have the opposite effect. Because of the flat increase of 60 grams of powdered milk calories.

The most effective way to lose weight is to replace dinner with it to prevent excessive calorie intake. The milk powder used for weight loss is the baby milk powder sold in the market or the weight loss milk powder used for adults. Take 60~70 grams (4 tablespoons of curry spoon) at a time. Put it in a large cup and drink it with warm water.

Why is eating one meal of powdered milk a day effective for weight loss? This is because milk powder stays in the stomach for a long time, is low in calories and has a high nutritional value. 60 grams of milk powder (a single serving) contains about 331 kilocalories, half of which is a sugar called lactose contained in milk powder. This lactose is digested and absorbed by the human body in infants, but it is not easily digested when they grow up. As a result, when we drink powdered milk, we generally only consume half of the calories contained in the powdered milk, and if we use powdered milk as our main food, we can limit a meal to 166 calories. In terms of nutritional structure, milk powder is a complete food rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for infant growth, so there is no need to worry about malnutrition. From the point of fasting feeling due to the special composition of the milk powder, it can stay in the stomach for a long time, and adults can drink it and be as full as if they had eaten a meal.

Coffee Weight Loss

Caffeine in coffee has the effect of promoting lipolysis and releasing fat in the bloodstream. 30-40 minutes after drinking coffee, the concentration of fatty acids in the bloodstream will become higher, and then moderate exercise, fatty acids can be converted into heat, effectively burning fat. The popular coffee diet is simple and easy.

Morning: It is suitable to drink French coffee with added milk for breakfast, because milk can increase the sense of satiety. However, if you are on a diet, you must reduce the amount of milk, about 1/3 to 1/4 of the usual is enough. As for the amount of coffee, if it is a mug, as long as a cup is enough, if it is a general coffee cup, you have to drink 2 cups. Don't forget to exercise after drinking coffee.

Noon: After lunch, you should also get into the habit of drinking coffee, and it's black coffee, no sugar or creamer. It is best to choose Americano, because the caffeine content of this type of coffee is most suitable for weight loss needs, after drinking 2 to 3 cups can be.

Afternoon: do not just sit after eating, be sure to let the body have the opportunity to exercise, even if it is to lift the legs or do soft is also very good.

In this way, you can lose about 3 kilograms of weight a month.

Japanese study published five kinds of tea with weight loss

Drinking tea is not a purely leisure thing, it depends on what kind of tea you drink. Casual conversation while losing weight easily, well, isn't that a bit whimsical?! The results of a recent series of experiments in Japan show that there are some tea can effectively prevent obesity. Tea contains a lot of food fiber and food fiber can not be digested, stay in the abdomen for a long time, you will feel full. More importantly, it can also burn fat, the key to this role in the vitamin b1. tea rich in vitamin b1, is able to fully burn the body sugar and into the necessary substances of heat.

1, black tea: can inhibit the accumulation of abdominal fat a talk about obesity, people will immediately think of abdominal fat, and black tea to inhibit the increase of abdominal fat has a significant effect. Black tea is made of black currant fermentation, as the name suggests, is black. The fermentation process produces a Pernodal component, which serves to prevent the accumulation of fat. If you want to lose weight with black tea, it is best to drink freshly brewed strong tea. In addition, you should keep drinking 1.5 liters a day, one cup before and after meals, and stick to it for a long time.

2, Jim Naima tea: effective inhibition of sugar absorption Jim Naima's nickname is also known as the "sugar kill", after chewing its leaves and then eat sugar, there will be no sweet feeling in the mouth, the intake of natural reduction in the amount of sugar and carbohydrates absorption is reduced, and therefore the amount of converted into fat is relatively reduced. Jim Naima tea is not only effective in preventing and improving obesity, but also has an adjunctive role in the treatment of diabetes.

3, lotus leaf tea: ancient weight loss secret medicine a lotus flowers, leaves and fruits made of drinks, not only can make people light and refreshing, but also to improve the color of the face, the role of weight loss. Make full use of the lotus leaf tea to lose weight, need some tips. Firstly it must be a strong tea, the second brew is not effective. Secondly, it is divided into 6 times a day to drink, people with signs of constipation can drink 4 packets a day, divided into 4 times to drink, so that the stool is smooth, more favorable to weight loss. Thirdly it is best to drink on an empty stomach. The advantage is that there is no need to diet, lotus leaf tea after drinking for a period of time, the love of food will naturally change, become not love to eat greasy food.

4, oolong tea: can burn body fat oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea, almost no vitamin c, but rich in iron, calcium and other minerals, containing the promotion of digestive enzymes and decomposition of fat components. A cup of oolong tea before and after meals can promote the decomposition of fat, so that it is not absorbed by the body directly out of the body, to prevent obesity caused by excessive fat intake.

5, Dulcimer tea: can reduce neutral fat because Dulcimer contains ingredients that can promote metabolism and calorie consumption, and make weight loss. In addition to this there is the prevention of aging, the role of physical fitness.

First of all, we need to find out the reason for the fat. Why do people get fat? On a fundamental reason: input > consumption! You eat too much, the body does not need so many nutrients, it will turn it into fat accumulation. To keep yourself from getting fat, you must keep doing: daily calorie intake = calories consumed by the body. In order to lose weight, you must do: daily consumption of calories > intake of calories. This is the principle of weight loss. So how exactly do you lose weight?

1, strict adherence to and the development of "eat well in the morning, eat full in the afternoon, eat less in the evening" eating habits, which "eat less in the evening" is the key to weight loss! Here are three points that must be noted: First, you must eat breakfast. People who do not eat breakfast, easy to get fat. Because after a night's sleep, the body has more than 10 hours has been consuming energy without eating, the human body needs to be rich in carbohydrates for breakfast to re-supply, store energy, do not eat breakfast so that people at lunch a strong sense of emptiness and hunger, unknowingly eat too much food, excess energy will be converted into fat in the body; two is the midday meal must be full. Not eat full at noon, the evening is bound to be hungry, "late to eat less" will be difficult to do; Third, the evening must try to eat as little as possible! And dinner do not eat meat, sweets, fried food, drink some light noodle soup, rice soup can be, do not drink salty soup. Many successful dieters coincide with the secret is: after nine o'clock in the evening resolutely do not eat, also resolutely do not drink water! This is the key to keep their curves beautiful. It is true that many experts have said that people who want to maintain a slender figure, too rich dinner, night snacks, calories are unable to consume. According to the human body's biological clock operation shows that after nine o'clock, the body's organs function has been basically in a weak state, and that is also the time to accumulate fat. And our normal dinner eaten under the things need 5 hours to be completely digested, this excess calories, day after day will cause excessive accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the fate of obesity also quietly descended, so keep in mind that after nine o'clock in the evening absolutely prohibit eating.

Some people say: nine o'clock before I was hungry, how to do? Then eat apples. Apples can lose weight. Apples can regulate the stomach and intestines, antidiarrheal, laxative, eliminating food and resolving the accumulation of food, can treat high blood pressure, reduce blood cholesterol. Apple is a low-calorie food, to apple hunger can make the body intake of calories to reduce, at the same time apples and contains essential types of amino acids, proteins, a variety of vitamins, minerals and carotene, etc., can basically meet the human body's essential, but also be fully digested and absorbed by the human body, there is very little waste, but also reduces the burden on the intestines and stomach, kidneys, so that the waste in the body to be discharged to the full, so that blood The company's website is a great source of information about the company's products and services.

2, insist on walking briskly for more than half an hour after dinner. Many people obese parts mainly in the buttocks and abdomen, such people have a **** the same characteristics, either long-term paperwork, or do not love activities. Long time sitting in front of the desk, in front of the microcomputer, in front of the TV, the excess calories can not be consumed, it is converted into fat deposited in the abdomen and buttocks. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you must change the inactive lifestyle, to increase exercise, consume excess calories.

Morning exercise is not as good as evening exercise. From the human body state, people sleep all night, the morning body is in a state of dehydration, blood viscous, put into strenuous exercise, may cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction and other dangers (if you like to exercise in the morning, it is recommended that you scrub up and drink 1-2 cups of boiled water, and then go to exercise). From the environment, some poisonous gases in the air are difficult to evaporate before the sun comes out, which is also not suitable for exercise. In terms of the subsequent reaction, it is easy to eat more after a morning workout, instead of increasing your intake.

Exercising after dinner is mainly to burn off the excess calories in the body. However, it is not advisable to be active immediately after dinner, when blood is concentrated in the intestines and stomach for digestive work, and immediate activity affects digestion. It is better to go out for activities half an hour after eating dinner. The ideal way to exercise is to walk fast, and the time to last more than half an hour, so that the body's fat cells will be fully mobile, aerobic respiration in order to oxidize the body fat, so aerobic exercise in order to lose weight. Strenuous running, up and down, the body is in a certain degree of oxygen deficiency, is not able to oxidize fat.

3, do not eat sweets. Protein does not make people fat, sugar will make people fat. Because sugar in the body is very easy to be decomposed or absorbed, is the main source of human calories. The vast majority of food contains sugar, those sugars have ensured that your body needs. Extra excessive consumption of sweets can induce the pancreas to release large amounts of insulin, prompting the conversion of glucose into fat. Most fat people, have a sweet tooth. To lose weight, try not to eat sweets. (Middle school students are best not to quit eating sweets, because sweets can enhance memory).

4, eat slowly. Chewing more often when eating, chewing and swallowing slowly, which is not only conducive to saliva and gastric juices to digest food, but also helps to reduce eating. Food into the body, blood sugar rises to a certain level, the brain appetite center will send a signal to stop eating, too fast eating, the brain sends a signal to stop eating before you have eaten too much. So eat slowly, eat to eighty percent full as appropriate.

There are many specific small ways to lose weight, such as vinegar, quit drinking white wine, do not eat snacks, etc., but I think as long as you do the above most important four points can be. The key is to insist! The key is to develop habits! This is what I did, did not take any diet pills, did not deliberately diet, did not deliberately exercise, according to the above four points to do and turn it into my habits, a year my weight dropped 20 pounds! Isn't the effect very obvious? I think that only this kind of weight loss is scientific weight loss! Only this kind of weight loss is effective weight loss! Only such weight loss is healthy weight loss! Friends who want to lose weight may want to try.

........................................................ Well, there's ........................

Introduction of the fruit diet:

Fruit diet

It means that in addition to the fruit, nothing to eat, the whole day only eat fruit, until eat full. Of course, not all fruits are suitable for weight loss, the more effective weight loss fruits are apples, kiwi fruit, raisins and so on.

Principle of weight loss:

Eating fruits can make people lose weight in a short period of time, because eating only one kind of thing can reduce our intake of food. High-fiber fruits, in particular, can make our metabolism faster, so it is worth losing weight.

Fruit diet tips

1 . The daily calorie intake should not be less than 800-1000 kcal per day

2 . If you eat only fruits, your protein intake will be insufficient, so you can drink some milk every day to supplement.

3 . Don't eat only one kind of fruit, otherwise the nutrition will not be even enough.

Pros and cons of fruit diet

1 . Weight loss is fast, but the weight can easily come back.

2 . Eating only fruits for a long period of time can make blood pressure low, women's menstruation may be irregular or not come, or cause hair splitting, so it should not be done for a long period of time.

3 . It will be malnourished

Fruit diet q